Myths Vs Reality in Tibet a Woman Working on the Fresco (2024)


Vol. 30, No. 41 October 12, 1987 Myths vs Reality in Tibet A woman working on the fresco. Zhang Jifeng Music and Dance of Tang Dynasty, an embroidery fresco 8 metres in length and 3 metres wide, has been recently completed in Xian's Jinjiang Embroidery Factory. The fresco has already been exhibited in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing. The completed work. Zhang Jifeng Beijingf^jir HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK The Lhasa Riot and Dalai's Statement VOL 30, NO. 41 OCT. 12, 1987 • Commenting on the recent riot in Lhasa (p. 5), Beijing CONTENTS Review editor says it was designed as an echo to the Dalai Lama's current activities aimed at separating Tibet from China. NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 He refutes Dalai's accusations against China while criticising The Tibet Mvth Vs. Rcaliiv the United Stales for allowing the Tibetan exile to carry out his EVENTS/TREhlbS 5-9 political activities on US soil (p. 4). Demonstrations Disrupt Peace A letter by a British resident in Beijing who recently returned in Lhasa from Tibet throws light on some of the developments there (p. China Revives lis Post 34). Code Project New Plans to F.asc tjjcrgy Problem Moscow's Asia Policy Takes on New Look Beijing Opcni - - Rise or Fall? • To advance its political and economic interests, the Soviet Bi-wceklv Chronicle Union under Mikhail Gorbachev has been adjusting its policy ( towards the Asia-Pacific region. Characterized by a INTERNATIONAL 10-13 conciliatory stance towards China, the United States, Japan Angola; Seeking Peace in and other US allies, the new policy has achieved little to date (p. Southern Africa 14). US-Poland: Relations to Be l-uliy Normafizcd ,fapun-US: Nakasonc Visits Planning and Marketing Unify Washington Oman; Thinkiitg About a future Without Oil • Whereas commodity economies were regarded as l.inited States: Stock Market capitalist, breakthroughs in both economic theory and practice have been made since the reform, including efforts to unify Shows Resilience planning and market regulation (p. 17). A Look at Gori>achev's Asia-Paolfic Policy 14 Discussions on Economic Theories: Work or Family, or Both? Unifying Planning and Marketing 17 Career Woman.. .Obedient • The high employment rate of women in urban areas Wife...or 20 indicates the increasing emancipation of Chinese women. But Facts & Figures: High Employment working women find they must still do much of the family work Rate Among Urban Women 23 in their roles as wives and mothers and they are now having to The ABC of Investing in China (IX): make certain choices between work and family (p. 20). How to Hire and Dismiss , Employees 24 FROM THE CHINESE PRESS 26-27 NORTH AMERICAN SPECIAL BUSINESS/TRADE 28-29 (in Canadian and US issues only) CULTURE/SCIENCE 30-32 To Our Readers I TOURISM 33 Confucianism in China Today I LETTERS 34 The Confucius Foundation of China V Workers at a neighbourhood COVER: Evaluation Aims at Better Education VI coini«ittcc-run straw crafts factory in 'Boximiya Ren' in California VIII Shanhatguan, Hcbci Prtnincc. Wang Donghai

Published every Monday by Subscription rates (1 year): USA US$22.00 BEIJING REVIEW General Editorial Office Tel: 893860 English Dept Tel: 831.5599 Ext. 546 Australia A.$22.00 Canada Can.$21.00 24 Baiwanzhuang Road Distributed by Cfiina International Book New Zealand NZ.$30.00 Beijing 100037 Trading Corporation (GUOJISHUDIAN) The Peoples Republic of China PC Box 399, Beijing, China UK £12.00 m NOTK»FROM THE EDITORS

the autonomous region. What are the facts? According to 1986 statistics, there were 2,024,938 The Tibet Myth Vs. Reality people in the whole region, of by Zhu Li whom 1,937,379 were Tibetans. The 73,534 Hans accounted for only 3.6 percent of the total population; most of them went he riot which disrupted the border areas continued for most of there to help with work in Tpeaceful atmosphere in Lhasa the first half of the 20th century. scienfific, educational and cultural on October 1 and resulted in 6 Even during those difficult years, fields. deaths and 19 serious injuries was when foreign powers were by no means accidental. Although manoeuvring to detach Tibet from His statements deploring the still under investigation, there are China by encouraging separation- untimely deaths of 1 million many indications that the incident ism there, none of them went so far Tibetans and the imprisonment of was designed in faraway quarters as to recognize Tibet as an another 1 million in labour camps as an echo to the Dalai Lama's independent state. were equally ridiculous. The separationist activities during his Tibetan population in the auto• visits to the United States and nomous region was 1,206,200 in Europe. 1959; it has increased to almost 2 million today. Other Tibetan- Such activities, which have inhabited areas have also wit• never ceased since the Dalai Lama nessed rapid population growth. If and his followers fled their J^he recent riot in Lhasa 1 million Tibetans had suffered homeland after an abortive was designed as an echo to the unnatural deaths, how could these rebellion 28 years ago, have increases have been possible? intensified in recent years. Dalai Lama's current activities aimed at separating To counter similar false Trying to deceive their com• Tibet from China. In trying to charges, a senior court official in patriots as well as the world Tibet said recently that the region public, they have resorted to deceive people, he and his has one prison and two labour rumour-mongering and dema• followers have resorted to camps with a total of 974 inmates, gogy in addition to tampering with rumour-mongering and 97.2 percent of whom were history. demagogy in addition to convicted on criminal charges. Only 28 were imprisoned for their In a September 21 statement tampering with histofy. during his US visit, the Dalai counter-revolutionary activities. Lama wanted to make people The Dalai Lama was putting the believe that Tibet was an cart before the horse when he independent country before what hypocritically proposed making he called a "Chinese invasion" in Prime Minister Nehru of India the whole of Tibet a zone of peace 1949-50. This is a hoary lie that was quite objective when he stated and stated that the tension along flies in the face of facts. in 1954, "I am not aware that at the Sino-Indian border was the any time during the last few result of the stationing of Chinese Historical records show that hundred years, Chinese sovereign• troops in Tibet. The hard fact is growing political and other ties ty, or if you like suzerainty, was that, like many other border dating back to the 7th century led challenged by any outside coun• disputes among third world Tibet to become part of China try." The use of the word countries, the one between China more than seven hundred years "suzerainty" was introduced and and India is an outcome of the old ago. Since then, China has promoted in reference to Tibet by colonial policy of "divide and maintained its sovereignty over some people who were trying to rule" as well as direct imperialist Tibet despite changes of dynasties weaken and eventually destroy aggression. and many other social upheavals. China's authority over that part of its territory. I could go on refuting the many During the hundred years after other absurdities in the Dalai the Opium War of 1840, Tibet fell The Dalai Lama, in the same Lama's statement, but would like victim to imperialist aggression as statement, made a big fuss about to stop and ask: Why should the did many other parts of China. so-called immigration of Han Dalai Lama have been allowed to There were two open invasions, in people to Tibetan-inhabited areas carry out his separationist activ• 1888 and 1904, by Britain, and and lamented that the Tibetans ities and make such wanton "creeping" alienation of Tibet's have already become a minority in attacks on China in the United


Demonstrations Disrupt Peace in Lhasa

wo demonstrations aimed at Prominent local patriotic fi• Tsplitting Tibet from China took gures all expressed their strong place in Lhasa, the capital of the opposition to these activities. Tibet Autonomous Region, on During the second incident, on September 27 and October 1, October 1, six people were causing injuries and deaths. reportedly killed and 19 policemen were badly injured. The first demonstration took place at 10 am on September 27, In the morning, as people in when 21 lamas and five other Lhasa were peacefully celebrating people took to the street, carrying National Day, more than 10 people wearing kasaya and several States'? The Dalai Lama as a a flag of "the snow mountains and dozen unidentified people religious figure is one thing. As a lions," a religious icon of marched in the downtown street of former top leader of a serf society Tibetans, and shouting "Tibet Bajiaojie. They carried the same now living in exile and engaging in wants independence" and other kind of flag as in the earlier political activities, he is another. slogans. The demonstrators made agitational speeches at the Joh- demonstration and shouted the It was particularly noteworthy kang (Qoikang) Temple Square slogan "Independence of Tibet." that the Dalai Lama was allowed and then moved on to the regional When policemen came out to to make his political statement people's government building. stop them, the rioters threw stones before a meeting of the US House at the policemen and bystanders, The demonstrators hit and of RepresentaUves Human Rights set the Bajiaojie Street police sub• injured several police officers who Subcommittee. This is a gross station on fire, and destroyed were on the scene trying to violation of the norms for number of motor vehicles. Some maintain public order. The international relations and an act rioters went so far as to snatch incident lasted less than an hour of interference in China's internal away guns carried by policemen and some demonstrators were affairs. Besides, providing a forum and opened fire at the police and held for questioning. for a figure representing a serfdom bystanders on the spot. The rioters of the recent past — a serfdom in The demonstration aroused and onlookers did not disperse its cruellest form — to speak on strong opposition from people on until dusk. human rights is really ironic, and the scene, who condemned the Police officers said that will certainly add no glory to the demonstrators as engaging in throughout the incident they US Congress. splittist activities under the cover strictly observed the orders of the Chinese leaders have more than of kasaya (monks' robes). higher authorities not to open fire. once reminded the United States not to stretch its hands too far. The Bajiaojie Street poiice substation burned down by the rioters. This is a good piece of advice. It would be in its own interests as well as in the interests of world pfeace if the United States would concentrate on minding its own affairs.

ANNOUNCEMENT BEIJING REVIEW will begin in issue No. 42 (October 19) a series of articles on Tibet. The first will be entitled "Tibet Opens to the Outside World." Also, answers by officials of the State Nationalities Commission on questions about Tibet.

OCTOBER 12, 1987 5 m EVe^n-RENPS

Some patriotic monks and renovated and the monks are finally the name of the sender or laymen of the upper strata said the leading a normal religious life," he addressee. These practices do not riot was instigated and engineered said "It is my sincere hope that the hinder postal modernization. by the clique of supporters of the monks and laymen in Tibet will But problems lie in the fact that Dalai Lama. The Dalai recently distinguish between right and most mail is addressed by hand made a speech at the House of wrong and stand firm against the and some people do not write Representatives Human Rights splittist activities by a handful legibly. Moreover, postal em• Subcommittee of the US Congress people." ployees rely on translations for on his "five-point plan" concern• Lhalu Cewangdoji, also vice- mail addressed in the languages of ing the question of the "status of chairman of the CPPCC Tibet national minorities. These factors, Tibet," continuing to trumpet for Regional Committee of the together with the increase in the the "independence of Tibet." Chinese People's Political Con• volume of mail, have aggravated sultative Conference, said, "It is the difficulties in mail sorting and "I am pained to learn that a few simply intolerable that a handful delivery. people started a riot in Lhasa at a of splittists act against the To improve the situation and to time when we enjoy such a good popular feelings to trumpet for bring mechanization into the life," Lhunzhub Tabkyai, presi• 'the independence of Tibet' in sorting and delivery process, the dent of the Tibetan Branch of the defiance of the fact that Tibet has ministry first tried to introduce Chinese Buddhists Association, since ancient times been an post codes nationwide on July 1, said on October 3. inalienable part of the sacred 1980, after experimenting in some "Now many temples damaged territory of China, and at a time regions. when Tibet has made such great during the 10-year (1966-76) "We thought it would work achievements in its construction." turmoil have been repaired or smoothly, because it was part of modernization, and we knew people wanted modern things. China Revives Its Post Code Project Besides, it's not hard to spread something in this country once the nternational Post Day, October said. "As a first step, we advise authorities decide to do so," Wang 9, saw the return of post codes senders to write their own codes I said. As it turned out, however, in China's cities. on their envelopes." If people the reformers met enormous follow this advice, he said, the An ill-advised compaign to resistance, from both the general second step — to write the introduce the codes in 1980 came public and some postal authorities addressee's code too — will come to a premature end. Today, China and employees. has evolved to the point where the naturally. International mail is codes seem to be a natural step. temporarily excluded form the In a September 25, 1980, editorial, Shichcmg Bao (Market The Ministry of Posts and plan and foreign offices in China News) criticized the ministry for Telecommunications has been will not be asked to use the codes, forcing people to use the codes carrying out a month-long he added. against their will. "People demand compaign to familiarize people Introducing post codes, as to brake. Now, postal policy• with the codes. Probably few many developed countries have makers, what are you going to Beijing residents remember exact• done, will speed up mail handling, do?" the editoral asked. ly when white metallic plates with increase the accuracy of mail red characters, which read "Our delivery and reduce the amount of The next day, Renmin Rihao area's post code (six digits)," unclaimed mail. The step is an (People's Daily) reported that Zhu began to appear on the city's indispensable part of China's Xuefan and Fan Shiren, both streets. The codes have also modernization programme, Wang former leaders of the ministry, quietly appeared on post office said. "It must be practised; we suggested that the post codes be walls and counters. Although no have made a firm decision." given up because they were too one was forced to use the codes, In China, envelopes are ad• advanced for China's conditions. people gradually got used to dressed differently from in the Fan, a strong opponent of the seeing them. And the ministry's West. Instead of writing the reform, discovered that in Jilin current post code campaign has sender's name and address on the Province, the proportion of the met little resistance. top left, the Chinese put them on people who used the codes "This time we plan to take three the right bottom, or the left dropped steadily from 40 percent to five years to spread the post bottom if writing vertically. Also, in early July to 20 percent in codes to all of China's cities," said Chinese people put the address September. The major reason, he Wang Liangtang, a ministry and name in reverse order, in a said, was that it was too official who is working on the post Westerner's view — the province inconvenient for people to write code plan. There are 2,440 urban comes first, then the city or the codes. post offices nationwide, Wang county, the street address, and After that. Renmin Rihao

