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Posted on 11/19/22 at 7:25 am to NATidefan

Posted by IT_Dawg Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (3)


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Posted on 11/19/22 at 7:25 am to NATidefan

So the sister in an interview, mistakenly calls him Jack, then refers to him as Jack and boyfriend of 6 years on Instagram…..but the media knows more???

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Posted by IT_Dawg Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (8)


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Posted on 11/19/22 at 7:30 am to NATidefan

Her BF was Jake, not Jack.

Think you have girls mixed up. Jack was Kaylee’s ex-boyfriend (the one i was referring too) and Jake S. appears to be Madison’s boyfriend according to other people posting on the police update


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Posted by NATidefan Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (12)

Two hours North of Birmingham

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 7:32 am to IT_Dawg

Oh ok, that's possible. Sorry.


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Posted by UndercoverBryologist

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 7:38 am to IT_Dawg

A lot of information is going to be red herrings. Life doesn't occur in such a neat way that everything is directly revelant to everything else like a Sherlock Holmes-ian theory.

Nevertheless, these are the elements of the story I'm focused on.

What I am stuck on right now is the manner of the killings. Just playing the odds (subduing and killing a male occupant, while getting the drop on 3 other people who can't be in that deep of a sleep yet...I understand they had done a little bit of drinking, but if they were awake at 2:52 and the murders didn't happen after 4:00, there is a strong possibility the girls had just put their heads down to sleep), I have to think it was more than 1 killer.

I am also stuck on the getaway. You're not going to get far on foot covered head-to-toe in blood, even at 4:00 am. Garbage trucks, newspaper delivery, etc. are pretty soon going to be making their routes. They'll spot you pretty quick. Not to mention random passers-by on the road.

They (assuming it's more than 1 person) probably drove. But they probably didn't do something as conspicuous as drive right up immediately before the killing. They probably parked in one of the side alleys I see on Google map and waited for the girls/guy to return home and waited another hour to be sure they were asleep before proceeding.

Hopefully, someone in the neighborhood noticed a strange car parked in the neigboorhood that night.

This post was edited on 11/19/22 at 7:43 am


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Posted by Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (19)

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 7:41 am to IT_Dawg

Also - Kaylee’s sister, Alivea, claims the girls called Jack (Kaylee’s ex-boyfriend of 6 years) for 30 mins leading up to the time in which the coroner says the murders could’ve happened (coroner believes it was between 3-4am)
"At 2:26 a.m., Kaylee starts to call Jack," Alivea Goncalvez told "Inside Edition," which described Jack as a young man. "Kaylee calls Jack six times between 2:26 a.m. and 2:44 a.m. From 2:44 to 2:52 Maddie calls Jack three times, then Kaylee makes a final call to him at 2:52 a.m.“

ETA: Jack has been questioned and cleared by police according to Alivea on Instagram

Ok, this is interesting. If Jack (Jake) has been cleared by police (I assume because he has an alibi), and the girls called him a total of 10 times in the 30 minutes prior to the approximate time of the murders, why were they so desperate to reach him?

Was the killer already in the house? Does the killer know Jake? Were they calling him because they were being forced to call him?


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Posted on 11/19/22 at 8:12 am to

the girls called him a total of 10 times in the 30 minutes prior to the approximate time of the murders, why were they so desperate to reach him?

Not to make light of the tragedy or your line of questioning, but this is not even a blip on the radar when it comes to the number of times young women can blow up an ex's phone. Especially if late at night and drinking has been involved.


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Posted by real turf fan Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (28)

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 8:15 am to Chucktown_Badger

The guy didn't live there. He was a resident of his frat house a block away.

Possible problem: if he used all the hot water, kept the heat too high, didn't pay a share when other renters thought he was getting a free ride (no pun intended).


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Posted by UndercoverBryologist

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 8:18 am to DeCat ODahouse

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but did any of those calls actually connect or were they all attempted calls?

In any case, it wouldn't surprise me if she was getting him and then calling back 1 minute later and getting him again and again.

Like you said, alcohol can change things up. And it might've made her (pardon the expression) a little horny and looking to hook-up with an ex and he just didn't want to come over that late at night.


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Posted by RogerTheShrubber Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (35)

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 8:24 am to DeCat ODahouse

the girls called him a total of 10 times in the 30 minutes prior to the approximate time of the murders, why were they so desperate to reach him?

