Manage Recommendations (2024)

As part of Plex Media Server library management, server admins can manage which recommendation rows will show up on their player app home screens when the source is pinned in the sidebar, as well as the Recommended tab for each individual library. They can also control the home screen rows when a shared user has the library pinned in the sidebar.

The only exception to this is the Continue Watching rows which will always be shown on home screen (with content from pinned sources) and individual library recommended tabs.

Managing Recommendations


  • Plex Media Server v1.22.1 or newer
  • Plex Web v4.53.0 or newer

This information is managed by server owners under Settings > Server > Manage > Libraries in the web app. When you hover over a library in your server, you will see 3 options:

  • Manage Recommendations
  • Edit Library
  • a “…” overflow/options menu

Select Manage Recommendations to expand that library and configure which rows will show up in various situations.

Manage Recommendations (1)

There are three columns, which control whether or not the row in question will be available in the three different situations:

  • Library Recommended: This is the Recommended tab/pivot when viewing a particular media library.
  • Home: This is the home screen of a player app, when the library in question has been pinned to the sidebar. It applies to the server owner (or when not signed in, for unauthenticated servers).
  • Shared Users’ Home: This is the home screen of a player app, when the library in question has been pinned to the sidebar. This applies to all shared users, including managed users.

Manage Recommendations (2)

Remember, when talking about the home screen availability here (whether the server owner or for shared users), the rows that are “enabled” in the management here will only be visible when the library in question is pinned in the sidebar by the user. If the library is not pinned, then no rows from that library will appear on the home screen at all, regardless of what is enabled here for that library.

You can rearrange the rows within a library by dragging the three lines to the left of the row title in your preferred order. So, if you enabled Recently Played Movies and use it more than others, you can move it up the list.

Each of the pinned library’s rows will be grouped together on the home screen, based on the order they are pinned. If you have your movie library pinned above your TV library, then all the movie rows will be above the TV rows.

If a row contains no items, such a having no playlist with items in that library then that row will not appear until it has content.

It’s worth noting that there is a special row listed there for movie libraries: Seasonal Movies. This represents occasional rows that Plex creates for content related to particular events, people, or other things. For instance, a row of holiday-themed movies you might have in your library, which might show up around December, or maybe movies that won Best Picture around the time the Academy Awards are happening.

The Reset Customization option allows you to restore that library to the default. The default is: All rows enabled under Library Recommended. For Home and Shared Users’ Home, only the Recently Added row (and Seasonal Movies row for a movie library).

Tip!: When making changes here, the results may not be immediately visible in player apps due to caching. After completing changes, you can ensure that the app has fresh information by refreshing the app. You can refresh a browser window, pull-to-refresh a screen in our mobile apps, or simply quit/restart other apps.

Merge Recently Added


  • Plex Media Server v1.22.3 or newer
  • Plex Web v4.53.0 or newer

By enabling the Merge Recently Added items option, you can combine items from libraries of the same media type (and on the same server) into a single Recently Added row on the home screen. You can visually see which libraries are of the same media type by their icon. As usual, actual content appearing there will be based on the sources in pinned in the sidebar.

The setting to enable Recently Added being merged is located under Settings > Server > Manage > Libraries in the web app.

Manage Recommendations (3)

For instance, imagine you have a “Documentaries” movie library as well as a “Kids Movies” movie library, and both are pinned in the sidebar of your player app. If you enable the “Merge Recently Added items” option, then the there would be a single “Recently Added” row related to movies on the home screen. It would contain content from both the “Documentaries” and “Kids Movies” and would appear in order based on whichever library was pinned higher in the order.

Setting a Collection to be Visible as a Row

Tip!: The ability to set a collection to appear on the home screen or library Recommended screen is a premium feature and requires an active Plex Pass subscription.


  • Plex Media Server v1.22.3 or newer
  • Plex Web v4.56.3 or newer
  • The admin account for the Plex Media Server needs an active Plex Pass subscription

If you’ve created a collection, you can optionally choose to make that collection visible as a row on the home screen or library Recommended screen. This effectively lets you create some powerful “custom” rows. For instance, you could create a smart collection based on filtering/sorting a library and then have that appear as a row on the home screen.

Related Page: Collections

To do so, choose Visible On from the overflow menu of the collection, then select on which screen you wish it to be visible. The three options are:

  • Library: This is the Recommended tab/pivot when viewing a particular media library.
  • Home: This is the home screen of a player app, when the library in question has been pinned to the sidebar. It applies to the server owner (or when not signed in, for unauthenticated servers).
  • Shared Users’ Home: This is the home screen of a player app, when the library in question has been pinned to the sidebar. This applies to all shared users, including managed users

Manage Recommendations (4)

The content of that collection will be added to the bottom of the rows from that library. Once a collection is enabled it shows up in regular screen for managing recommendations (see above), where you can rearrange it or adjust the visibility, just like the other rows.