6 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 41 printed many readers' letters, all things, were imported from the megawatts were put into oper• criticizing the codes. By the end of West. But according to Tong ation last year. This year, 8,000 the year, the ministry had to make Ruchang, a 70-year-old former megawatts will be added to bring postman who is working with a self-criticism, admitting that the country's total generating Wang, the Kuomintang govern• pursuing post codes was inconsis• capacity to 100,000 megawatts. ment used post Codes in Shanghai tent with the principle of "seeking early in 1948. "The code was truth from facts" and reflected the "Since last year, the average simple, just two digits. It made the bureaucratic style of the ministry's annual increase rate has remained letters go faster," Tong said. leaders. The ministry also said it stable at nine percent, which is would correct its mistakes and by Li Haibo among the highest in the world," improve its work. Although it Huang said, "But China's power insisted that it would continue to industry can't meet the demand publicize the post codes, the whole New Plans to Ease yet, and the country is plagued by programme was actually shortages of electricity." suspended. Energy Problem To ease this problem, some new Wang said that what the measures have been worked out. newspapers did was one-sided and hina's businesses and admini• "The charge for electricity is non-objcciive — their attitude was Cstrative departments will have one of the four steps designed to not a seek-truth-from-facts one to pay more for electricity, in a bid alleviate the country's electricity either. "As a matter of fact," to alleviate power shortages. shortage. The money collected will Wang said, "we had evidence that Huang Yicheng, vice-minister of be paid to local governments but the majority of people supported the State Planning Commission, must be spent on developing our reform, even if we had our made this announcement at a electricity sources," Huang said. faults. We wrote to Renmin Rihao meeting on plans for next year's The other steps include re• but it didn't print our opinion; it economic development and structuring the current manage• didn't print the views of other reform. ment system; rationing electricity people in favour of the codes, Faced with serious shortage of for each province, autonomous either. That's unfair. That was a electricity, China has done a lot to region and municipality; and propaganda attack." develop its electricity industry. determining the amount of Wang said the mistake the Facilities which can generate 7,000 electricity supply must be stopped. ministry made was a methodolog• ical one, not a fundamental one. There was nothing wrong with the reform itself. "But we were too hasty — overanxious for quick National Day Celebrations results — and we underestimated people's inertia. It's very hard to Tian'anmen Square was colourfully decorated with flowers to change a even small habit; it takes celebrate the nation's 38th birthday. The tower, 6.5 metres high, is time. Now we know how to do it," modelled after one in Yanan, Shaanxi Province. SONG LIANFENG he said. Wang said inconsistency among the postal authorities was a major reason for the failure last time. This time, he said, they are basically unified. They will take the lead in promoting the use of the codes. From January 1, 1988, post offices must use post codes on all their business letter. The current post code campaign seems to be going smoothly. The mass media are cheering for the reform, and Shichang Bao has apologized for its arbitrary criticism. The ministry has received letters from all over China and overseas, supporting the use of the codes. Most people think that post codes, like so many modern

OCTOBER 12, 1987 7 and can resume construction only are declining, fans are often seen Jixiang Theatre, explained that when the supply is available," the giving impromptu renditions of 5,000-odd Beijing opera dramas vice-minister said. Beijing opera songs for their own are drawn from classical works enjoyment — and that of anybody and are rich in historical He also told the meeting that else in the vicinity. Beijing opera is anecdotes. "Therefore, young beginning next year, the state will China's traditional form of people are unable to appreciate earmark more loans to technologi• drama, dating back 200 years. It them without a sound knowledge cally upgrade electrical enterpr• requires special acting skills of Chinese history," he said. ises, in addition to funds already including singing, dialogue and set aside for this purpose. acrobatic fighting. Not only must Dramatist Zhang Juefei argues "We will try to solve the actors and actresses have good that interest can be developed. An problem in most regions of the grasp of artistic skills, the effective way is to teach young country over the next five years to audience also needs a certain people how to understand Beijing make full use of existing amount of knowledge to appreci• opera. Troupes often go to production capacity." ate the drama. factories, schools and other work Besides the four steps outlined The Jixiang and Changan units to give lectures on Beijing by Huang, experts have suggested theatres in Beijing, where Beijing opera and coach local performers. setting up a hydroelectric develop• opera is often staged, have more When the Central Television ment corporation in Lanzhou, than' 1,100 seats each and they put Station announced its plan to hold Gansu Province, which would be on more than 200 Beijing opera a Beijing opera competition in charge of the construction of 15 performances each year. But the among performers later this year, power stations on the upper managers of both theatres said the thousands of people applied. The reaches of the Huanghe (Yellow) majority of the audience is older contest is also a good way to River in Gansu, Qinghai Province than 40. Manager Zhang Gui of popularize the art form. and the Ningxia Autonomous the Changan Theatre estimated Region. that there are some 5,000 fans of People involved in Beijing opera Four stations, one in Ningxia Beijing opera in the Chinese feel optimistic about its future. and three in Gansu are already in capital, most of whom are elderly There will be no problem of small operation. The Longyangxia people. "Only when well-known audiences if more established station in Qinghai, which has a actors appear in excellent tra• actors make their appearance on 178-metre-high dam, the highest ditional plays are young people the stage, they say. The most in China, is to put its first attracted to our theatre, which can urgent task is to raise the artistic generation unit into operation then sell 80 percent of the tickets skills of the young actors. soon. compared to 50 percent for ordinary plays," Zhang said. Young people in China worship stars of different professions. He said it is an exaggeration to Many people go to theatres just Beijing Opera — say that Beijing opera is facing a out of admiration for famous Rise or Fall? crisis, but its audiences are older actors. Li Weikang, a young and more selected. Beijing opera actress, made her reputation among the younger nly after Yang Kun, a, Zhao Haisheng, 26, a govern• generation when she played the pensioner, bought another TV ment employee, said that although heroine in the TV serial A Four- O Generation Family adapted from a set, did he and his wife conclude Beijing opera has unique artistic novel with the same Utle by Lao their seemingly endless argument attractions, its themes are too She (1899-1966), which shows the with their two daughters about remote from reality and the stage life of the people of Beijing during whether to tune in to Beijing performances and means of the War of Resistance Against opera. As Beijing opera fans, arfistic expression are too old- Japan from 1937 to 1945. Since the Yang and his wife are always eager fashioned. "I would rather spend the time watching a football TV series, young people swarm to to catch traditional Chinese opera match," he said. His feelings are the theatre whenever Li appears on the TV screen. But their typical of the younger generation. on the stage in Beijing opera. daughters feel the opera is difficult According to a survey, ballet and to understated and its pace is too the symphony attract many Experts say this kind of shift of slow. They prefer TV dramas, middle-aged intellectuals and attention helps popularize Beijing comedies, and singing and college students. And popular opera. They noted that even in the daftcing performances. songs, disco music and sports past, not many young people Differences over Beijing opera appeal to most young workers and attended. Perhaps when people are also refiected in public places. students. grow older their interest in Although the opera's audiences Zhu Hongzhi, manager of the traditional opera awakens. •

8 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 41 Bi-weekly Chronicle land use, employment and SOCIAL (September 21-October 4) personnel. September 29 September 23 POLITICAL • An eight-day national con• • People in parts of China ference on the national plan for watched the country's last annular September 23 next year's economic development eclipse of this century this • At the weekly news brief• and reform closed in Beijing. The morning. Millions of primary and ing, a Chinese Foreign Ministry participants discussed and agreed middle school students left their spokesman says that "Senator to the reform plan put forward by classrooms to watch the rare Helms' malicious attack on China the State CounciF. They stressed spectacular with sunglasses or at the US Senate hearing is a gross that the stability of prices is the darkened transparent materials. interference in China's internal most important factor in the In Beijing, people saw a partial affairs and yet another de• country's economic development. solar eclipse which reached its monstration of his stubborn anti- The plan includes reforms in maximum at 9:50:50"am. Scientists China position. We hereby express planning, investment, goods supp• predict that the next annular our indignation." ly, foreign trade and finance, as eclipse will happen in 2008. At a recent hearing of the well as further reforms in September 30 Senate Foreign Relations Com• enterprises. mittee, Helms accused China of • Guo Shu'e, a peasant violating human rights and October 1 woman from Xuguang village in cracking down on intellectuals. • The No.l Automobile the Fengcheng Manchurian Auto• Plant in Changchun, Jilin Pro• nomous County in Liaoning vince, has developed new engine Province, risked her life to prevent September 30 models for all types of trucks it a passenger train from derailing • Chinese Premier Zhao produces. The models meet the on September 25. Ziyang says that the coming 13th latest international standards. On that evening, Guo heard a National Congress of the Commu• The retooled plant now can big tree, uprooted by the wind, fall nist Party of China will make a produce 68,000 trucks a year. New on the tracks near the village. The comprehensive summary and models of other trucks are being tree was too heavy to move. She systematic exposition of the produced in Nanjing and Jinan. was sawing it when a fast- practice and theory of building approaching train hit the tree and socialism while carrying out • A 71-kilometre-long ring knocked her unconscious. She is highway around Tianjin, the reform and the open policy in still in hospital. China in the past nine years. Largest industrial and port city in Zhao says, "We will put on the north China, opens to traffic on FOREIGN RELATIONS agenda of the congress the issue of National Day. political structural reform." The first-class highway, 50 September 29 Zhao also reiterates other major metres wide, was completed in 10 • In a message of congratul• state policies on domestic and months, with a total investment of ation to Japanese Prime Minister 320 million yuan (about US$86 foreign affairs at a reception he Yasuhiro Nakasone on the million). gives in Beijing to mark the 38th occasion of the 15th anniversary anniversary of the founding of the of the establishment of diplomatic People's Republic of China. relations between China and Japan, Chinese Premier Zhao ECONOMIC CULTURAL Ziyang says the Chinese govern• ment will continue its unremitting September 23 September 29 efforts to promote stable, good- • According to Liang Xiang, • The State Administrative neighbourly relations with Japan deputy head of the preparatory Bureau of Museums and Archae• on the basis of the China-Japan group for establishing Hainan ological Materials reports that joint statement, the peace and Province, Hainan will become two large Shang Dynasty sacri• friendship treaty and the four China's largest special economic ficial pits have been discovered in guiding principles for Sino- zone and will adopt more flexible Guanghan County, Sichuan Japanese relations. He says China policies than other special Province. hopes that problems between the economic zones to attract foreign About 300 items were found in two countries will be solved soon. technology and investment. The the No.l pit, which dates back to new province will be given more the 14th century BC. In the No.2 autonomy and decision-making CORRECTION: In NOTES FROM THE pit, about 400 objects were found, EDITORS, issue 36, "Springtime of Art," power in foreign trade, project dating back to the 13th century the festival will be held "twice a year" approval, financing, banking. BC. should read "once every two years."


ANGOLA said the problems in southern Africa should be resolved through Seeking Peace in Southern Africa negotiatons and dialogue. He reiterated that France condemns Pretoria's apartheid policy with• Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos visited France as out reservation and solidly supports the independence of part of a West European tour to promote peace in southern Namibia. Reports said these firm Africa. stands satisfied dos Santos. Economic problems were ano• ther important theme in talks ngola, one of the African Namibian independence passed between the leaders. Angola has A frontline states, has main• by the United Nations nine years been spending more than half of tained close military, economic ago and a halt to South Africa's its financial resources on the civil and political connections with the support to Angolan opposition war every year, and to date the war Soviet Union, Democratic Ger• forces. Under these conditions, has cost the country a total of many and Cuba since it gained Angola will agree to withdrawing US$12 billion. In addition, the independence from Portugal 12 Cuban troops stationed south of Angolan economy faces problems years ago. But Angolan President 13 degrees south latitude. Angola resulting from poor management, Jose Eduardo dos Santos, who suggested that such an agreement falling oil prices and greatly recently paid a formal visit to would be signed by South Africa, reduced national income. "War France on the first leg of a West Namibia, Cuba and Angola. and economy have become an European peace tour that was to uncompromising contradiction." include Belgium, Sweden, Italy, According to French newspaper dos Santos said. Portugal, said in Paris that Angola reports, the aim of the Angolan Angola urgenth hopes for a would like to open up to all president's visit was to obtain the peaceful and stable international friendly nations. The French support of France and other West situation to facilitate its internal newspaper Lc Monde commented European countries for its plan. construction. It is seeking not only that the Angolan president's visit Angola recently carried out diplomatic co-ordination from to Western Europe was a sign that successful negotiations to ex• France, but also help in economic Angola has begun to pursue a change prisoners with South matters. Dos Santos told Mitter• Africa and other countries, and policy of opening up to the West. rand that Angola wants to join the South Africa has expressed the International Monetary F'lmd France established diplomatic desire to resume dialogue with (IMF) and reduce its external debt relations with Angola soon after Angola. Some members of burden of more than USS3 billion. the latter gained independence, France's parliament have visited Mitterrand offered immediate but dealings between the two South Africa, and people are support to Angola in its effort to countries have always been cool. placing hopes on French diploma• join the IMF. Dos Santos told reporters in Paris tic actions in the region. Chirac by Zhang Qihua that Angola is no longer upset about the visit to Paris last year by Jonas Savimbi, a leader of US-POLAND Angolan anti-government forces, and that he expected the meeting Relations to Be Fully Normalized with French leaders to be positive. Dos Santos met both French President Francois Mitterrand An exchange of ambassadors for the first time in four years and Prime Minister Jacques between the United States and Poland is expected after the Chirac during his stay in Paris. recent visit to Poland by US Vice-President George Bush. One of the central themes of their talks was the search for peaceful ways to resolve conflicts in he vice-president of the United presidents visited Poland. Former southern Africa. Angola wants TStates paid a four-day official President Richard Nixon made France to play a role in the region. visit to Poland from September 26 the trip in 1972. Gerald Ford went Reports say Angola is brewing a to 29. The visit by George Bush, in 1975 and Jimmy Carter in 1977. plan for a political solution to the the highest-level trip by a US But relations between the two region's problems and has appro• official in 10 years, signals the countries deteriorated rapidly ached the United States about it. beginning of normalization of after 1980, when Poland experien• The plan calls for the implement• Polish-US relations. ced its greatest political unrest ation of the resolution on In the 1970s, three US since World War II in the form of

