Grand Slam - Slovenski prevod - Linguee (2024)

The following Grand Slam tennis tournaments: Australian Open and US Open, quarter finals, semi-finals and finals involving a Belgian player.

naslednji teniški turnirji za Grand Slam: Australian Open in US Open, tekme četrtfinala, polfinala in finala, na katerih sodeluje belgijski teniški igralec ali igralka.

This all-Ireland team won the Six Nations – the Grand Slam.

To vseirsko moštvo je zmagalo na turnirju Six Nations – na turnirju za Grand Slam.

Grand Slam tournaments: all matches with Belgian players from the quarter-finals onward and all finals (singles)

teniški turnirji za Grand Slam: vse tekme z belgijskimi igralci od četrtfinala naprej (posamezniki)

Belgian Formula 1 Grand Prix Flemish Community: live and in full French Community: live and in full EN 18. The following Grand Slam tennis tournaments: Roland Garros and Wimbledon, quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals involving a Belgian player

Formula 1 – Velika nagrada Belgije; flamska skupnost: neposredno in v celoti; francoska skupnost: neposredno in v celoti; SL 18. naslednji teniški turnirji za Grand Slam: Roland Garros in Wimbledon, tekme četrtfinala, polfinala in finala belgijskega teniškega igralca ali igralke; flamska skupnost: neposredno in v celoti; francoska skupnost: neposredno in v celoti

Article 43, paragraph 1, point (d) (d) supporting slam fisheries related installation and promoting tourist activities

Člen 43, odstavek 1, točka (d) (d) podporo objektom za „slam“ ribolov in spodbujanju turističnih dejavnosti

supporting slam fisheries related installation and promoting tourist activities

podporo objektom za "slam" ribolov in spodbujanju turističnih dejavnosti

If a manually-operated service door is fitted with a slam lock it shall be of the two-stage type.

Če so delovna vrata z ročnim odpiranjem opremljena z zaskočnim zapahom, je to dvostopenjski zapah.

The Grand-Ducal Regulation (GDR) of 30 May 1994 (3) concerning the production of electrical energy using renewable energy sources or cogeneration (green electricity) imposed an obligation to purchase green electricity on Cegedel, at that time the sole general distributor of grid electricity in Luxembourg.

Uredba Velikega vojvodstva z dne 30. maja 1994 (3) o proizvodnji električne energije iz obnovljivih virov energije ali soproizvodnje toplote in električne energije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: okolju prijazna električna energija) zahteva odkup te okolju prijazne električne energije pri podjetju Cegedel, ki je bil takrat edini splošni koncesionar elektroenergetskega omrežja v Luksemburgu.

The Law of 15 March 1983 on arms and munitions and the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 31 October 1995 on the import, export and transit of arms, munitions and equipment specifically intended for military use and the related technology constitute the relevant legal basis in this area.

Zakon z dne 15. marca 1983 o orožju in strelivu in uredba Velikega vojvodstva z dne 31. oktobra 1995 v zvezi z uvozom, izvozom in prevozom orožja, streliva in opreme, posebej namenjenega za vojaško uporabo, in tem povezano tehnologijo predstavljata primerno pravno podlago na tem področju.

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has yet to send to the Commission its first report on the promotion of biofuels, which was to be submitted before the 1 July 2004.

Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg še vedno ni predložilo prvega poročila o pospeševanju rabe biogoriv, ki bi moralo biti predloženo 1. julija 2004.

By the contested decision the Commission concluded that the set-aside premium per hectare financed by an inter-trade contribution in the context of the ‘Plan Rivesaltes’ and the promotional and operational activities of the controlled designations of origin ‘Rivesaltes’, Grand Rousillon’, ‘Muscat de Rivesaltes’ and ‘Banyuls’ financed by inter-trade contributions constituted State aid within the meaning of Article 87 EC.

Z izpodbijano odločbo je Komisija ugotovila, da so premija za opustitev pridelave na hektar, ki se financira z interprofesionalnim prispevkom v okviru „Plan Rivesaltes“, in oglasnopromocijske akcije ter akcije za delovanje kontroliranih geografskih porekel „Rivesaltes“, „Grand Rousillon“,Muscat de Rivesaltes“ in „Banyuls“, ki se financirajo z interprofesionalnimi prispevki, državne pomoči v smislu člena 87 ES.

The Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg failed to communicate to the Commission by 15 March 2005 the report containing the information required under Article 3(2) of Decision No 280/2004 on, firstly, national policies and measures which limit and/or reduce greenhouse gas emissions by sources or enhance removals by sinks, presented on a sectoral basis for each greenhouse gas and, secondly, national projections of greenhouse gas emissions by sources and their removal by sinks as a minimum for the years 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020, organised by gas and by sector.

Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg Komisiji do 15. marca 2005 ni posredovalo poročila o informacijah, določenih v členu 3(2) Odločbe 280/2004, prvič, o nacionalnih politikah in ukrepih, ki omejujejo in/ali zmanjšujejo emisije toplogrednih plinov po virih ali povečajo odstranjevanje po ponorih, predstavljenih na sektorski osnovi za vsak toplogredni plin, in, drugič, o nacionalnih projekcijah emisij toplogrednih plinov po virih in njihovega odstranjevanja po ponorih, najmanj za leta 2005, 2010, 2015 in 2020, organiziranih po plinih in sektorjih.

If the answer is in the negative, is the general principle of an effective remedy under Community law, prompted by Articles 6 and 13 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 4 November 1950, to be interpreted as precluding national rules such as those established in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by Article 20(5) of the Amended Law of 5 May 2006 on the right of asylum and complementary forms of protection, pursuant to which an applicant for asylum does not have a right to appeal to a court against the administrative authority’s decision to rule on the merits of the application for international protection under the accelerated procedure?

Če je odgovor negativen, ali je treba splošno načelo učinkovitega pravnega sredstva po pravu Skupnosti, ki izhaja iz členov 6 in 13 Evropske konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin z dne 4. novembra 1950, razlagati tako, da nasprotuje nacionalni ureditvi, kot je bila v Velikem vojvodstvu Luksemburg uvedena s členom 20(5) zakona z dne 5. maja 2006 o pravici do azila in dodatnih oblik mednarodne zaščite, kot je bil spremenjen, ob uporabi katere prosilec za azil nima nobenega sodnega pravnega sredstva proti odločbi upravnega organa, da bo o utemeljenosti prošnje za mednarodno zaščito odločeno v pospešenem postopku?

In relation to the Court of Justice itself, the amendments are intended to establish the office of Vice-President of the Court and to determine the tasks to be entrusted to him/her (Articles 9a, new, and 39, second paragraph), to modify the composition of the Grand Chamber (Article 16, second paragraph), to increase the quorum for decisions by the Grand Chamber and the full Court (Article 17, third and fourth paragraphs), and to abolish the reading at the hearing of the report presented by the Judge-Rapporteur (Article 20, fourth paragraph).

Namen sprememb glede Sodišča je ustanoviti funkcijo podpredsednika Sodišča in določiti njegove naloge (novi člen 9a in člen 39, drugi odstavek), spremeniti sestavo velikega senata (člen 16, drugi odstavek), dvigniti prag sklepčnosti za odločanje velikega senata in občne seje (člen 17, tretji in četrti odstavek), ter v okviru obravnave odpraviti branje poročila, ki ga predloži sodnik poročevalec (člen 20, četrti odstavek).

The Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg was required to transmit to the Commission, no later than 31 December 2003, a report on the effectiveness of the provisions of the directive, covering the period from 18 January 2001 to 31 December 2002.

Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg je bilo dolžno predložiti Komisiji, najkasneje do 31. decembra 2003, poročilo o učinkovitosti določb te direktive, ki zajema obdobje od 18. januarja 2001 do 31. decembra 2002.

M1 This class applies to instruments used in locations with vibration and shocks of low significance, e.g. for instruments fastened to light supporting structures subject to negligible vibrations and shocks transmitted from local blasting or piledriving activities, slamming doors, etc.

M1 Ta razred se nanaša na instrumente, ki se uporabljajo na lokacijah z manjšimi vibracijami in sunki, npr. na instrumente, pritrjene na lahke nosilne konstrukcije ter izpostavljene zanemarljivim vibracijam in sunkom iz bližnje okolice, ki jih povzročajo dejavnosti lokalnega razstreljevanja ali zabijanja pilotov, loputanje z vrati itd.

So do not let us suddenly slam the door on one of the safest and most secure industries that we have in Europe, when this year alone, we have already invested GBP6billion in exploratory work in the North Sea and off the coast of Shetland.

Zato ne smemo zaloputniti vrata pred eno najvarnejših in najzanesljivejših industrij v Evropi, če smo samo letos vložili 6milijard EUR v iskanje nafte na Severnem morju in na morskem dnu ob Shetlandskih otokih.

This amendment supports the amendments to Article 30(4) to provide protection against slamming.

