Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

  • Applying to UC San Diego Application | Applicant | Apply | Course | Courses | Which

  • How and when do I apply to UC San Diego? Application | Applicant | Apply

    UC San Diego enrolls for Fall term only. Using the UC application, apply the year before you plan to enroll. The UC Application opens on August 1 and applications may be submitted November 1-30. Review the Freshman Timeline and Transfer Timeline for more details.

  • Can I get into UC San Diego? Application | Applicant | Apply | GPA | Average| Test | Score | Scores | Competitive

    UC San Diego is a competitive university. Admitted students always exceed the minimum requirements for admission. Learn more about the average GPA and standardized test scores for Freshman Admitted Students and Transfer Admitted Students.

  • Academics & Majors Academic | Major | UC San Diego | Declare | Declaring | College | Colleges | Major | Majors | Which

  • What majors are offered at UC San Diego?

    We offer 130+ undergraduate majors in nearly every subject you can imagine. Review our undergraduate majors and decide which is best for you.

  • Can I apply to UC San Diego without declaring a major? Majors | Declare | Declaring

    Freshmen may be admitted to UC San Diego as undeclared. Transfer students must be admitted into a major and may not be admitted as undeclared. If you need help selecting a major, speak with an academic counselor to help you select a major that matches your interests.

  • What is a capped major? Majors | Declare | Declaring

    Capped majors are majors with limited enrollment. We strongly suggest that you submit an alternate major on your application and that your alternate major not be capped. If you are not admitted into a capped major, you may be admitted to your alternate major. Freshmen not admitted into a capped major may be admitted as undeclared. Transfers are not admitted as undeclared and will not be admitted to the university if you are not admitted to your major.

  • How do I select a College? Colleges | Revelle | Muir | Thurgood Marshall | Warren | Eleanor Roosevelt | Sixth

    UC San Diego's Colleges are academic tracks with a specific educational philosophy, as well as unique living/learning spaces. Learn more about our Colleges and the amenities that make each stand out.

  • What is the College System at UC San Diego?Colleges | Revelle | Muir | Thurgood Marshall | Warren | Eleanor Roosevelt | Sixth

    You do not select a College; we do it for you. If you receive an offer of admission from UC San Diego, you will be notified of the College to which you have been assigned.

  • Which College is best for my major? Colleges | Revelle | Muir | Thurgood Marshall | Warren | Eleanor Roosevelt | Sixth | Majors

    The College which you are assigned has no impact on your major. No single College is better than any other. You may major in any subject at any College.

  • Why do I need to rank my College preferences on my UC Application? Colleges | Revelle | Muir | Thurgood Marshall | Warren | Eleanor Roosevelt | Sixth

    On your UC Application, you will be asked to rank your College preferences. We will try our best to assign you to your top picks. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be admitted to your primary College selection.

  • Cost & Financial Aid Financial Aid | Cost | Paying

  • How much does it cost to attend UC San Diego? Financial Aid | Cost | Paying

    Tuition costs differ for California residents and out-of-state/international students. Learn more about tuition, cost of living and what you can expect to pay during your enrollment at UC San Diego.

  • How do I pay for UC San Diego? Financial Aid | Cost | Paying

    There are many ways to finance your higher education. At UC San Diego, we believe every talented, intelligent and hard-working student admitted to our school should be able to attend, regardless of income. There is money available and experts on our campus who can help you take advantage of it. Learn more about costs and financial aid that apply to you.

  • I am not a resident of California. Can I receive financial aid or can I establish residency? Financial Aid | Cost | Paying

    Students from other U.S. states are not eligible for California financial aid. However, UC will help you receive federal financial aid for which you are eligible. International students are not eligible to receive federal or state financial aid. To be granted a visa, international students must prove sufficient funds to meet all expenses for studying in the U.S. Learn more about paying for college and California residency for tuition purposes.

  • Veterans Veteran | Veterans | Military Affiliation | Affiliated | Armed Services | Applying | Apply | Begin| Benefits | ROTC Campus Office | On Off Campus Resources | VA

  • I'm a veteran and I am thinking of applying to UC San Diego. Where should I begin? Veteran | Veterans | Military Affiliation | Affiliated | Armed Services | Apply | VA

    Welcome and thank you for your service. UC San Diego is home to 300 student veterans. We have many resources and services dedicated to helping you transition from the military to college life. We have a Veterans page dedicated to helping you get started with your application to UC San Diego as an Undergraduate student.

  • Where can I find more information about on- and off-campus resources for Veterans? Veteran | Veterans | Military Affiliation | Affiliated | Armed Services | On Off Campus Resources | VA

    Use the links on our Veterans page to connect directly to a wide range of helpful resources.