10 BEIJING REVIEW. NO. 41 large-scale strikes organized by all intermediate nuclear weapons Polish people. Bush emphasized the Solidarity trade union. As a also helped set the stage for Bush's respect for human rights and the result of the tumult, the country's visit. right to set up independent self- economy plunged into a deep Bush was warmly received in governing organizations, an appa• crisis. To stabilize the political Poland. Polish leader Wojciech rent allusion to the outlawed situation and defuse the workers" Jaruzelski met him twice and the Solidarity trade union. "We in movement, the Polish government two leaders held talks on a variety America have watched and imposed martial law and declared of topics. The talks were reported suffered with you. We love you, we a nationwide state of emergency at to have proceeded in a business• respect you, and you will never be the end of 1981. The military was like and constructive atmosphere. alone," he said. authorized to take over local They focused on economic issues, At a banquet Bush said the governments; several hundred including bilateral economic links United States welcomes measures dissidents were detained; and and the operations of intern• taken by the Polish government Solidarity was outlawed. ational institutions, such as the leading towards domestic recon• The United States, deeply International Monerary Fund, the ciliation and that he hopes disturbed by these events, reacted World Bank and the Paris Club of continued dialogue with other first by imposing a series of Western creditor nations. To help strata of Polish society will help economic sanctions against Pol• Poland overcome its economic lay the foundation for improved and on the grounds of violations difficulties. Bush agreed to relations between the two coun• of human rights by the Polish strengthen economic co-operation tries. However, he also said on government. Washington then between the United States and another occasion, "I want to make recalled its ambassador from Poland and to increase US aid to it clear that our intention is not to Warsaw, reducing diplomatic ties Poland. He also expressed his disrupt or divide, nor is it to between the two countries to the willingness to lobby for more interfere." commercial loans to Poland in the charge d'affaires level. After that, Over Polish government objec• Paris Club. bilateral relations were fro/en. tions. Bush met Lech Walesa, Relations improved, although During the visit, concrete steps leader of the banned Solidar• not substantially, when Poland were taken to improve bilateral ity, and other opposition lifted the state of emergency in relations. The leaders signed a leaders. Reports say Bush told 1983, held elections to the local protocol that revives co-operation Walesa that he had asked that people's congresses the next year, ^ science and technology and Solidarity be legalized and Walesa and granted amnesty to all agreed to exchange ambassadors. thanked Bush for "the US political prisoners. Washington But the visit also showed that administration's understanding of allowed the Polish airline to differences, mainly political ones, our problems." Obviously this is resume flights to the United arc still an obstacle to better something that the Polish author• States. Polish-US relations. ities do not appreciate. Still, relations remained In a televised speech to the by Zheng Qin and Wen Youren strained. The two countries expelled each other's diplomats from time to time, and in May JAPAN-US 1985. Poland banned Rights by US Air Force planes carrying supplies to the US Embassy in Warsaw. Nakasone Visits Washington This added new tension to Polish- US relations, which were just beginning to ease. Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone recently paid a But Poland's economic and visit to US President Ronald Reagan. The leaders reaffirmed political situation has been their countries' close political ties hut made no progress stabilizing, and last year Warsaw launched flexible diplomatic over• towards settling their trade disputes. tures internationally and a series of domestic reforms. Poland t was probably Nakasone's last has held 12 summit talks with US expressed its wish to improve I US visit (September 18-23) leaders in his five years as prime relations with the United States, before his term as prime minister minister. With this visit Nakasone and the United States, in February expires towards the end of this was hoping to lay the foundation this year, lifted all economic month, and the trip was seen by for future visits by his Liberal sanctions against Poland. The Washington as a fitting end to Democratic Party successor. The recent agreement in principle Nakasone's diplomacy. visit focused on the individual between the two superpowers on The .Japanese leader has visited friendship between Reagan and the global elimination of the United States seven times and Nakasone and on generalities


regarding the alliance between the nations. The US leadership is also Japan as both an important two countries. No progress was reported to be keeping a close political ally and a major made towards setttling their trade watch on Japan's military economic competitor. differences. expansion. Washington has become in• The leaders made no joint creasingly impatient with Japan's statement after talks, but they Although Japan's political al• unfulfilled promises. The intern• exchanged a document that they liance with Washington was ational media speculate that Japan both signed, in which they strengthened during Nakasone's could find itself in an isolated affirmed the solid foundation of first visit to the United States in position in the world. However, all US-Japanese relations and January 1983, economic relations of Nakasone's pledges to the stressed that co-operation should between the two countries have United States and all the not be affected because of changes been strained in recent years by differences outstanding between in leadership. Reagan praised mounting bilateral trade frictions Tokyo and Washington will be left Nakasone for his achievements in US trade deficits have increased to the next Japanese cabinet to diplomacy with the United States rapidly since Nakasone came to reconsider and handle again. and said he expects Nakasone. as office. The United States sees by Sun Dongmin an elder statesman, to continue to play a role in the development of US-Japanese relations. OMAN As observers noted, however, the economic relations between Thinking About a Future Without Oil Japan and the United States have not improved in direct proportion to the development of the What will the world's oil producers do when their petroleum friendship between the leaders. During the talks, Reagan urged reserves dry up? People in Oman have started to address the Japan to stimulate its production problem. and expand its domestic market; adopt visible measures to reduce its huge trade surplus with the clumps. Hundreds of thousands of United States; and drop the e Sultanate of Oman, located barriers to US companies' part• ron the southeast edge of the labourers flocked in from South• icipation in construction of the Arabian peninsula, is mostly east Asian countries, India and new Kansai international airport gravel and desert. But it has a Pakistan. Traffic, telecommunic• in Osaka, western Japan. Naka• great source of revenue under the ations, desalination and municipal sone asked the US president to use dry ground. The discovery of facilities were set up with the best his power to halt the passage of petroleum in 1964 marked the equipment and the latest tech• protectionist bills in Congress and start of a new age. nology. Petro-dollars assured withdraw US tariffs on Japanese The Omani people have tra• Oman's speedy modernization. semiconductor chips. Reagan ditionally been divided into But while Oman's wealth comes refused these requests on the herdsmen, peasants and fisher• from oil, some of its problems do, grounds that Japan had made no men. Until 10 years ago, the too. From the end of 1982 to 1985, progress on opening its domestic country's annual per-capita in• the price of oil fell from US$40 a market or on other issues. come was less than US$100. barrel to US$27. In July last year, Oman is not the richest of the the oil price started a slide to as Nakasone saw his US visit as a Arab oil producers — its proved low as US$8 a barrel. Now summary of his five years of reserves of oil total 4.2 billion Oman's crude oil is sold for US$18 diplomacy. Addressing the UN barrels and its output capacity is a barrel. The cut in income has General Assembly session, he 650,000 barrels a day. But its oil been a serious blow to the country. stressed that Japan, as a member income is still considerable, Oil accounts for 90 percent of of the "global village," will follow particularly since the country has government financial income and the road of peace. only 1.5 million people. In 1983,' 99 percent of export income. In But at a time when many per-capita income reached 1986, Oman's national economy countries are reducing their arms US$6,000. The country's national contracted for the first time. and the US-Soviet nuclear dis• income rose above 3.4 billion rials In light of this development, the armament talks are progressing, in 1985, more than 30 times higher government decided to retrench. It Japan is taking the road to than 15 years earlier. revised the budget for the Third becoming a big power with high As a result of oil, luxurious Five-Year Plan, made major cuts military expenditure, which has traditional Islamic houses with in spending for capital construc• aroused the worries of other Asian arched windows sprung up in tion, reduced imports, dismissed

12 BEIJWG REVIEW, NO. 41 foreign workers, devalued the rial, will also prepare the ground for ber that inflation during the and generally slowed down economic development after the second quarter stood at 4.2 economic development. As a oil age. percent, far below the projected 5 result of these measures, a There are rich fish resources off to 6 percent. Continuing his government official said, Oman's the coast of Oman, mainly predecessor's tight-money policy economy has already begun to sardines and tuna. But most of the to fight inflation, Alan Green• improve. Some economic indexes country's 78,000 fishermen still span, the Federal Reserve Board picked up early this year and pilot old-fashioned boats and fish chairman, announced in early economic growth is forecast to output is only 300,000 tons a year. September the first raise in three reach 4 percent this year, The government has set up a years in the key federal interest Oman's economic problems fishery promotion fund, which has rate — the discount rate — from have been more short-lived than provided more than 1,300 alum• 5.5 percent to 6 percent. A those of its neighbours, because inium boats to fishermen. Oman spokesman for the board said the the government was quick to pose has also begun to co-operate with decision refiects its intention to the question of how to lessen the United States, Japan, Sin• deal effectively and in a timely way dependence on oil. The govern• gapore and other countries in the with potential inflationary pres• ment has given agriculture and exploitation of fish resources, and sures. fishing No. 1 priority in its long- has started to export fingerlings. The financial markets also were term strategy, followed by indus• The bright prospects for buoyed by data showing a try, mining, and then oil. It also Oman's fishery augur well for the narrowing government budget raised a call for economic gradual many-sided development deficit this year. According to the diversification. These moves will that will form the next chapter in Treasury Department, the US not only help ease the difficulties the country's history. budget deficit eased to USS21.73 resulting from falling oil prices but by Lin Jiaoming billion in August from US$22.21 billion in July. The shortfall between income and spending is UNITED STATES now significantly smaller than a year ago. The Reagan administr• ation forecast in August that the Stock Market Shows Resilience budget deficit for fiscal 1987 would fall to US$158.4 billion Many reasons have been given for the sustained rally in US from 221.14 billion in fiscal 1986. stocks, among them fears associated with the Gulf war. Some US economists said optim• ism about a congressional com• espite wild gyrations over the But the US Commerce Depart• promise to make the Gramm- Dpast few months, the US stock ment reported in mid-September Rudman-Hollings deficit-bal• market has remained bullish. that the country's gross national ance law more effective Many traders and financial product edged up 2.5 percent in raised some hopes about easing a analysts believe that the Dow the second quarter of this year, major problem that has been Jones average of industrial stocks, bringing the annual growth rate hurting the prospects for the the most widely followed market for the first six months to 3.5 dollar's future and contributed to trend indicator for international percent. The rate is higher than the rush for US stocks. investors, will probably keep many economists expected at the A stronger dollar helped spark rising in the months to come, beginning of the year. The Reagan the rally in the stock market. although its course may be administration set the growth Concern about the Persian Gulf bumpy. target for 1987 at 3.2 percent. war has pushed the dollar up The fate of the stock market is Government officials and sharply in foreign exchange closely tied to the economic economic forecasters agree that trading recently. On the news of performance of the United States the goal may be within reach. the US helicopter attack on a in particular and the world in Beryl Sprinkel, an economic mine-carrying Iranian ship and an general. The bullish prediction is adviser to the White House, said Iranian attack on a British vessel based on improved prospects for the latest economic statistics on September 21, the dollar rose the US economy. The Dow Jones indicate that prospects are ex• further against some leading average topped the 2,000 level on tremely good that the economic currencies. It is usual for January 8 and rose to a peak of expansion will continue into 1988. international investors to buy 2,722.42 on August 25. It dollars during periods of intern• subsequently dropped more than A lower inflation rate is another ational tension. They do so in an 200 points because of the unsettled reason for the sustained strength attempt to hedge against possible outlook for the US economy and of the stock market. The US losses, financial market analysts infiation. government reported in Septem• said. by Xin Di