Ta sprememba podpira spremembe člena 30(4) za zagotovitev zaščite pred prenosom telefonskih storitev brez privolitve („slamming“).

Are Article 40(3)(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 and Article 93 of the Consolidated Laws of 14 July 1994 on medical care and sickness insurance benefit contrary to Article 18 of the EC Treaty in that, where a worker lives and works in a type A country (in this case, Belgium) and moves to a type B country (in this case, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg), they give rise to discrimination to the detriment of a worker exercising her right of free movement in not permitting the grant to her, during the first year of incapacity for work, of an allowance that takes into account the length of time worked and the period of contribution in the type A country (Belgium)?

Ali sta člen 40(3)(b) Uredbe (EGS) št. 1408/71 in člen 93 usklajenih zakonov z dne 14. julija 1994 o zdravstvenem zavarovanju in nadomestilih v nasprotju s členom 18 ES, ker naj bi delavca, ki prebiva in dela v državi tipa A (v tem primeru Belgiji) in se nato preseli v državo tipa B (v tem primeru Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg) ter tako izvršuje pravico do prostega gibanja, diskriminirala, s tem da ne dovoljujeta, da se mu v prvem letu nezmožnosti za delo dodeli nadomestilo, v katerem se upošteva delovno dobo in dobo plačevanja prispevkov v državi tipa A (Belgiji)?

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has not fulfilled the obligation laid down in Article 80(2) of Regulation (EC) No 6/2002, under which each Member State is to communicate to the Commission not later than 6 March 2005 a list of Community design courts, indicating their names and their territorial jurisdiction.

Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg ni izpolnilo obveznosti iz člena 80(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 6/2002, v skladu s katerim vsaka država članica najpozneje do 6. marca 2005 posreduje Komisiji seznam sodišč za modele Skupnosti, na katerem navede njihove nazive in krajevno pristojnost.

The Commission has launched, among other initiatives, the European Innovation Partnerships within the Innovation Union, one of the flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy, with the objective of accelerating innovation to address a well defined target within a grand societal challenge4 .

Komisija je med drugim v okviru Unije inovacij, ene od vodilnih pobud strategije Evropa 2020, vzpostavila evropska partnerstva za inovacije, da bi pospešila inovacije in tako uresničila jasno opredeljen cilj pri reševanju velikega družbenega izziva4 .

The purpose of the measure is, for supplies of goods and services, intra-Community acquisitions of goods and importations of goods intended for the renovation and subsequent maintenance of a cross-border bridge over the Mosel, to regard that bridge and its building site, as entirely on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in accordance with an agreement between the two countries.

Namen tega ukrepa je, da se za dobavo blaga in storitev ter pridobitve in uvoz blaga znotraj Skupnosti, namenjenega za prenovo in poznejše vzdrževanje čezmejnega mostu čez Mozelo, v skladu s sporazumom med obema državama navedeni most in njegovo gradbišče obravnavata, kakor da sta izključno na ozemlju Velikega vojvodstva Luksemburg.

Is Article 39 EC to be interpreted as meaning that it precludes national rules, such as those introduced in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg by Article 157ter of the Law on Income Tax, under which a Community national not resident in Luxembourg who receives income of Luxembourg origin from employment, which constitutes the major part of his taxable resources, cannot rely on his negative rental income relating to property situated in another Member State, in this case Germany, which he does not himself occupy, for the purposes of the determination of the tax rate applicable to his Luxembourg income?

Ali je treba člen 39 ES razlagati tako, da nasprotuje nacionalni ureditvi, kakršno je uvedlo Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg s členom 157b LIR, na podlagi katere državljan Skupnosti, nerezident Luksemburga, ki prejema dohodke iz zaposlitve iz luksemburškega vira in je ta dohodek bistveni del obdavčljivih sredstev, ne more uveljavljati svojih negativnih dohodkov iz najema v zvezi z nepremičninami, v katerih ne prebiva in ki se nahajajo v drugi državi članici, v tem primeru v Nemčiji, za namene določitve davčne stopnje, ki se uporablja za njegove dohodke z virom v Luksemburgu?

declares that, by not having adopted within the prescribed period, all the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with Directive 2002/73/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 2002 amending Council Directive 76/207/EEC on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has failed to fulfil its obligations under the first paragraph of Article 2(1) of that directive.

Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg s tem, da ni sprejelo vseh zakonov in drugih predpisov, potrebnih za uskladitev z Direktivo 2002/73/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 23. septembra 2002 o spremembi Direktive Sveta 76/207/EGS o izvrševanju načela enakega obravnavanja moških in žensk v zvezi z dostopom do zaposlitve, poklicnega usposabljanja in napredovanja ter delovnih pogojev, v predpisanem roku, ni izpolnilo obveznosti iz člena 2(1), prvi pododstavek, te direktive.