Not to make light of the tragedy or your line of questioning, but this is not even a blip on the radar when it comes to the number of times young women can blow up an ex's phone

Extremely emotional creatures.


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Posted by TexasHand Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (39)


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Posted on 11/19/22 at 8:47 am to L.A.

Unfortunately, if this fella is targeting small school towns with less resources….. this could happen again and again for some time.


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TD Sponsor Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (43)

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Posted by WestCoastAg Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (44)

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 8:56 am to RogerTheShrubber

Yes, humans are emotional creatures. Just figuring this out?

Posted by UndercoverBryologist

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 9:07 am to L.A.

I'm over at my folks' place this morning to watch college football and my mom was saying how she didn't think it was possible not to hear a scream from downstairs.

So...I tested it out. I went upstairs and screamed bloody murder. My mom and dad couldn't hear a thing from their downstairs bedroom (with the TV turned up to a very low volume). While my mom and dad don't have the best of hearing, they also have the advantage of being awake while the girls upstairs in this case were probably asleep.

I am now 90 percent sure the girls upstairs just got unbelieavably lucky that the killer(s) didn't look upstairs.


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Posted by wutangfinancial Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (52)

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 9:20 am to UndercoverBryologist

Have the police checked to see if these kids were trafficking drugs to the fraternities? Idaho frat kids have drugs trafficked from Spokane and Tricities. There are some cartel type dudes up in that area that could have been crossed. What house did the guys belong to?


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Posted by schatman


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Posted on 11/19/22 at 9:20 am to UndercoverBryologist

I’ve read reports where the 2 survivors slept in the same room after hearing noises and locked the door- not coming out until someone came there. I can’t imagine sitting in terror while someone is murdering your friends and possibly trying to open your door.


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Posted by NATidefan Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (59)

Two hours North of Birmingham

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 9:22 am to UndercoverBryologist

Just saw a video that said they slept through it. Said they did hear partying, but didn't think anything of it and had their doors locked.

They also weren't the ones that called 911

This post was edited on 11/19/22 at 10:09 am


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Posted by UndercoverBryologist

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 9:24 am to schatman

I’ve read reports where the 2 survivors slept in the same room after hearing noises and locked the door- not coming out until someone came there

That's also seems like a fair possibility. Without uncovering a motive and a means to hire a hitman on their part, I am inclined not to bother even considering them as suspects. They're just incredibly lucky innocents.

Edit: Early reports make it seem like they don't have anything to report on what happened that night, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did actually hear something but don't want to volunteer that information immediately until they have cleared their statements through their lawyers.

This post was edited on 11/19/22 at 9:28 am


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Posted by SWLA92 Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (66)


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Posted on 11/19/22 at 9:32 am to schatman

Why wouldn’t they have called for help sooner? Why wait?


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Posted by East Coast Band Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (70)

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 9:34 am to TexasHand

Unfortunately, if this fella is targeting small school towns with less resources….. this could happen again and again for some time.

If this turns out to be a Ted Bundy type, you're right. This could go on for a long time.
I suggest , for all those that have security cameras mounted up around your house, to point at least one towards the road. Catching even a passing car that occurs around the same time a neighbor's house is victimized can be very valuable for law enforcement.
Maybe you can record that tan Volkswagen Beetle.


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Posted by Idaho Murders Thread (Links inside) (75)

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 9:38 am to DeCat ODahouse

Not to make light of the tragedy or your line of questioning, but this is not even a blip on the radar when it comes to the number of times young women can blow up an ex's phone. Especially if late at night and drinking has been involved.

Not dismissing the possibility of drunk/horny dialing, in fact that's probably what happened, but it's odd that her roommate would also call him 3 times.


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Posted by UndercoverBryologist

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Posted on 11/19/22 at 9:39 am to SWLA92

Why wouldn’t they have called for help sooner? Why wait?

Bring me up to speed on where the bodies were found. (I've seen it mentioned that one was found in the hallway, but I don't know if that is confirmed.) Also, how long before they (supposedly) found the bodies and when they called 911?

I've seen it mentioned that they didn't call until noonish the next day, but that might not be as suspicious as it first seems.

If the 4 decedents were found in their bedrooms with the doors closed, it might just be the case that the survivors didn't discover them until late in the morning the next day when they went to go check on them. Probably thought at first a) hey, let them sleep in, they were out all night, then b) hey, it's getting late in the day, maybe go check on them?


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