A Look at Gorbachev's Asia-Pacific Policy The Soviet Union has been rethinking its policy towards the Asia-Pacific region, with a view to giving the area more prominence in its global strategy. Checked by various factors, however, the Soviet effort has achieved little to date. by Jia Bei

oon after Mikhail Gorbachev and announced that Gorbachev Sino-Soviet relations and put Sassumed the office of general would visit Japan. many Asia-Pacific nations on secretary of the Communist Party — It stopped criticizing the guard against the Soviet Union. of the Soviet Union (CPSU). the member states of the Association Moreover, Moscow's relations Kremlin set out to adjust its global of Southeast Asian Nations with Japan are strained by the strategy. One major adjustment (ASEAN) and Australia and New Soviet occupation of the four has been in its policy towards the Zealand for their military rel• Kuril islands, which is a problem left over from World War II. Asia-Pacific region — Moscow ations with the United States. Moscow will not even admit it has wants to increase the region's role Instead it has been trying to play a territorial dispute with Japan, let in its plans. up their disputes with alone return the islands. The policy adjustments are Washington. manifest in many fields: — It shifted its position on its Making use of Soviet weakness —In line with a general shift SS-20 missiles in Asia from in the area, the United States towards taking a "conciliatory" refusing to discuss them to turned to Asia with the aim of stance towards the United States, agreeing first to cut and then to strengthening its relations with Japan and ASEAN nations and Moscow publicly recognized US remove all of them, if the United assuring that its Japan-Guam- political and economic interests in States does the same with its Australia-New Zealand strategic the Asia-Pacific region. intermediate nuclear forces in the defence line remains intact. It — The Soviet Union has tried region. began deploying missiles and hard to break the deadlock in A flurry of Soviet diplomatic bringing in other advanced relations with China by positively activities in the Asia-Pacific region weapons to the Asia-Pacific area. appraising China's economic has accompanied these policy It was also actively seeking to reform and withdrawing a small adjustments. further develop its economic and number of troops from Afghanis• trade relations in the region. The tan and Mongolia. Formerly i-t Soviets believe Washington gives denied the existence of what China Behind the Soviet iVIoves top importance to the Asia-Pacific terms the three major obstacles to area in its global strategy. Moscow the normalization of Sino-Soviet In Europe, where Moscow has realizes that its own infiuence in relations: Soviet support for Vict put great strategic emphasis for the region is limited, and admits Nam's aggression in Kampuchea; years, the Soviet Union matches that the area poses the biggest the Soviet occupation of Afghan• the United States in medium- problems for the establishment of istan; and some I million Soviet range missiles and has the upper its hoped-for international secur• troops stationed along Sino- hand in shorter-range missiles and ity system. It has therefore become Soviel and Sino-Mongolian bor• conventional weapons. The Final ugent for the Soviets to end their ders that pose a threat to China. Act of the Helsinki Conference diplomatic deadlock in the Asia- — Moscow has paid greater signed in 1975 clearly defined the Pacific area and halt the US attention to Japan's role in the Soviet sphere of infiuence in military buildup and the form• Asia-Pacific region and the world, Europe. However, in the East, ation of an anti-Soviet alliance. describing the country as "a power Gorbachev faces two grave of top importance." It restored Moreover, the idea that the 2Ith problems. exchange visits between the two century belongs to the Asia- countries' foreign ministers, which In the 1970s, the Soviet Union Pacific area is taking hold, and the had been suspended for 10 years; took advantage of detente and the Soviet Union is very eager to get in gave Japanese people permission post-Viet Nam War syndrome in on the action. Moscow has clearly to visit the graves of their the United States to station realized that some advanced ancestors on Hobomai-shoto and soldiers in Afghanistan and offer capitalist countries, such as the Shikotan-to islands off northern support for the Vietnamese United States, Japan, Australia Japan, which have been occupied occupation of Kampuchea. These and New Zealand are concentra• by the Soviets since World War II; activities have further complicated ted in the region. So are such

14 BEIJlNdllEVlEW. NO. 41 newly industrialized nations and to the North Atlantic Treaty operation with them, and even by regions as Singapore, South Organization. making some concessions when Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Because of its economic stagn• necessary. To consolidate and as well as some countries that have ation since the 1970s, the Soviet strengthen its ties with India, the increasingly close ties with Union's ability to impose Soviet Union is offering New developed nations, including In• economic influence on Asia- Delhi economic and military aid. donesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Pacific countries has been limited. It adopts a prudent attitude the Philippines. Over the past 10 Politically, Moscow has also failed towards contradictions and fric• years, the Asia-Pacific region has to win the confidence of these tions among China, Japan and greatly increased its economic countries. Thus, it thinks it is India, and tries not to offend any importance to the capitalist world. facing a comprehensive political, of them so that their economic Despite some instability in the economic and military challenge relations and political influence area, it possesses enormous in the region. It has become an with other Asia-Pacific countries potential for economic growth. urgent diplomatic goal for the can help bring about changes in Since Moscow depends on the Soviet Union to improve its those countries' attitudes towards area for the development of political and economic relations the Soviet Union. Siberia and the Soviet Far East, it with countries in the region and is worried that the United Slates get them to affirm its identity as an (3) To improve its relations might strengthen its worldwide Asia-Pacific power; to expand its with all other Asia-Pacific nations, strategic position by co-ordinating influence and cause the political including the United States, its economic interests with Japan, pattern of the region to shift in a Moscow has adopted a humble Canada and major West Euro• direction favourable to itself; and posture and lessened its criticism pean capitalist countries in the at the same time to seek funds, of the foreign policies of US allies, Asia-Pacific and other regions. technology and markets to the ASEAN countries, Australia develop its national economy. and New Zealand. It maintains that Asia-Pacific countries and the Soviet Union should seek com• Moscow believes that the Asia- mon ground while reserving their Pacific area plays an important General Pattern differences and says that it will not role in deciding the world's political structure because four impose its ideology on them. It A rough outline of the Soviet major nations — the Soviet acknowleges US interests in the Union's Asia-Pacific policy can be Union, the United States, China region. All in all, it tries to give a seen from its actions during the and Japan — are located there. It good impression so that the Asia- past two years and its policy fears that the political influence of Pacific countries will recognize its adjustments: the United States in the Asia- role in the area and permit the (1) Focusing on disarmament, Pacific area might grow with the expansion of its inlluencc. peace and regional security, increase of its close relations with (4) The Soviet Union sees Moscow is attempting to gradu• the region; that China's intern• strengthening its economic and ally rally the whole region to its ational role might increase with its trade connections, and scientific, call for an Asia-Pacific security success in economic reform; that technical and cultural co• system. By improving relations Japan might grow into a power operation as the main means of with all the countries of the region, equal in political importance to implementing its strategy. By the Soviets hope to break up the the United States as its economy separating economics from poli• US military alliance in the area grows further; and that the tics, it seeks to dodge political and force the United States to ASEAN nations' political role differences and promote the dismantle its military bases, might increase. These factors gradual improvement of political withdraw its troops and stop its work against Soviet ambitions to relations by strengthening military actions. hold sway in the area. bilateral economic and cultural (2) The Soviet Union has been relations. Moscow also seeks to Militarily, the Soviet Union trying to promote its diplomacy in increase its role in multilateral fears that the United States will the region by improving its economic organizations in the turn the Asia-Pacific region into relations with China and Japan, region and to join the Pacific an offensive nuclear base to exert and strengthening its ties with Economic Co-operation Confer• protracted pressure on it. It is also India. Moscow is seeking to ence. It is doing this not only afraid of being caught in a two- normalize political relations with because of the material benefits way squeeze once the United China and Japan and win these involved, but also to win people States, by strengthening its countries away from the United over by playing protector of third- military co-operation with Japan, States by strengthening economic world interests and to prevent the establishes a US-Japan-South and trade relations, and scientific, United States from isolating the Korea military axis corresponding technological and cultural co• Soviet Union through regional

OCTOBER 12, ISH^^v-i'iir, 15 •i ARTICLES

economic integration. tries and strengthen its connec• islands; and expanded its naval (5) Moscow intends to talce tions with non-governmental base in Cam Ranh Bay, Viet Nam. advantage of regional differences organizations in the region so as to It even attempted to extend its and instability and of contradic• promote a shift in official attitudes naval cruising area to the South tions between Asia-Pacific coun• in a direction favourable to Pacific after the disintegration of tries and the United States to sow Moscow. the United States-Australia-New discord in their relations with the Zealand pact. All these moves have heightened the vigilance of United States and further its own the Asia-Pacific countries and aims. The Soviets closely follow Little Effect have made them suspicious of the political situations in the Moscow's sincerity about peace. Philippines and South Korea; the Gorbachev's Asia-Pacific trade frictions and economic policy is more flexible than that of The current Soviet leaders still contradictions between the United his predecessors, but his efforts in maintain the old policies on the States and Japan, as well as other the region have produced little two Asian hot spots — Asia-Pacific countries; the con• effect. The Soviet Union's sugges• Afghanistan and Kampuchea. tradictions between the United tion for an Asia-Pacific security While they would like to be free of the Afghanistan problem, they are States and Asia-Pacific nations on system has been ignored. Its afraid that the rickety Kabul defence and the question of application to join the Pacific regime will collapse and affect establishing a non-nuclear zone in Economic Co-operation Confer• their strategic interests in the the area; and regional differences ence has been rejected. Its region. After Gorbachev be• of opinions on the Kampuchean relations with China, Japan and problem. Disarmament, the reso• came general secretary of the the ASEAN countries have not CPSU, he said he would lution of problems in the region's made substantial progress. And its speed up the political settlement hot spots and developing scheme for scientific and techn• process in Afghanistan. But economic co-operation are the ological co-operafion with the immediately after that, Moscow main themes of Soviet Japanese government has not stepped up its attack on the propaganda. obtained results because Japan Afghanistan resistance forces. (6) To improve its strategic refuses to separate politics from Although the Soviet Union has position in the region, Moscow is economics and is demanding the withdrawn six regiments of its seeking to strengthen its military return of the four Kuril islands. At ground forces from Afghanistan, presence in ' Northeast Asia, the same time, US-Soviet tensions it has been evading the key Southeast Asia and South Asia in the region have not eased and question of total troop with• and to infiltrate the South Pacific their diplomatic struggle cont• drawal. Similarly, the Soviet area. By so doing, it hopes to inues unabated. The Soviets' move policy on Kampuchea has shown threaten US ocean defence and into the South Pacific area is being no sign of change. Moscow transport lines, and to put closely watched and countered by continues to support the Viet• psychological pressure on the the United States. namese invasion of Kampuchea Asia-Pacific countries. Gorbachev's Asia-Pacific and has been increasing its (7) The Soviet Union is making policy has run into trouble for a economic and military support to efforts to break out of its isolation number of reasons. Viet Nam. Economic aid to Viet in the Asia-Pacific area. It wants The Soviet Union's Asia-Pacific Nam in the 1986-1990 Five-Year to further strengthen the puppet policy is subordinate to its global Plan is twice the amount in the previous plan. Last December, Heng Samrin regime in Kampu• strategy. Although Moscow has Yegor Ligachev, a member of the chea and the Kabul regime in made some adjustments to its secretariat of the Central Commit• Afghanistan; build closer relations policy, its strategic aims in the tee of the CPSU, went to Viet Nam and co-operation with - these region have not changed. While to participate in the Sixth regimes and help them increase talking about peace, it has National Congress of the Viet- increased its military strength in contacts among themselves; and namse Communist Party, at which the Far East. It has reorganized extend its influence in the Viet Nam's leaders were replaced. the command system of its three communist and workers' parties The aim of Ligachev's visit was to of Asia-Pacific countries and armed services in the Soviet Far co-ordinate policies with the new bring their activities into the orbit East; developed its Pacific Fleet leaders and encourage them in of Soviet policy. The Soviet Union into the country's largest; built a their invasion of Kampuchea so as hopes to raise its prestige by powerful radar station near to strengthen the Soviet Union's developing links to these parties Nahodka on its eastern coast; position in Southeast Asia. In and, if necessary, by persuading deployed nuclear weapons on short, Moscow's present positions them to promote its policies. In the Sakhalin island and ground-to- on Afghanistan and Kampuchea meantime, it will adopt the ground and ground-to-ship off• can in no way ease its suggestions of Asia-Pacific coun• ensive cruise missiles on the Kuril

16 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 41 contradictions with China and Australia, New Zealand and means to increase its influence in most other Asia-Pacific nations. ASEAN countries in 1985 accoun• the region. Because the Soviet Union insists ted only 0.37 percent of the Soviet that there is no territorial question Union's total foreign trade. After two years of testing their between it and Japan, it can Although the Soviet Union new policies, Soviet leaders have neither advance its political and intends to expand its economic ties begun to realize the complexity of economic relations with Japan nor with the Asia-Pacific countries, it the Asia-Pacific situation and the succeed in creating discord has few products that could find a difficulty of what they were between the United States and ready market and is unable to attempting. Despite the problems, Japan and changing the political provide the high technology which Moscow cannot give up its efforts situation in the Asia-Pacific the new industrial nations in to reach its aim. But as long as the region. It is difficult for Moscow Southeast Asia urgently need. The Soviet leaders do not reverse their to win the approval of the Soviet Union also has a limited hegemonist stand and policies, Japanese government for setting capacity to buy products from the immediately withdraw their up a regional security system that developing countries in the Asia- troops from Afghanistan, stop includes as Soviet territory the Pacific region, so it cannot provide supporting Vietnamese aggression four islands over which Japan a market for their exports facing against Kampuchea and start claims sovereignty. US trade protecfionism. Because respecting the national sentiments The Soviet Union has a limited of the difficult conditions in the of the Asia-Pacific nations, they influence on the Asia-Pacific Soviet Far East, Asia-Pacific will find it hard to improve economy. US trade with the Asia- countries find it an unattractive relations with these countries, or Pacific region accounted for 30 place for investment. All these the Soviet Union's position in the percent of the country's total in factors reduce the effectiveness of Asia-Pacific region and the world 1983. Soviet trade with Japan, Soviet attempts to use economic as a whole. •

DISCUSSIONS ON ECONOMIC THEORIES Unifying Planning and IVIarketing by Liu Guoguang*

efore the Third Plenary economy and market. During the set plans. There would be no BSession of the 11th Party past eight years, with the rich market mechanism, no commod• Central Committee held in 1978, experience in the reform, break• ity and money circulation. How• the prevalent outlook on throughs have been made in ever, such a society is based on economic structure in China was economic theory. highly developed productive that a socialist economy would forces, highly socialized produc• ipso facio entail' a planned tive processes and economic economy, and its moves were Commodity Economy development beyond the stage of a totally regulated by planning. developed commodity economy. Commodity economy and market The argument that socialist In a socialist country lacking these regulation were regarded as economy is incompatible with prerequisites, especially in its early capitalist. So, the confrontation commodity economy and market stages, indiscriminate adherence between socialism and capitalism regulation runs counter to con• to the theories of Marx and Engels was equated with planned temporary practical demands for would "idealize" the economy economy versus commodity developing scientific socialism. which is actually concrete, com• Marx and Engels envisaged the plex and changeable. Heavily future socialist society as a large influenced by its natural economy, factory, in which all social labour, a socialist country like China will * The author is vice-president of the only appear to move towards the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a economic resources and products renowned economist. would be distributed according/to society envisioned by Marx and