  • I'm wondering if there are any specific benefits available to Veterans? Veteran | Veterans | Military Affiliation | Affiliated | Armed Services | VA

    Yes. We offer many benefits specifically for veterans, including financial aid for you and your dependents, priority class registration (after the first quarter), a welcome week orientation, active student veterans organizations and a student veterans resource center. Learn more about the complete scope of veterans benefits available at UC San Diego.

  • Does UC San Diego have an ROTC campus office? Veteran | Veterans | Military Affiliation | Affiliated | Armed Services | VA

    No, UC San Diego does not have an ROTC campus office. ROTC programs at San Diego State University and the University of San Diego handle UC San Diego's ROTC process. Learn more about using ROTC funds at UC San Diego.

  • Freshmen Freshman | Freshmen | Transcript | Transcripts | A-G | Requirements | State | Course | Courses | Homeschooled | Arts | Major | Portfolio | Department | Resident | College | Ranking

  • What are A-G requirements? Freshman | Freshmen

    A-G requirements are the subjects required by the UC system. You must complete 11 of the 15 courses before your senior year. See above for specific subjects and the number of required and recommended years.

  • How do my out of state courses match up? Freshman | Freshmen

    There is no pre-approved course list for schools outside of California.

  • What if I was homeschooled? Freshman | Freshmen

    You must receive a high school diploma, or a General Education Diploma (GED), or a Certificate of Proficiency. You must also meet the Examination requirement listed on this page.

  • When do I submit my transcripts? Freshman | Freshmen

    Do not submit transcripts with your application. If you are admitted to UC San Diego and accept our offer of admission, you will send your final transcripts by July 1.

  • I'm an arts major. How do I submit my portfolio? Freshman | Freshmen

    The Division of Arts & Humanities at UC San Diego is committed to a diverse incoming class and is actively seeking applicants who wish to major in History, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Theatre & Dance and Visual Arts. Submitting a portfolio is a way to enhance your overall UC San Diego application.


    • Any incoming freshman interested in pursuing a major in one of the Arts departments (Music, Theatre & Dance, Visual Arts) may submit an optional portfolio/audition tape.


    • Any incoming freshman interested in pursuing a major in History, Literature or Philosophy may submit an optional writing sample/portfolio.

    Undeclared Arts & Humanities Majors

    • Undeclared Arts & Humanities majors are welcome to submit a portfolio in your area of primary interest.

    You may begin reviewing the submission requirements and loading your materials on October 1. However, you must complete your basic UC San Diego application before you will be able to complete this supplemental submission, as you will need your application ID number from the UC San Diego application. The department faculty will review the art portfolio/audition tape and share their evaluations with UC San Diego's Admissions Committee. Click here to submit a portfolio (after you have applied to UC San Diego).

  • How can I be sure I qualify as a California resident? Freshman | Freshmen

    Living at a California address does not mean you automatically have resident status in terms of tuition. The financial independence requirement makes it extremely difficult for most undergraduate students whose parents are not California residents to qualify for classification as a resident at the University of California. This includes students from community colleges and other post-secondary institutions within California. Transfer students who were classified as residents of California at their previous school should not assume that they will be classified as residents at UC San Diego. See the Registrar's Office webpages for more information on California residence for fees and tuition.

  • How should I select a College? Freshman | Freshmen

    Technically, you do not select a College. We do that for you. We ask you to rank your order of College preference on your application so we can keep it in mind during the College assignment process.

  • Will I get assigned to the first College on my rankings list? Freshman | Freshmen

    We do our best to assign you to a College that matches your rankings but we cannot guarantee you will be assigned to your highest-ranked College. Not to worry, though. Every College at UC San Diego features an exceptional academic program, friendly advisors, unforgettable traditions and state-of-the-art living facilities.

  • Do specific majors require a specific College selection? Freshman | Freshmen

    Nope! You may major in any subject you wish, no matter which College you are assigned.

  • Will my College rankings impact my admission? Freshman | Freshmen

    Not at all. We assign students to Colleges after they have been admitted to UC San Diego.

  • International Students Internationals | Transcript | IB | International Baccalaureate | Applicants

  • How do my international courses match up? Internationals | Transcript | IB | International Baccalaureate | Applicants

    Visit the International Students webpage for additional information about the qualifications for International students.

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Freshman | Freshmen | Internationals | Transcript | IB | International Baccalaureate

  • I can't find my College Board test scores on the Triton Checklist - where are they? Advanced Placement AP Exams

    AP grade reports for tests taken in May are sent to the colleges or universities you designated beginning July 15. You can expect actual delivery by July 22. You should have designated the institution to which your grade reports should be sent to on your answer sheets or on subsequent grade report requests.

    Some grade reports take longer to reach us for three main reasons:

    1. inconsistent student identification information;

    2. late return of exam materials to the AP program; and

    3. some students test late using an alternative form of the exam.