Notwithstanding Article 3 of this Agreement, U.S. airlines shall not have the right to provide all-cargo services, that are not part of a service that serves the United States, to or from points in the Member States, except to or from points in the Czech Republic, the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, the Slovak Republic, Iceland, and the Kingdom of Norway.

Ne glede na člen 3 tega sporazuma letalski prevozniki ZDA niso upravičeni do tovornega prevoza, ki ni del prevoza, ki se opravlja v Združenih državah, iz krajev ali v kraje v državah članicah, razen v kraje ali iz krajev v Čki republiki, Francoski republiki, Zvezni republiki Nemčiji, Velikem vojvodstvu Luksemburg, Republiki Malti, Republiki Poljski, Portugalski republiki, Slovaški republiki, Islandiji in Kraljevini Norveški.

The purpose of the contribution, amounting to FRF 50/ hectolitre (3 ) produced in the Eastern Pyrenees Region where the natural sweet wines concerned are made, was to finance the payment of a ‘set-aside premium’ for any plot which, having produced ‘Rivesaltes’ or Grand Roussillon’ wine in 1995, would produce table wine or ‘vin de pays’ from the 1996 to the 2000 harvests inclusive.

Prispevek, ki je znašal 50 francoskih frankov (FRF) (3) na hektoliter, proizveden na območju departmaja PyrénéesOrientales, kjer se proizvajajo zadevna naravna sladka vina, je bil namenjen financiranju izplačila premije („premija za praho“) za vsako zemljišče, na katerem bi se, potem ko so se leta 1995 na njem pridelovala vina „Rivesaltesin „Grand Roussillon“, od letine 1996 do vključno z letino 2000 pridelovala namizna ali lokalna vina.

Under Article 4(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2808/98 of 22 December 1998 laying down detailed rules for the application of the agrimonetary system for the euro in agriculture (5 ), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2452/2000 (6 ), the operative event for the exchange rate in the case of amounts of a structural or environmental nature is 1 January of the year during which the decision to grand the aid is taken.

V skladu s členom 4(2) Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2808/ 98 z dne 22. decembra 1998 o podrobnih pravilih za uporabo kmetijsko-monetarnega sistema za euro v kmetijstvu (5 ), nazadnje spremenjene z Uredbo (ES) št. 2452/2000 (6 ), je datum uveljavitve za menjalni tečaj v primeru zneskov strukturne ali okoljske narave 1. januar leta, v katerem je bila sprejeta odločitev o odobritvi pomoči.

By letters registered with the Secretariat-General of the Commission on, respectively, 15 October and 18 November 2009, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg requested authorisation to apply a measure derogating from the provisions of the Directive 2006/112/EC in relation to the renovation and maintenance of a border bridge.

V dopisih, ki ju je Generalni sekretariat Komisije prejel 15. oktobra 2009 in 18. novembra 2009, sta Zvezna republika Nemčija in Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg zaprosila za dovoljenje za uporabo ukrepa odstopanja od določb Direktive 2006/112/ES v zvezi s prenovo in vzdrževanjem mejnega mostu.

The French Presidency which preceded you, however, was very clear, if we are talking about barriers, in wanting to define the borders of Europe, by slamming the door in the face of Turkey, most of all, and making it clear that the European Union wants to close its borders.

Francosko predsedstvo pred vami je bilo zelo jasno, če govorimo o ovirah, pri opredeljevanju evropskih mej, s tem, ko je pred nosom zaprlo vrata Turčiji, in s tem, ko je pokazalo, da si želi Evropska unija zapreti svoje meje.

The liquidators may commence and continue all proceedings and actions before any court in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and abroad which they deem necessary for the protection of the interests of the creditors and to realise or sell or take possession of all assets, instruments, securities or claims which are part of the assets of Lehman Brothers (Luxembourg) S.A.

Stečajna upravitelja lahko poskusita in zagovarjata vse pravne postopke in dejanja, ki jih bosta imela za nujne za zaščito interesov upnikov ali za obračun, poplačilo oz. predajo v posest vsega imetja, finančnih instrumentov, vrednostnih papirjev ali obveznosti, ki so del zapuščine delniške družbe LEHMAN BROTHERS (Luxembourg) S.A., pred sodišči Velikega vojvodstva Luxembourg in v tujini.

Grand Slam - Slovenski prevod - Linguee (2024)
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