OCTOBER 12, 1987i "> 17 ARTICLES

Engels, but in fact reform its social economy by no means excludes supply system of military com• economy in the direction of the application of the law of value munism. The national economy traditional natural economy. The and the growth of a com• would be stagnant, and dis• result will reduce socialism to an modity economy; they in fact tribution egalitarian, making it immature and rough social form. form a unity. It would be very difficult to bring out the wrong to set one against the superiority of the socialist system. Modern socialism, particularly other." The decision not only 3) It differentiates the socialist in its early stages, should proceed breaks away from long-standing economy from the unplanned from the realistic level and aim at rigid economic theories on commodity economy of capitalist the development of its social planning and commodity societies. Commodity economies productive forces. It must intro• economies, and planning systems can be classified into the anarchic duce market mechanisms, develop and markets, but also shows the commodity economy and the a commodity economy and way to achieve China's economic planned commodity economy. establish a socialist economic restructuring which aims to unify Over the past 30 years and more, structure with unified planning planning and market regulation. It China has accumulated a great and commodity economies and is the first significant step towards deal of experience in management combined planning and market reforming economic theory in planning which will be most useful regulation while retaining and China. in establishing a planned com• perfecting planning regulation. modity economy. The experiences This is a basic conclusion from of Western countries in develop• China's socialist economic con• ing commodity economies should struction. Planned Market Economy be absorbed wherever they are In the 30 years prior to applicable to China's conditions. economic reforms, Chinese econo• Theoretically defining "socialist But on no account should the mists discussed the role of the law economy" as "planned commod• anarchic commodity economy of of value in socialist economies. ity economy" is important for Western countries be indiscrimi• They also came up with many three reasons: nately copied. good ideas. For example, the late 1) It distinguishes the socialist economist Sun Yefang advanced economy from the scattered, In short, China's economic the theory of "basing the planning autarkic natural economy. This reform aims to establish a planned system and statistics on the law of makes breaking away from the commodity economy with its own characteristics through strength• value." Economist Gu Zhun concept of a self-sufficient, closed- ening planned guidance and raised the idea of "automatic door, natural economy and macro-control during the insti• regulation " which is similar to the replacing it with a socialist tution of a commodity economy notion of "market regulation."" adaptation of the commodity and application of market mech- These ideas were either expressed economy the prime task of China's ii'nisms. This theoretical starting bashfully or criticized as "re• socialist construction, since the point sets three tasks for visionist,"" resulting in the long traditional force of the natural developing China's economy-. I) dominant position of theories economy is the major barrier to Discarding the infiuences of opposing markets and com• the growth of social productive modity economies. natural economy in the internal forces in the country. economic structure; 2) Checking Only since the Third Plenary 2) It differentiates socialist the premature leap to a stage of Session of the I Ith Party Central economy from the future product product economy: 3) Eliminating Committee in 1978 has China economy (where products arc the infiuence of laissez-faire made a definite stand in support of directly distributed by the state, economism from the Western the organic unity of planning and not through markets) in a society capitalist world. Any ambiguity in the market. After four or five years of plenty. China's current position these tasks for economic develop• of discussion a consensus of with an undeveloped productive ment may lead away from the true opinion was finally reached. It is force, with products far from objectives. Advances must be marked by the approval at the being abundant, and backward in unswervingly in the direction of a Third Plenary Session of the 12th technologies and management planned commodity economy. Party Central Committee in 1984 renders it impossible to skip over of the "Decision of the Central the stage of commodity economy Committee of the Communist to practise product economy. It is Party of China on Reform of the also unrealistic to practise product Changing Conceptions Economic Structure."" The de• economy in a natural economy cision clearly states that "socialist environment. Enforced product Establishing the concept of economy is a commodity economy economy will merely result in a "planned commodity economy" based on public ownership."' It traditional economy with cen• requires a break with three also points out that "a planned tralized planning resembling the obsolete standppints: 1) That the

BEIJl>r0 REVIEW. NO. 41 planning system can only be in a socialist economy only was therefore largely under a mandatory, from Stalin's idea that consumer goods are commodities. unified system of planning. In ••planning is not forecast, not Commodities arc limited to those light of the new concept of unified suggestion, but mandate;" 2) That items obtained without ration planning and market, economists planning should embrace all coupons, and only these commod• have proposed several models: fields, including not only the ities are actually regulated by 1) The model of "plate unity" macro-economy but also the market. The means of production holds that operating beside the micro-economy. This concept are not regarded as commodities, original unified system of plann• stemmed from the simplistic and thus not allowed to enter the ing is a parallel regulatory market: understanding of Marx's and market. Funds, technology, 2) The model of '"interlocked Lenin's vision of future society as labour service, real estate and unity" assumes an infiltration of a syndicate, or a large factory; 3) other key production factors are the opposite factors. Planning That the most effective method of totally excluded from the market regulation abides by the law of implementing plans is through arena. China's economic reforms value, but market regulation is targets in terms of material have led to expanded market subjected to the guidance and products and direct planned regulation through planning restriction of macro-planning; distribution. This stems from the guidance and an broadened inlluence of natural economic concept of market. 3) The model of "collidal theories. Now consumer goods and unity" regards planning and With reforms in the planning means of production are all market not as two parallel plates system three new concepts have recognized as commodities, and each regulating the national emerged: I) Planned administr• are saleable on a much larger economy, but as a unity that can ation does not necessarily mean scale. Not only is the existence of regulate the national economy at mandatory planning, but encom• commercialized goods accepted, various levels. The planning passes both mandatory and but markets now extend to funds, system has the main function of guidance planning. Mandatory labour service, technology, real regulating the structure of the planning should gradually be estate and essential elements of macro-economy, while market controls micro-economic activ• replaced by guidance planning, production. Of course, many ities. Macro-economic balance is which lakes into account market problems with the nature of based on the supply and demand situations, so that the latter will markets selling production ele• changes in the market. At the same become dominant. 2) Planning is ments and limitation on their time, micro-economic factors not all embracing. In general, it management still need to be discussed. But the new concept of must be included in the guidance docs not cover concrete micro- of overall planning. economic activities, but mainly a socialist market system embrac• deals with the balance of the ing both commodity and other macro-economy in the light of production factors is an important Rather than mutually exclusive market force co-ordinating micro- development in socialist economic targets, the above models for unifying planning and market are economic factors. 3) It is not theory. interacting. The stages of develop• necessary to adopt or rely on the ment which can be described from target system (such as fixing Different IVIodeis model (I) featuring a largely concrete production figures) for unified system of planning to the regulation of the economy. model (2), with the two plates of More emphasis should instead be The unified planning and market concept has triggered planning and market linking at the placed on the application of initial stage of the reform, then to economic policies and economic other important theoretical ques• tions about targeted models of model (3) where the two plates levers, such as price, taxation, and interlock, and at last to model (4) interest and exchange rates. "unity" and interim measures to be adopted. Strictly speaking, an organic unity of planning and With the new system based on a market within the whole scope of unified planning and market before the reforms, all socialist countries in the world, while the national economy. At present, structure, the concept of planning China's reforms are in the theoretically adopting the view of has also changed. transitional stage from model (2) '"the mutual exclusion of planning to (3). The actual process is more and market," in practice never involved than this description. totally abolished markets. Mar• Chinese Marxist economists still Expansion of Market kets before the reforms, however, face the task of probing ways to did not regulate the national alter China's economic mechan• The idea of a "planned economy, and they were relegated ism and draw up theoretical commodity economy" has given to the "forgettable corner" of the models featuring a planned rise to a new understanding of largely unified system of planning. commodity economy. • market. It has been long held that The economy before the reform

OCTOBER 12. .19»-r'ir -V 19 Career Woman.. .Obedient Wife... or

by Our Correspondent Wu Naitao

rban women, who used to stay IVIakIng sacrifice for the success work. Uat home managing the house• of their husbands. Wages in hold, have in the last 30 years or so China are low and household One such woman is Yuan Dan. become important labour forces in duties are a long way from being a shop book-keeper. Whenever most trades. Employed women socialized, so not all working her journalist husband goes out of numbered 46.88 million in 1986, women can afford and are willing town for reporting, she stays away about 43.7 percent of that year's to pay as high a price as Xu from the rotation of night shifts to total number of workers and staff, Runhua to play their role in take care of her four-year-old compared with 7.5 percent in society. The chores must be done child in the evenings. To her way 1950. by husband or wife, or both. of thinking since her shop is Unlike their male counterparts, Many women decide to do most of overstaffed, it is better for her to however, working women still them so that their husbands will do most of the chores to ensure her have to do much family work as have more time and energy for husband's success. wives and mothers. Trapped by these circ*mstances, they must make certain choices between Yuan Wenyan (left), a model worker at the Joint Hanzhong-Dandong Silk Factory In work and family life. Shaanxi Province.

Three Choices

utter devotion to work. Xu Runhua, 49, has been a nurse at the Beijing Children's Hospital for 32 years and is now director of the hospital's Department of Nurses in charge of 540 nurses. She is also a permanent council member of the All-China Nurses' Associ• ation. She has published 15 papers based on her experience in nursing in an academic magazine. Xu partly owes her success to her husband. As deputy director of the same hospital, he is kept very busy but never fails to assist with household chores. When their son was born 20 years ago, Xu was head of a ward, and her husband a doctor. Both had to work night shifts. They employed a nurse to take care of the boy, which ate up their bank savings. There are many women who paid the price for success in their careers. According to the All- China Federation of Trade Unions, the number of young women who cut a brilliant figure in work in recent years is very impressive.

20 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 41 hoped for virtuous wives who would do most of the household chores. This shows that the majority of men hope their wives will not only be faithful com• panions in life but also strong- minded women in career. When all conditions cannot be met, some prefer a wife with more interest in family life. In large cities, single men tend to look for a wife who is gentle and soft, obedient and considerate, and good at household manage• ment. They set no high demand on her schooling and occupation. As a result, many well-educated and gifted women are having difficulty finding boy friends and husbands. "I don't want to have a wife who has a stronger career than me," said one man. But Jiang Lijuan's husband, a senior engineer, is different. He HUANG JIANQIU Li Cuiying, professor at ttie Dr. Sun Yatsen University in Guangzfiou and member of tlie encourages and supports her in National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, her work as a middle school instructing her post-graduate students in insect classification. teacher. And her mother-in-law takes care of their child, the most energy consuming job in a family. Living in such a good family, Jiang feels full of energy in work. "We However, this does not mean happy life. He Jingchun, a factory are not well-to-do, but the family women workers like Yuan Dan director, is one of these women. is saturated with love and care." hope to be housewives. They hope The sugar refinery under her she said. "Whenever I return to be economically independent control has been making huge home with heavy legs, my fatigue and contribute to society. profits in the last few years in spite will soon be warmed away." She is Working hard and enjoying life. of strong competition in the commended as a national model This has become a trend among industry. While being a good middle school teacher, and has young women today. Early in manager in the factory, she is also been received by state leaders. March this year, about 1,000 a good wife and mother at home. women post-graduates of Beijing "Through my wife, 1 have gained a University and Qinghua Univers• better understanding of those ity suggested that women univers• women who are working hard for Jiang Yahui, a worker at the Kaifeng ity students should be mentally the modernization of the coun• Generator Factory in Henan Province, has prepared to seek success in work try," said her husband with pride already completed her work quota for and a happy family life in the and admiration. 1991. She is the first in the factory to be ahead of schedule. future. "We should shoulder the WANG GANGFA dual duty entrusted by society and family with a totally new mental outlook," they said in the Husbands' Opinions proposal. At a meeting of business women What does a husband demand enterprisers held in Beijing last of his wife then? A survey of 5,000 year, participants discussed how men conducted by the women's to better handle the relationship federation in Baicheng, Jilin between work and family. The Province last year showed that 83 unanimous feeling was that, while percent preferred to have a wife working hard, women should with some education; 92 percent show loving care for their wanted their wives to be aggressive husbands and children to ensure a in their career; and 96 percent

OCTOBER 12, 19871 0-^,UHH 21 •1 ARTICLES

must be shared by her colleagues. In those factories where most of the workers are women, this can be a serious problem. For this reason, the Beijing Children's Hospital limits the maternity leave of women doctors to only 71 days in order to maintain normal operation. Many employers offer pre• ferential treatment to women staff during their "difficult period." But this has its negative argument: Better employ less women!