    If you requested your exams in May and they qualify for academic credit, the scores and credit will display on TritonLink in the student’s Academic History by July 25.

  • What do I do if I've confirmed with College Board that all my scores were sent, but I still can't find them on the Triton Checklist? Advanced Placement AP Exams

    Official Advanced Placement scores will display on the Triton Checklist for students who have accepted the offer of admission when College Board sends AP scores to UC San Diego electronically in mid July. If your test scores are not showing by that time, please email us at with the following information:

    • date/s you requested your scores from College Board
    • names used each time you took the exam (even if it only varies by the inclusion or exclusion of a middle initial)
    • the year in which you took the exams
    • the method of delivery you chose—one week or rush delivery.
  • What can I do if I requested my test scores after the month of May? Advanced Placement AP Exams

    If you requested your tests after the month of May, we might not receive your test scores by the July 15deadline. Therefore we cannot guarantee these scores will be posted in time for your enrollment. Tests are processed in the order they are received. Please allow a minimum of two weeks after you receive your confirmation from College Board that your scores have been sent. This will allow processing time for credit to be posted in the Triton Checklist.

  • I provided inconsistent information on my tests. What should I do? Advanced Placement AP Exams

    If the name you used varied in each testing sitting, College Board will not be able to match your name and will not be able to send us one grade report for the cumulative tests taken. If this is the case, you will need to request from College Board that a grade report, including AP grades from all prior years, be sent to UC San Diego.

  • What is the College Board code for UC San Diego? Advanced Placement AP Exams

    The number to use for College Board is 004836.

  • Why is it important that I send in my AP English Language and/or AP English Composition Scores?

    A score of 3 or higher fulfills the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement.

  • Why is it important that I send in my AP Calculus scores? Advanced Placement AP Exams

    AP Calculus scores are used to verify prerequisites for math courses. Scores of 3 or higher on the AP calculus AB exam earn 4 units of math credit (8 units for BC scores of 3 or higher). Scores of 2 may be used to place into introductory calculus courses (see UC San Diego General Catalog - Advanced Placement Credit).

    If you have any questions regarding your math placement, please visit the Math Testing and Placement website or contact the Math Testing and Placement office at

  • I've taken AP Calculus tests but have not sent my scores yet. What should I do? Advanced Placement AP Exams

    If you have received:

    • an AP calculus AB score of 2 or higher; or

    • a BC score of 3 or higher; or

    • if you received a BC score of 1 or 2 WITH an AB subgrade of 2 or higher,

    then you should request from the College Board that your AP Calculus scores be sent to UC San Diego immediately.

    (NOTE: AP Calculus AB scores of 1 or BC scores of 1 or 2 WITH an AB subgrade of 1 will not satisfy any prerequisites for math courses.)

  • Where can I look to be sure my AP Calculus scores have been sent here? Advanced Placement AP Exams

    Check your AP Student Grade Report. If the College Code 4836 is listed, then your scores have been sent to the UC San Diego Admissions Office.

    Since your AP calculus scores may not be received and posted before the online enrollment period, you should also send a copy of your AP Student Grade Reports showing your AP Calculus score to the Math Testing and Placement Office (fax 858-534-1011 or email as early as possible.

    Include your PID, your desired math placement, and your contact information on the fax or email. Once the Math Testing and Placement Office has received your AP Student Grade Report, they will pre-authorize you to enroll in your desired math course subject to the prerequisite you met and the timely receipt of your fax or email.

  • How do I request IB transcripts? Advanced Placement AP Exams | Transcript | IB | International Baccalaureate

    To request International Baccalaureate (IB) transcripts, go to the IB website.

    In order to complete the request form, you may need some of the following information:

    University of California, San Diego
    Office of Admissions
    9500 Gilman Dr. # 0021
    La Jolla, CA 92093-0021
    United States

  • Applicant Portal Application | Apply | Applicant | Portal | Trouble | Log | Logging

  • What is the Applicant Portal? Application | Apply | Applicant | Portal

    New applicants will be invited to log into the Applicant Portal where they can complete Checklist tasks and learn of their application decision in the spring. All applicants will receive an email notification in mid-December with login instructions to create their account at that time.

  • Who do I contact if I'm having trouble logging into the Applicant Portal? Application | Apply | Applicant | Portal | Log | Logging

    Look for an email invitation from UC San Diego containing Applicant Portal Login Instructions sent in mid-December to the email address you provided on your UC Application. You might need to look in your SPAM folder. The email will provide the Portal Link, Username and Pin to create your account. If you do not receive the email, please contact and ask that they resend the email to you.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (2024)
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    Name: Rueben Jacobs

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    Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.