If you have set a collection to be visible as a row and no longer wish it to show up on the recommendation management settings you can click the X on the far right of the collection in the list. (Even if you uncheck all the visibility for the row, we don’t remove it automatically, in case it you have already positioned it or just want to try different things out.)

Manage Recommendations (5)

Last modified on: April 26, 2021

Manage Recommendations (2024)


What is the best wording for a recommendation? ›

It's my absolute pleasure to recommend [Name] for [position] with [Company]. [Name] and I [relationship] at [Company] for [length of time]. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with [Name], and came to know [him/her/them] as a truly valuable asset to our team.

How do you mention weaknesses in a recommendation letter? ›

Be honest, but be tactful. One way to do this is by mentioning a weakness that can be connected to a related trait that's thoroughly positive. Also, try and show how the applicant grew and became a better professional.

How do you ask for recommendations in business communication? ›

Take the following steps when requesting a business reference:
  • Determine the best contact method.
  • Approach your contact as early as possible.
  • Explain your reference requirements.
  • Provide relevant background information.
  • State how you will use the reference.
  • Thank your contact for their reference.

What is your recommendation for this person example? ›

Begin by introducing yourself and your relationship to the applicant. Briefly explain why you are qualified to provide a recommendation for them. Highlight the applicant's key skills, strengths, and accomplishments. Provide specific examples or anecdotes that demonstrate their abilities and contributions.

What are good phrases for a recommendation? ›

Common Phrases to Use When Drafting a LOR
  • am honoured to support him as a candidate.
  • am pleased to provide a reference for.
  • am pleased to write a character reference for.
  • am delighted to be called upon.
  • am happy to recommend.
  • first came to my attention when.
  • has worked under my supervision for.
  • has been a pleasure to supervise.
Oct 25, 2023

What is an example of a recommendation message? ›

In conclusion, I am happy to give Mr. Harris my highest recommendation for your residency program. In my experience, he is in the top 10% of all medical students with whom I have worked over the past 20 years. If you have any additional questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

What are 11 impactful words to use in a letter of recommendation? ›

Adjectives to Increase
  • Successful.
  • Excellent.
  • Accomplished.
  • Outstanding.
  • Skilled.
  • Knowledgeable.
  • Insightful.
  • Resourceful.

What are examples of strengths and weaknesses? ›

Why employers ask "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"
EmpatheticNot skilled at public speaking
Flexible and versatileSelf-criticism
HonestTaking on too much responsibility
5 more rows
Apr 9, 2024

What is a good weakness to say as a reference? ›

Think of something you improved throughout your time as a student and are continuing to work on. It is a similar approach to the personal statement. You will want these to be different from what you used in your own personal statement and also be different for each reference you send this information to.

How do I get the best recommendations? ›

What they say about you (and how they say it) matters.
  1. Find Out What the College Requires. ...
  2. Choose Your Recommenders Carefully. ...
  3. Make Sure the Recommendation Will Be Strong. ...
  4. Give Your Recommenders Plenty of Time. ...
  5. Make It Easy for Them. ...
  6. Be Careful About Sending Extra Recommendations.

How do you politely ask for a recommendation? ›

Try to make your request in person first

Explain what you're applying for. Explain why you're asking them for this letter. Provide any additional information they ask for. Inform them that you'll send an email with more details.

How do you express recommendations? ›

Giving recommendations:
  1. I highly recommend using this product / service.
  2. This person is highly trained / very skilled / very professional.
  3. We found the information presented very useful.
  4. I only have positive things to say about this product / this person / this service.

What is the best opening sentence of a letter of recommendation? ›

Open with a friendly and professional salutation, such as “Dear Dean of Students Marcus Smith.” If you don't know the name of the person, use their title or department name. Establish excitement for your strong recommendation in the first sentence.

How to answer recommendation questions? ›

2. Make your answers specific. Try to avoid using generic terminologies that don't clearly highlight an applicant's characteristics or achievements. Ensure the feedback you provide in your reference is specific to the individual's performance and behaviour, using examples to highlight their strengths and achievements.

What are the 6 details that should be included in a letter of recommendation? ›

The list of key parts are:
  • Introduction and statement of recommendation.
  • List of specific reasons you are recommending them to the position.
  • Personal story with evidence of their qualities (soft and hard skills)
  • Closing statement with contact information.
  • Signature.
Apr 8, 2024

What is the best opening line for a letter of recommendation? ›

To whom it may concern, It is my pleasure to recommend [employee name] for the position of [open role] at [company name].

What do you write when recommending someone? ›

Aim for at least one page but no more than two. Focus on the most important qualifications. Discuss two or three of the candidate's most relevant achievements in the job description for the highest impact and provide specific examples to illustrate their fitness for the role. Follow the request instructions.

What do you say when recommending something? ›

Giving recommendations:
  • I highly recommend using this product / service.
  • This person is highly trained / very skilled / very professional.
  • We found the information presented very useful.
  • I only have positive things to say about this product / this person / this service.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.