Gratifying Beginning SONG LIANFENG Women of the March 8 Group of the No.4 Sanitation Co. of Beijing who in 1986 worl

BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 41 FACTS & FIGURES High Employment Rate Among Urban Women by the State Statistical Bureau

t the end of 1986, of China's the total). The number of women 1986, nearly 600,000 women A city people able to work, 62 engaged in the tertiary industry workers and staff members million were women between the went up 68.5 percent to 18.1 attended special training classes ages of 16 and 54. Fifty-one million (35.3 percent). The on a secondary level and 300,000 million of them have been taking percentage of women working in participated in advanced training part in all kinds of social labour, the public health departments, schools. Some were even studying accounting for 82 percent. The catering trades and other services for their master's or doctor's figure is higher than that of the was as high as 50. degrees. United States (54 percent), Britain (35.7 percent), France (33.3 percent), and the Federal Repub• Improved Education Existing Probiems lic of Germany (32.7 percent), and lower than the Soviet Union (90 1. A practice of looking down percent), the German Democratic In the last few years, the on women is prevalent in enrolling Republic (89 percent) and Bul• political awareness and educ• college students or in assigning garia (86 percent). The high ational level of these urban women work for university and technical employment rate of urban women workers and staff members have school graduates and in recruiting is an important indication of the markedly improved. Compared workers. Some departments try to emancipation of Chinese women with 1978, the number of women reduce the percentage of women and a concrete demonstration of cadres had increased 74.7 percent workers to be employed. Even the superiority of the socialist by 1986, at an annual rate of 7.2 commercial departments and light system. percent. During this period the men cadres increased at an annual and textile industrial enterprises rate of 5.5 percent. In the total which are more suitable for number of cadres, the percentage women, prefer men to women. Women Workers of women went up from 25.9 in Some others arbitrarily demand 1978 to 28.5 in 1986. Of these, higher examination marks for By the end of last year, China women engineers and technical women workers and staff mem• had 46.88 million urban women workers rose by 12.3 percent a bers. Other departments refuse to workers and staff members, a 50 year on an average (11.7 percent sign contracts with married percent increase over 1978. They for men), while the percentage of women, and in the case of single accounted for 36.6 percent of the women scientific researchers went women employees, do not extend total, up from the 32.9 percent in up by 4.7 percent a year on an their contracts after they get 1978. Of them. 30.57 million average as compared with a 3.8 married and have a baby. Some worked in state enterprises (32.8 percent of men scientific resear• others under various pretext even percent of the total or 43.8 percent chers. The number of women refuse to accept women university more than 1978), 16.05 million teachers increased by a yearly and technical school graduates worked in collective enterprises average of 16.9 percent, higher assigned to them. Discriminatory (46.9 percent of the total or 60.2 than the men's 12.8 percent. employment practices against percent more than 1978), and women have made it difficult for Statistics from the 8,000 big and 260,000 in various other kinds of them to find jobs. Statistics at the medium-sized industrial enter• enterprises (47.3 percent of the end of 1986 show that among the prises show that of the 6 million total). youth awaiting for jobs, 61.5 women workers and staff mem• percent were women, 1.3 percent In terms of the type of bers, 4.5 percent have an more than the previous year. occupation they engaged in, 3.01 university education, 82.1 percent million were working in primary a middle school education, 12.2 2. The structure of employment industry (2.9 percent less than percent a primary school educ• is irrafional. In trades and 1978 or 35.8 percent of the total), ation and 1.2 percent are illiterate. professions suitable to women, those working in the second Many of them have taken up all such as in posts and telecommun• industry increased to 25.77 milhon sorts of studies, sometimes in the ications, education and financial (by 47.8 percent, or 37.7 percent of face of difficult conditions. In departments, women account for

OCTOBER 12. 1987^^' 23 •1 ARTICLES less than 40 percent. On the other in their efforts to improve their men counterparts. On Sundays or hand, in building, transport, and status. A survey of 700 workers holidays, 6.1 hours have to be mining enterprises where working and staff members by the Gansu spent, 1.6 hours more than men conditions are harsh and labour is Provincial Statistical Bureau workers. With their time taken up heavy, women make up 20 shows that on workdays women by work, household chores and percent. have to spend an average of 2.7 sleep, women have little chance to 3. The heavy burden of hours per day doing household improve their status, either household chores impedes women chores, one hour more than their politically or educationally. •

THE ABC OF INVESTING IN CHINA (IX) How to Hire and Dismiss Employees by Our Correspondent Yue Haitao

he right lb hire and fire -members in the original Chinese retrenched staff. The Beijing Jeep Temployees is one of the basic staff However, examinations are Corp., a joint venture between the rights enjoyed by foreign-funded set for all the old staff and new Beijing Automobile Factory and enterprises in China. Employees applicants, and those who prove the US Motor Co., employed less of Sino-foreign joint ventures are themselves qualified will be than half of the members of the either from the original staff of employed after a probationary Beijing factory's original staff and Chinese businesses before mergers period. The Chinese investing the rest were recruited by the take place or recruited through businesses will make arrange• Beijing factory's new light-duty local and overseas advertisem*nts. ments for unsuccessful applicants. truck workshop. The two parties in the Beijing- When a joint venture needs to Hong Kong Shangri-la Hotel co• increase its workforce, a sub• Picking Up the Best operated in formulating rules for mission of employment require• soliciting applications for all ments and an application for a positions. The original staff and The main source of employees new employment quota must be new applicants were treated for Sino-foreign joint ventures is made to the local labour equally, and the best of them were the original staff of the Chinese department. The labour depart• selected and employed after partners, as this calls for less ment will set the locality, preliminary tests and re• investment and yields quicker department and scope for recruit• examinations. results. ing new workers. The joint venture It is agreed by all sides that the According to Western stan• may advertise for and recruit choice of a good Chinese partner is dards, most Chinese enterprises skilled workers and the labour of prime importance in setting up are overstaffed. Joint ventures in department can also offer its a successful joint venture. Presi• China, it seems^can only employ recommendations. If a joint dent of Xerox's Chinese Business outstanding members of the venture finds it difficult to obtain Development, South Pacific Oper• Chinese enterprises" original staff engineers, technicians and man• ations James E. Shapiro stressed, Given this, some Chinese partners agerial personnel in the locality, it "The Chinese partners in joint set the re-employment of all can recruit from other areas with ventures should rank as the best original staff as a condition for co• the approval of the personnel factories in China." These have a operation. This is against Chinese department of the unit in charge of large number of qualified workers government stipulations that the the Chinese investing business. who can adapt themselves to joint Chinese partner in a joint venture management after short-term is obliged to make arrangements training. It is no wonder that the for any retrenched staff, including Foreign Employees Tianjin-Astor Hotel (see "Trade the old, sick and disabled. The Union and Party Organizations" joint venture need not assume Sino-foreign joint ventures can in BR. issue No. 36) attributes its responsibility for their wages and also employ technical specialists initial success to the employment insurance premiums. The feasi• and senior managerial personnel of a large number of the Chinese bility study drafted before the from abroad. The first general investor's original staff. finalizaton of a joint venture managers of most of the recent • There arc of course unqualified should consider arrangements for Sino-foreign, joint ventures have

24 BEUmO REVIEW, NO. 41 been recommended by foreign few actually do so. employment and low wages. The partners. In some large ventures, Some places, such as the Dalian proportion of people awaiting the chief engineer, chief account• Economic and Technological jobs has for a long time stood at 2 ant and quality control engineer Development Zone, specify that percent. Over the past 40 years, are also selected by the foreign employees who have received state-run enterprises have seldom party. The US partner in the more than three months" training fired their workers. The labour Foxboro Co. of Shanghai appoin• in their enterprises cannot resign system began to conduct reforms ted the general manager and chief before their first year with the in this area last year, but the engineer. The Beijing Jeep Corp's firm. Otherwise they will be liable factory director's power to dismiss US partner appointed the general to refund training costs. employees is still limited, extend• manager and managers of all ing mainly to those who have functional departments. The Jian- violated discipline and refused to guo and Great Wall-Sheraton Obstructions to Dismissal mend their ways. Hotels in Beijing each employ several dozen foreign staff mem• Foreign-funded enterprises in bers, including the general man• In countries dominated by a market economy it is common for China feel less reserved to dismiss agers, department managers and unqualified employees, even heads of various service depart• enterprises to dismiss incompetent employees or for employees to though the government labour ments. In its early stage of department must do painstaking operation, the Beijing Aviation resign their positions. In China, however, the traditional practice work to pursuade them to leave. Food Co. Ltd., China's first joint The labour department must also venture, employed a total of 15 of the "iron rice bowl" (secured permanent job) still presents an make appropriate arrangements staff selected by the Hong Kong for dismissed workers. The trade investor. obstacle to dismissals, although reform in the labour system was union organization in a joint Most of the foreign staff at made some time ago. venture can investigate the Sino-foreign joint ventures are justifications for decisions by the efficient and highly experienced. In areas which opened earlier, board of directors. Any dif• The FRG deputy general manager such as Guangdong and Fujian, ferences can be submitted for of the Tianjin Liming Cosmetics dismissal of employees has arbitration to the government Co. is trusted by the company's become a more common practice labour department. In many cases, board of directors and all the and it meets with almost no relafives and friends of those to be employees for his strict manage• resistance. The China Hotel in dismissed will plead for lenience ment and decisive handling of Guangzhou, estabhshed in 1984, from enterprise leaders. The production matter. With the help dismissed an average of four security departments also en• of foreign technicians, the China- employees a day in its early stage courage enterprises not to rashly France Winery Co. Ltd. in Tianjin of operation and none of the dismiss employees as this would has produced high-quality investors raised any objection. In put pressure on social security. To Z)r«tf,v/r-brand wine which enjoys inland cities, however, it is not so avoid all these problems joint a ready market abroad. easy to dismiss staff. Since the ventures are generally reluctant to adopt such extreme measures and Employees of joint ventures Beijing Jeep Corp. was established only use them as a last resort. usually enter contracts with their three years ago, it has dismissed company. The contracts can either three senior and 30 middle-level be signed between the enterprise Chinese employees and eight If joint ventures are bent on authorities and the trade union American staff members. On dismissing some employees they organization or between the receiving their dismissal notices, should inform the latter's trade enterprise authorities and the the Americans handed over their union organizations and report employees themselves. Labour work, packed up and went home. the discharge to the labour and contracts are legally binding and Chinese employees, however, personnel departments. Joint should be strictly upheld by both behaved quite differently. ventures should also provide parties. Although the board of directors compensation for dismissed Because employees of joint had provided explanations, they workers based on their length of ventures in China are better paid would not be convinced. They service (usually one-month aver• than other workers, transfers are wept bitterly and tried every age salary for each year). Sun rare. This serves to stabilize possible way to find someone to Hesheng of the Fair-Well Nutri• product quality and helps cut costs intercede for them, hoping the tion Co. Ltd. was dismissed for for training skilled workers. company would retract its managerial inefficiency and re• Although it is possible for decisions. ceived compensation equivalent to employees of any joint venture to China is a socialist country two months average salary for resign on a month's notice, very which practises the policy of wide company employees. " ,


avoid detours that were taken by Pollution Prevention Must Come First developed countries. During the 1970s, a new science "ZHONGGUO HUANJING BAO" have some unchangeable charac• was established to prevent various kinds of environmental problems (Chinese Environment) teristics. Even if we pay high prices for "control afterwards," it is very in the course of economic eople in the academic circles difficult to retrieve losses. Take development. Based on this Pboth at home and abroad and rare birds, animals and plants, for science, we can apply the methods leaders in charge of economic example, which are of great of systems engineering to analyse construction still have some scientific value to human beings. construction projects, take mea• confused ideas about simulta• They can become extinct in a short sures to prevent environmental neous development of the environ• time, and can never be recovered. problems that arise during ment and the economy. They say With the rapid exploitation of construction. Even if problems that the process of "pollution first natural resources, many species emerge, we can reduce unfavour• and control afterwards" is inevit• have been pushed to the brink of able consequences and keep losses able; and it is no exception for extinction. We must pay great to a minimum. China and other developing attention to this problem. 5. In developing its economy, countries. This view is unscientific Moreover, some environmental China decided to follow a policy of and cannot stand the test of problems, such as desertification, steady, sustained and co• practice. The reasons are: unsuitable distribution of industry ordinated development after 1. The historical conditions of and cities, improper large-scale summing up the lessons of history. developing countries differ from irrigation works and traffic This is the correct course. To those of industrialized countries. projects are very hard to remedy. implement this policy, we must When developed countries were in All this shows that we can make prevent the pollution of the the stage of industrialization, great errors that are extremely environment and protect environ-- there were abundant and cheap difficult to correct, if we conduct mental resources while deve• resources, as well as cheap energy economic construction without loping the economy. and labour all over the world. In taking ecology into account. 6. The basic aim of China's these circ*mstances, they took the 4. In the early days of socialist system is to bring benefit road of "pollution first and industrialization, some of the to people. Therefore, while control afterwards," because it environmental problems that carrying out construction, we was possible for them to adopt appeared in developed countries must prevent the pollution of remedial measures and pay higli were inseparable from the levels of environment and the social effects prices to control the deterioration understanding and technology at of pollution, and not take the old of the environment caused by the that time. Now conditions have way of "pollution first and control development of production. changed. Developing countries afterwards." If, in our attempts to But those days are gone forever. can learn from the experiences of develop the economy to benefit Today it is very difficult for developed countries and can gain the people, we pollute and destroy developing countries to find all access to their advanced tech• the environment, we would be these favourable conditions at the nology. In addition, with the going against the aim of socialist same time. In China, for example, development of science and development. energy and resources have been in technology, developing countries In short, the road of "pollution quite short supply, although cheap have adopted new measures to first and control afterwards" is a solve various kinds of environ• labour is readily available. tortuous path unsuitable to mental problems caused by rapid 2. The way of "pollution first China's conditions. development. Thus, they can and control afterwards" carries a (June II, I9H7J high price. Experience shows that the cost of "control afterwards" is at least double and can be several times more than that of simulta• neous prevention and control. In Changes in China's Marriages addition, practice in China and other countries has long since demonstrated that it is not "ZHONGGUO FUNU" registrations totalled 8.82 million, economical to give up the whole (Chinese Women) an increase of 532,000 over 1985; and long-term interests for divorce figures reached 506,000, short-term gains. or 49,000 more than that in 1985. he number of both marriages Two main reasons can be 3. The serious consequences of Tand divorces in 1986 increased ascribed to the higher number of some environmental problems markedly. Last year marriage marriages; More young people

