Mining Drill Immersive Engineering (2025)

1. Mining Drill (Immersive Engineering) - Official Feed The Beast Wiki - Fandom

  • Biodiesel · Advanced Lubrication System · Additional Augers · Large Tank

  • This page is about the Immersive Engineering Mining Drill. For other uses, see Mining Drill. The Mining Drill is a tool added by Immersive Engineering. It is powered by Biodiesel, and can be filled directly from a Refinery. The Mining Drill (when crafted) does not come with a Drill Head. It needs either an Iron Drill Head or a Steel Drill Head installed. To install a Drill Head, the Mining Drill should be placed in an Engineer's Workbench, and the corresponding Drill Head should be placed in the

2. Mining Drill (Immersive Engineering) - Feed The Beast Wiki

  • The drill from immersive engineering is a multiblock structure, used to dig up minerals.

  • The drill from immersive engineering is a multiblock structure, used to dig up minerals

3. Steel Drill Head - Official Feed The Beast Wiki

4. Mining Drill (Immersive Engineering) - Modded Minecraft Wiki

  • 2 feb 2024 · Mining Drill (Immersive Engineering). The drill from immersive engineering is a multiblock structure, used to dig up minerals. View All.

  • The drill from immersive engineering is a multiblock structure, used to dig up minerals

5. Mining drill not showing or using Steel Drill Head - Feed The Beast Forum

  • 17 jan 2018 · I crafted the mining drill in Immersive Engineering, and when I add the Steel Drill Head in the Engineer's Workbench, it goes in the drill head slot, but doesn ...

  • Summary of the problem Mining drill not showing or using Steel Drill Head Pack Version 1.2.0 What is the bug? I crafted the mining drill in Immersive Engineering, and when I add the Steel Drill Head in the Engineer's Workbench, it goes in the drill head slot, but doesn't show up on the drill...

6. 1.18.2-8.4.0-161 - Immersive Engineering - Modrinth

  • 26 feb 2023 · Add the Rock Softening Acid upgrade for the Mining Drill, giving it Fortune 3! (BluSunrize); Increase the speed of rockcutter and grinding ...

  • Download Immersive Engineering 1.18.2-8.4.0-161 on Modrinth. Supports 1.18.2 Forge. Published on Feb 26, 2023. 17292 downloads.

7. Mining Drill - Industrial-Craft-Wiki

  • 15 jun 2020 · Grid Diamond Drill.png. Energy Consumption. Max EU Input, 32 EU/t (LV). EU Use, 50 EU/t. Per use. EU Storage, 30000 EU. Technical Details. UU ...

  • The D-765 Mining Drill is an electric tool for mining stone and ores. It has no durability and as such will never wear out, but needs to be recharged periodically. It is also used to craft the D-965 Diamond Drill.

8. 采矿机械钻(Mining Drill) - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD百科

  • 采矿机械钻(Mining Drill)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组[IE]沉浸工程(Immersive Engineering),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft(我的世界)MOD(模组)物品资料介绍教程 ...

  • 采矿机械钻 (Mining Drill)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组[IE]沉浸工程 (Immersive Engineering),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft(我的世界)MOD(模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。

9. Solved - IE mining drill not accepting drill heads - Feed The Beast Forum

  • 17 jan 2018 · ... mining level through at a speed of a wood pickaxe. Mod & Version Immersive Engineering. Version: 0.12-76. Link to log file http://paste.feed ...

  • Summary of the problem IE mining drill not accepting drill heads Pack Version 1.5.0 What is the bug? When the drill head is placed inside the drill. The drill does not update and the tooltip says that no drill head is equipped even though the drill head is in the drill. A steel drill head...

10. Core Sample Drill - Feed The Beast Wiki

  • 18 mei 2016 · The Core Sample Drill is a 3 block tall block added by Immersive Engineering. The Core Sample Drill is used to determine if a mineral vein, an Immersive ...

Mining Drill Immersive Engineering (2025)


How to fill a mining drill in immersive engineering? ›

The Mining Drill is a tool added by Immersive Engineering. It is powered by Biodiesel, and can be filled directly from a Refinery.

How to charge the mining drill? ›

Like any Electric Tool, it must be recharged in order to be used. It is capable of mining every mineable block, except Obsidian and Bedrock. It can also dig all shovel-related blocks. The Mining Drill can be charged in a Generator, BatBox, MFE Unit, Charging Bench or MFS Unit.

What is drilling in mining engineering? ›

Drilling is one of the most essential and challenging tasks in mining engineering. It involves creating holes in the rock or soil to extract minerals, test samples, or install explosives.

How do you drill in mining? ›

Basic Blast hole Drilling Process:
  1. Step 1 – Surveying the location.
  2. Step 2 – Researching the rock types and formations.
  3. Step 3 – Plan drilling patterns.
  4. Step 4 – Drilling the blast holes.
  5. Step 5 – Breaking up the rock.
  6. Step 6 – Clean up process.
  7. Technique #1 – Open mine blasting.
  8. Technique #2 – Underground blasting.
Jul 31, 2024

How does a Mining Drill rig work? ›

The rig consists of a high-speed rotation unit (over 1000 rpm), a feed system, which provides smooth and consistent pressure on a bit, and a diesel engine that powers the unit. Drill rod handling is manual because it uses shorter and lighter drill pipes than rotary drilling.

How do you unlock a Mining Drill? ›

The Mining Drill will unlock once you unlock the "Drilling" skill in-game.

Is Mining Drill better than pickaxe? ›

Drills may mine slightly slower than pickaxes because they are not affected by mining speed buffs. Players who want to maximize the speed should avoid using drills, because the benefits provided by mining speed enhancements apply only to pickaxes.

What is a Mining Drill called? ›

A drifter drill, sometimes called a rock drill, is a tool used in mining and civil engineering to drill into rock. Rock drills are used for making holes for placing dynamite or other explosives in rock blasting, and holes for plug and feather quarrying.

What is drill very short answer? ›

1. : an instrument with an edged or pointed end for making holes in hard substances by revolving or by a succession of blows. also : a machine for operating such an instrument. 2. : the act or exercise of training soldiers in marching and in executing prescribed movements with a weapon.

How does drilling work in engineering? ›

Drilling engineering is the scientific and practical field focused on creating holes in the Earth's subsurface, the science behind the wells that produce oil and gas. It involves a combination of geology, mechanics, and technology to ensure the successful and efficient drilling of wells.

Who invented the mining drill? ›

The first patented rock drill was invented in 1849 by J.J. Couch of Philadelphia.

How do you set up a burner Mining Drill? ›

Place a burner mining drill, then place at least three transport belts from the output in a mirrored "L" like shape so that the third belt has a gap between it and the miner. Fill the gap with a burner inserter in a way that the inserter can insert coal to the miner.

What is the command to spawn Mining Drill? ›

The GFI code for Mining Drill is WeaponMiningDrill. Use this command to give yourself one or more Mining Drill.

How do Mining Drill bits work? ›

Types of Drill Bits Used in Mining

Functionality: These tricone bits have three rotating cones, each with teeth designed to crush and grind the rock. The teeth can either be milled steel or tungsten carbide inserts, depending on the type of formation.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.