26 ftPWl,»« REVIEW, NO. 41 have reached the marriageable age divorce, 214,000 processed their statistics, money spent on non- in recent years and the average age applications through the civil staple food accounted for 57.1 for first marriages has fallen — affairs departments and 292,000 percent of the total food from 23.8 years in 1984 to 22 years cases went through the courts, an consumption. in 1986. increase of 9.2 percent and 11.5 At the same time, housing Of all the registered marriages percent over 1985 respectively. conditions have also improved. last year, 17.075 million were first According to a recent survey in Many farmers" houses are now ones, while remarried couples, some places, up to 70 percent of bright and attractive. In 1986. the either with a new partner or to divorce pleas were made by the average per-capita housing area former spouses, numbered female partners and about half of was 15.29 square metres. 7.19 571,000. the divorced couples were below square metres more than in 1978. Last year, 894.000 couples 35 years of age. In each of the past six years, the applied for divorces. Of them Last year, the divorced accoun• state has provided building 506,000 requests were granted, ted for 7 per thousand of the total materials for 10 percent of China's creating the record for recent married population. farmers. years. Of the couples seeking (Angus! J. 1987) Farmers are beginning to choose ready-made and fashion• able clothes. In the past, farmers preferred durable and cheap Improved Living Standards for Farmers clothes. Now their clothes have become more colourful and stylish. In 1986, ready-made "NONGMIN RIBAO' average per-capita amount of clothes purchased by farming money available for buying families doubled. (Farmers' Daily) consumer commodities was 217 Domestic electric appliances yuan, a five-fold growth over that have entered the homes of ccording to a recent survey of eight years ago, accounting for farmers. In 1986 the number of Aconducted by the State 62.8 percent of the total expendi• bikes, radios and watches for Statistical Bureau's rural fact• ture on daily necessities. In 1978. every 100 farming households had finding group, the living standards however, it was only 38.8 percent. doubled or redoubled compared of Chinese farmers have under• This reflects the rapid transform• with 1978. Some well-off farmers gone great changes since 1979. ation from a substantially self- also purchased washing machines, Findings of the survey indicate sufficient economy in China's refrigerators. TV sets, electric fans that some farmers have become rural areas to a new commodity and tape recorders. quite well off. From 1979 to 1986, economy. the average annual income per Consumption by farming fami• capita saw an increase of 290 The proportion of food con• lies has changed in its order — yuan, compared with the negli• sumption to living expenses from eating, clothing, fuel, gible growth of 90 yuan from 1949 decreased from 67.7 percent in expenditure on daily necessities to 1978. 1978 to 56.4 percent in 1986. In the and housing to eating, housing, Rural areas now have fewer past grain was the staple food of expenditure on daily necessities, poverty-striken households, along farmers. But now their food clothing and fuel. This shows that with an increased number of well- consumption has expanded to when the farmers have enough off households and households in include more meat, poultry, eggs, food and clothing they will turn which the essential necessities of sugar, fish and shrimp. Some high- their attention to improving their life are guaranteed. The per• quality nutrients have also entered housing conditions. centage of poor households their diet. According to 1986 (August 11. 1986) (with an average per-capita Mam, please walk slowly! Cartoon by XUAN SHUZHENG annual income below 200 yuan) decreased from 61.6 in 1980 to 11.3 in 1986; households with an average per-capita annual income of between 200 and 500 yuan increased from 36.8 to 60; and those with an income of over 500 yuan increased from 1.6 to 28.7. With raised incomes, farmers" consumer pattern totally altered. Money spent on consumer goods increased. In 1986. the


China, USSR told Beijing Review that the and measuring instruments, ac• opening of the Lockheed Beijing cessories and cigarettes and cigars. Team up in Fisiiery Office last July came in the wake At the same time 23 symposia were of business developments which held to discuss 18 cultivation and ccording to the aquatic included the following deals: processing projects. Adepartment of the Ministry of —The sale of two L-lOO planes China's tobacco industry has Agriculture, Animal Husbandry to CAAC. The L-100 is the civilian trade and co-operative relations and Fishery, a Chinese fishery version of the military C-130; with 150 companies in 32 delegation is expected to visit the — The sale of a number of countries and regions, and it Soviet Union towards the end of information systems to various exports to dozens of places in this year to discuss long-term Chinese institutions; Europe, Asia and Africa, accord• scientific and technological co• — The completion of a feasi• ing to Jin Maoxian, deputy operation in the fishing industry. bility study for the airport in the general manager of the China This marks the first possibility of Shenzhen SEZ. National Tobacco Corp. co-operation since the suspension Lockheed had also helped of relations between the two The Beijing Tobacco Factory certify the technical performance countries over 20 years ago. exported in the first nine months of the Yun-12 aircraft manu• of this year 3 million yuan worth In talks held between Chinese factured by the Harbin Aircraft of goods to a dozen countries and and USSR fishery delegations in Plant, said Neese. regions including the United Beijing last June, a unanimous He said that discussions are States, Japan, Singapore, Federal agreement was reached on the under way for the co-production Germany, Malaysia and Hong necessity to actively develop co• of Fletcher planes in China. The Kong. operation to promote the develop• Fletcher, demonstrated to Chinese Jinjian and Changle brand ment of the fishing industry, and Vice-Premier Wan Li in New cigarettes which contain Chinese the scientific and technological Zealand in 1986, is designed for medicinal herbs sell well abroad. progress of the two countries. agricultural use, such as spraying The Lingdan brand cigarette During the talks, the Soviet side fertilizers and insecticides. Its produced by Anhui Province and proposed that four questions be manufacturer is the Pacific the Pseudo-ginseng brand discussed, including research into Aerospace Corp. of New Zealand, cigarette produced by Yunnan natural and artificial proliferation of which Lockheed owns 25 Province which are helpful for in the Heilongjiang and Wusu- percent. some kinds of diseases have come lijiang Rivers, and the esta• Neese said Lockheed is to hold onto the international market. blishment of joint fishery enter• an aeroplane exhibition in Beijing To improve the quality of prises in the Soviet Union. The on October 14-20. cigarettes, China has in the last Chinese side expressed hope that two years imported 16 kinds of the two countries would co• advanced equipment and tech• operate in bioengineering projects nology from Britain, Italy and and their fishery applications. Tobacco Exhibition Federal Germany. Both parties agreed to further Jin said the exhibition is an discuss the form of co-operation in Held in Beijing example of the new co-operation between China and other coun• the Soviet Union in late 1987. eijing International Tobacco tries. China is the biggest cigarette Exhibition 1987 was held B market and the biggest cigarette between September 22 and 28 at producer in the world. It needs a the Beijing Exhibition Centre. great deal of advanced equipment This, is the first forum for to improve its tobacco production exchanging tobacco technology of and is eager to export its products Cilina Seen as its kind in China. and technology. The prospects for Prime Growtii Area Participants included 500 fore• co-operation between China and ign business people from 55 other countries are very good. ockheed sees the People's companies in 16 countries and • L Republic of China as one of regions, and representatives from the prime growth areas in the the China National Tobacco world economy and that is why it Corp. and its branches in the Know-How import has opened an office in Beijing, various provinces and said a senior executive of the municipalities. For Clothing Export aircraft corporation. On display were the latest Don Neese, vice-president for developments from China and anks to imported advanced the Asia-Pacific Region, Lock• abroad and items including rtechnology, the Mailyard heed Corporation International, production equipment, testing Garment Co. Ltd., in operation

28 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 41 News in Brief

• China's offshore oil industry has expanded considerably with the injection of foreign capital. From 1979 to August this year China signed 41 contracts with foreign countries for co-operative exploration of China's seas and US$2.86 billion have come in under those contracts. Since 1979 dozens of foreign oil companies have invested in China's oil industry, including some from the United States, France, Britain and Japan. During this period, China carried out seismic prospecting over a total of 345,000 kilometres of territory, and sunk 162 test wells and found oil and gas in 65 of Chinese and Japanese designers cut garments together. TONG SHUIAN them. It also explored 120 geological traps and found oil and for only one year, has achieved stipulated in the agreement that gas in 35 of them, a success rate of national recognition for its every year Santei sends 350 people 29 percent. production of high-grade to assist Mailyard in production Western-style suits. The Western- and provides more than 10 of the • China will hold its first style clothes worn by all members latest styles in world fashion. The fashion festival on December 8-14 of the Chinese delegation to the co-operation period is 20 years. this year in Shenzhen. During the 2nd World Track and Field festival various ethnic minority, Tournament held in Rome not Since the agreement, more than opera and classical costumes, new long ago, were produced by 700 Japanese experts and techni• Chinese- fashions and foreign Mailyard. Some Chinese senior cians have worked and exchanged products will be displayed. officials and noted public figures experience and market inform• Representatives from abroad will also order clothes from the ation with Mailyard. The Japa• be invited to participate. company. By June of this year, the nese side has already trained a • China has been permitted to factory had received enough group of technicians and man• use UL safety marks on 150 kinds orders for its products for the next agerial personnel for the firm. of machinery and electrical year. products it exports to the United In the first half of this year, States according to a contract The company with Hong Kong Mailyard produced 86,500 signed by the China National investment is located in Huangshi, Western-style clothes with top Import & Export Commodities Hubei Province. With a registered quality items comprising over 99.7 Inspection Corp. and the US UL capital of US$1 million, it has an percent. A Japanese wholesale inspecfing institute. annual production capacity of representative said Mailyard's 20,000 high-grade Western-style goods are better than South • Peace and prosperity have clothes. Mailyard's sewing equip• Korean and Taiwan products, and returned to Horgos, a Sino-Soviet ment is mainly from Japan, the are comparable to similar goods border port in the far west of United States and Federal from Japan. China. Germany. Border traffic in both goods and In March 1986, Mailyard began Kimio Tsunekawa, Santei's people resumed in 1983, following trial-producfion. Six months later, general manager, said that some a 20-year suspension of dealings it signed a co-operative agreement companies from Tokyo and Osaka between the two countries. with Santei Co. Ltd. of Japan. are now selling Mailyard's clothes. Some 239,000 tons of goods According to the agreement, According to Tong Shijian, passed through the port from 1983 Mailyard will produce every year Mailyard's deputy general man• to 1986. and 5,280 people made 40,000 clothes for the Santei at ager, this year's profits are the crossing, visiting relatives and preferential prices, and in return expected to be 300,000 yuan, and friends, sightseeing or on business. the Japanese company trains 10 US$300,000 in foreign exchange. In the first half of this year 8,800 technicians in Japan each year for Its foreign exchange revenue is tons of cargo and 1,280 people the Chinese factory. It is also expected to exceed expenditure. • crossed the border.

OCTOBER 12, 1987 29 'Prince Cao Zhi'—A Play About Fratricide

explains: "1 did not want to desire for power gave reign to his present a simple story of fratricide, inhumanity and brutality. But he nor the conflicts between the suffered the pangs of conscience. persecutor and the persecuted. I The hesitations in his treachery, wanted to make a profound and guilt in his cruelty illustrate exploration of ambivalence in the the feudal society's alienation of human mind." man. The character, which the The playwright has not resorted playwright spent much efforts in to old cliches, the usual story of a delineation, grows full-fledged kind-hearted scholar and cruel amid dramatic conflicts. king. Cao Zhi, though possessing The play begins with a poetry an outstanding literary talent, competition in which Cao Zhi's s the audience enter the great ambition and an honest outstanding talent won the praise A theatre, they are faced by a nature, was born self-indulgent and respect of the ministers as well grand imperial tomb from ancient and self-willed, and this eventually as his father. His elder brother, time. The two stone gates, leads to his tragic downfall. Cao Cao Pi. seeing this as a threat to his replacing the usual stage curtain, Pi's jealous nature and strong position as crown prince, started are tightly closed. On each side of the gate, stand a pair of high A Scene from "Prince Cao Zhi" walchtowers fronted by the stone figures of civil officials and warriors. A beam of dim light is shed on the gloomy gates, possibly from the setting sun over the distant hill. The eerie atmosphere is set for a tragic historical event. As the grey gates to the tomb open slowly, a crowd of people in long, flowing robes make their entrance to solemn classical Chinese music. The play, presen• ted by artists from the Harbin Drama Troupe as a special contribution to the first China Art Festival, rekindles a story dating back 1,700 years. The time is one of war and turmoil in feudal society. In the court of the State of Wei, two princes, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi are driven to bloody fratricide in their struggle for the throne. Director Chen Li describes the theme of the play as the conflicts between humanity and the desire for power. "'The play is a reveaiation of the human tragedy of brutal fratricide the dying out of human nature." In the long history of Chinese feudal society, it was far from rare for members of the family to resort to murder to gain the throne. So why did the playwright choose the Cao brothers? Zhou Shushan

M) to conspire against his brother. career as an actor at the age of 17, present, and reviving the dead in When Cao Zhi was about to go to is outstanding in his vivid and the tomb, I was able to create a the battle-front in place of his penetrating presentation of Cao world of romance in which the father, Cao Pi, afraid of his Pi's inner world. His comprehen• audience is made to share in the brother's possible success, made sive understanding of the play joys and sorrows of the him drunk so that he would lose explains this success. "Cao Pi is characters." favour with his father. Although not simply a flat character. He The heavy gates glosed, signify• moved to tears by childhood experienced a violent inner- ing the end of an era, the end of the reminiscences with his brother, struggle and this is at the heart of joys and sufferings of the Cao Pi still gave in to his evil the character." historical figures and of the ambition and desire for power. The stage designing deserves ambitions of Cao Zhi and the After ascending the throne, in a special mention. "I have drawn a lonely king Cao Pi. But the closing attempt to remove the threat lot of inspiration from the carved of the gates on the tomb will not posed by his brother, Cao Pi stones of the Han Dynasty." said stop the further contemplation of ordered him to complete a poem Lu Wei, the designer. "By history by the audience. within the time taken to make mingling the scenes of the past and By Hong Lanxing seven steps. On failing this Cao Zhi was to drink a cup of poisoned wine as his punishment. Facing 'Dance in Gold & Silver' Shows Beauty such merciless persecution and driven by hatred and indignation, aesthetic consciousness is gradu• Cao Zhi made out a memorable ver one and a half hours. ally cultivated. The three-minute poem: ODance in Gold and Silver takes the audience on a journey through dance offers a beautiful interpret• Burning hean stalks heat the evolution of Chinese fashion in ation of the evolutionary interplay the pot. its 6.000-year history. The full- of man, fashion, dance and To cook the sobbing beans length performance is part of the culture. within. first China Art Festival presented To depict the grand cultural Both are from the same root. by the No. 1 Art Troupe of the scene in the prime of the Tang Why to meet with such a cruel Siianghai Dance Drama Theatre. Dynasty (618-907), the audience is end? ushered into the private world of The performance is broken up imperial life. Resplendent music Then he shouted out in despair, into six episodes. It traces back to and groups of fairy like maids set "My heaven! We are so-called the state of chaos. Four dancers — the scene as Yang Yuhuan — brothers!" He was about to drink three male and one female—in Emperor Ming Huang's when Cao Pi almost instinctively lightfitting fiesh-coloured cos• favourite rises from her bath in coverd the cup with his hand, a tumes, vividly refiect human the hot spring Huaqing Pool. Her response which reveals the beings" primitive state, and the iiair in a bun and a silk shawl contradictions in his mind. changes Ihey undergo as they turn draped over her naked shoulders, To protect his throne, Cao Pi to dance as a way to relax after she is the image of noble elegance made his brother Duke of a distant working and clothing as a means in a white gauze dress and a ten- region. However, Cao Zhi's to keep out the cold. Through nietre-long trailing yellow silk devotion to his office further imitation and competition, an robe. aroused Cao Pi's suspicion and he resorted to cold-blooded murder. The queen saved her brother-in- law at the cost of her own life and Cao Pi became much hated for his evil actions. The play's success is largely due to the artists" excellent perfor• mance. Liu Yingtao. who plays the role of Cao Zhi, graduated from the Beijing College of Cinematic Art in the 1960s and has since played many successful roles. In this play he renders the personality of Cao Zhi to perfection — an honest feudal scholar imbued with idealism. Lu Jiudong, who began his

OCTOBER 12. 1987 31 Several scenes from "Dance in Gold and Silver.' YANG FEI AND LAI HAILONG

The Song Dynasty (960-1279) is popular among the Manchu The dance and fashion of the represented by a lantern festival nationality in the Qing Dynasty Tang, Song and Ming dynasties scene which presents an opportun• period) and the men wear the corresponded respectively to "im• ity to display folk fashion of the Chinese high collar suit with its perial," "folk" and "traditional time. The Song people, plainly elegant and simple lines. This is opera" facets of life in those hnes. dressed in purple, green, yellow followed by the entrance of a The ingenious artistic treatment and pink, strolled through the number of contemporary women works to produce a stereoscopic streets amid quiet and harmonious figures dressed in varied qi pao, perspective to high aesthetic melody, - admiring lanterns and which evolved from the standard effect. flowers. As variety shows grow in qi pao of the Manchu people. A total of 400 fashions are popularity, pleasure-seekers also exhibited during the 90-rninute become larger. The scene provides The epilogue exhibits current performance. The blend of a sharp contrast to the imperial fashion and hints at the continu• historical record and artistic extravagance and magnificence of ing evolution of fashion, which exaggeration through dance the Tang Dynasty, and the dance draws from inheritance and leaves the audience with an overall reveals the bearing of fashion on innovation and is a mixture of impression of rhythm, movement the expanding urban art. Eastern tradition and Western and continuity. However, the culture. intensity of colour and design of Chinese traditional opera The performance which exhibits the costume could not but flourished during the Ming the colour of Chinese traditional overshadow the accomplished Dynasty (1368-1644) and tra• fashion through dance certainly dancing skills presented in the wen ditional opera costumes were makes a fresh impact on the shen tattoo or line dance in the based on the fashion of the time, audience. "It is an attempt to Song-dynasty item, the shiii xiu setting high standards in style and combine a dance performance and dance of the longsleeves in the beauty. This item of the perfor• fashion show to create a frontier Ming episode, and the epilogue ha mance focuses on an exhibition of art form," said Li Xiaoyun, gua dance based on an octagonal traditional opera costume through president of the Shanghai Dance design formed with solid or a harmonious combination of Drama Theatre and one of the broken lines of three. stylized dance movements and show's choreography directors. snatches from some well-known The show's directors reportedly operas. The display of traditional In staging the performance, Li met with unimaginable difficulties opera roles of sheng (male), dan Xiaoyun and her colleagues during the three-year process of (female), jing (painted face) and endeavoured to impress the staging this show, and their final chou (clown) and some recogniz• audience with Chinese culture. achievement deserves admiration. able opera figures forms a They were trying to grasp the The performance, originally colourful and graphic montage. essence of the fashion of each named Impression of Chinese dynasty and avoid a mere Traditional Danee and Fashion, Scenes depicting the selection of historical exhibition of traditional was applauded as a hit at this imperial concubines and a folk dance and fashion. Focusing on spring's Shanghai International wedding ceremony were chosen to four of China's 24 dynasties, the Art Festival. Now, with its reflect everyday customs in the directors worked out a composite modifications and the new title Qing D^^nasty (1644-1911). artistic concept through a brave Danee in Gold and Silver, the piece Several girls of graceful bearing combination of historical perspec• is still warmly received for its model qi pao (the close-fitting tive and their own individual innovative spirit and foresight. dress with high neck and slit skirt impressions and interpretations. by Wei Liao

32 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 41 TOURISM Historical Sites in Henan

rom the 16th century BC to the emperors and empresses. These F 12th century AD, Henan life-Uke figures are indeed China's Province's Luoyang and Kaifeng art treasures. on the middle and lower reaches of Gucheng—An Ancient City In the Huanghe (Yellow) River were 960, the emperor of Northern the capital cities for 11 dynasties Song Dynasty made Kaifeng the including the Eastern Zhou capital and it remained so for 160 Dynasty (770-256 BC), theyears . Now the ancient city is a Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534), showcase of the antique buildings, the Sui Dynasty (581-618) and the quaint pagodas, ancient temples Northern Song Dynasty (960- and decorated archways. On 1127), and were for a time China's festive occasions local people political and cultural centres. perform the dragon dance and lion Cultural Sites The site of Dahe dance and festive lanterns are Village in the northern subsurbs of everywhere. Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Ancient Astronomical Ob• Province, dates back more than servatory China's oldest astro• 5,000 years. Many unearthed nomical observatory is located on graves, foundations of buildings, the Songshan Mountain in painted pottery and spinning Dengfeng County. It was built by wheels indicate the culture in the Guo Shoujing, a famous Chinese late stage of the primitive society astronomer, in the Yuan Dynasty Master Shi Yongshou. and the early days of the slave (1279-1368). The tropical year, society. The restored houses and devised 300 years before the clay figures vividly reflect the Gregorian Calendar, was first Liang Yiquan, a chief coach at the ancient life and production. The invented by Guo. It is as accurate Shaolin Wushu (Martial Arts) 3,500-year-old site of an ancient as the later Gregorian Calendar School, many foreigners from the city in the Shang Dynasty, which and will be of great value to United States, Japan and Europe was unearthed in Zhengzhou, had research into the history of have come here in recent years to a citywall of 7 kilometres in astronomy and architecture. learn Shaolin boxing. The new circumference and many building Birthplace of Shadow and auditorium of practising martial foundations, cellars, wells and Shaolin Boxing The Henan arts capable of accommodating graves. Administration of Travel and 200 people will be completed in Buddhist Relics As Buddhism Tourism has provided foreign October to meet the needs of began to spread in China in 67 tourists with the opportunity to foreigners. AD, the emperor of the Eastern learn shadow (Taijiquan) and Shadow boxing (Taijiquan) is a Han Dynasty (25-220) ordered the Shaolin boxing. traditional form of Chinese construction of the Baima Temple The Shaolin Temple in the boxing handed down over 500 in Luoyang city to greet two Songshan Mountain, Henan Pro• years ago. Chen Jiagou Village in Buddhist monks from India. This vince, is the birthplace of Shaolin Wenxian County, Henan Pro• temple, the oldest in China, houses boxing. Since the monks in vince, is the birthplace of Shadow many well-preserved clay Budd• Shaolin Temple helped the boxing, which is also called the hist figures of high artistic value founding emperor of the Tang Chen-type shadow boxing. and the tombs of the two Indian Dynasty (618-907) Li Shimin quell Shadow boxing is favourably monks. the rebellion over 1,000 years ago, received by the Chinese people as Built during the period between Shaolin boxing has been very an effective prescription for the Northern Wei and Northern famous both at home and abroad. health, and the art has spread to Song dynasties (4th-12th century Shi Yongshou, a master of the Japan, the United States and AD), the Longmen Grottoes 33 rd generation of the Shaolin Southeast Asia. Heir of the Chen- feature 100,000 Buddhist statues, Temple, learnt the boxing skill type shadow boxing, Chen the largest of which is 17 metres from childhood and has mastered Xiaowang and his apprentices high. Grottoes in Gongxian more than 150 skills and tricks. He have, since 1981, received 1,000 County, built during the same told our correspondent that he boxing amateurs from, Sweden, period, preserve 15 relief sculp• would contribute towards spread• Norway, Canada, the United tures which vividly express the ing the knowledge of Shaohn States, Australia and Japan. ancient Buddhist activities of the boxing in the world. According to by Han Guojian

OCTOBER 12, 1987 33 Tibet: Need for Balanced Presentation One of them was a 40-year-old Californian nun, with shaven head My wife and I have just returned despite the demands of current and flowing red robes. She had from three weeks in Tibet and I PRC policy. I found among the graduated from college in social must take issuewith a recent Mark Hans a widespread assumption work in the '60s, she told us, had Hopkins' report on the Voice of that because their culture and been a liberal supporter of America. economy are more advanced, they Kennedy, went in for "love ins." Mr. Hopkins quotes the have nothing to learn from Tibet's took LSD. Somehow she had strongly critical statement of one ancient culture. Few Han officials discovered that she could get individual (presumably an have learnt the Tibetan language much the same elation and content American) — and that is practi• (though Hans in business, having from Buddhism, so she kicked the cally the whole of his report. It a material incentive, have done habit and became a Buddhist nun. contains, so far as I recall, no so). The proportion of Han Now she wandered about Asia (we different views and no historical officials, incidentally, is being met her first at a monastery but perspective. This simplistic and systematically reduced by TAR found her next-door-but-one in unsubstantiated presentation of a and the Central People's our hotel a few days later) complex, political matter falls Government — with Han off• lecturing on Buddhism for some short of the demands of respo• icials' enthusiastic support. American-sponsored organiz• nsible reporting. Many Western visitors, beauti• ation with 40 branches. She was In Lhasa, Gyangtse, Shigatse ful young backpackers and blessed with that peace of mind and other places we witnessed the comfortably off lamaists in which passeth all understanding, free and open practice of Tibetan monkish robes are madly in love bolstered with stories of commu• Buddhism, including the prostr• with all Tibetans, from the beggars nist atrocities. "There has been ation of pilgrims in approaching to the Dalai. The Tibetans are some improvement in Tibet since and encircling monasteries and indeed a lovable people — 1980." she said, "but the temples, the burning of butter friendly, outgoing, smiling, warm restoration of the destroyed lamps, the twirling of prayer (they love to touch you), more monasteries is simply to attract wheels, the chanting of scriptures approachable and ready to smile tourists and to improve China's and conducting of religious than most of the Hans, who would international image." We found a ceremonies. At Drepong Monas• be happier back home — even young Swiss monk more credible. tery and elsewhere we witnessed those who selflessly volunteered to "Even for this simple life," he said, the reconstruction of lamaseries serve in Tibet 10 or 20 years ago. "you have to have an independent destroyed after the Dalai Lama's And, contrariwise, these same income. My parents support me." flight in 1959 or during the Westerners hate the Hans. Yet Then he clambered on to his •"cultural revolution" (in which without the Hans and the material tractor-taxi, headed for another destruction Tibetans played a progress they have brought to monastery. considerable part). We saw. too, Tibet, especially in transport and These two sides of the picture much building of residences in the communications, they would show the need for balanced beautiful traditional Tibetan style hardly be able to visit their presentation and historical per• and visited the homes of Tibetans, Shangri-La. But they disregard all spective. The strategic location from farmers to aristocrats, and this and focus on han bureaucracy and material resources of Tibet admired their traditional artistic and travel service incompet• have long been the object of interior decoration. We walked ence and shortage of serve-the- intrigue, espionage and even the newly built broad avenues of people spirit. These Han haters invasion by the rulers first of Lhasa and the lanes of the ancient talk of "cultural genocide." One Britain and Russia, then of India Barkhor Market, including the might expect them to consider, if a and the U.S.A. Pilgrims' Route round the culture is being killed (which it is crowded .lokung Temple — all not) what sort of culture existed in "If Tibet were to become newly paved within the last five old Tibet, where runaway serfs independent some people years. And we learnt of the recent and slaves were subjected, if suggest, how long could she regulation adopted at the 4lh caught, to amputation of hands remain so?" In answer to this People's Congress of the Tibet and feet, gouging out of eyes, question a Tibetan friend replied; Autonomous Region (TAR), cutting off of kneecaps, hamstr• "Our situation is not ideal, but it according to which Tibetan is to inging, being thrown into pits of has been improving since 1980; be the major official language and scorpions. The Western Han- and there is no better alternative to a main subject in all schools. haters (as distinct from the our remaining an autonomous Tibetans themselves) forget or region of the People's Republic of Of course this is only one side of ignore all this. They idealize China." the situation. Han chauvinism everything Tibetan and all David Crook. (which was strongly condemned Tibetans. Bcijin^i Foreign Studies Universiiv, by Mao Zedong) continues. September I9H7


Sketches by Yang Gang

Herding horses.

An old woman making milk tea. Wrestlers.

Yang Gang, born in 1 946 in Huaiyang, Henan Province, now works at the Beijing Art Studio. Here are some of his life sketches from the pas• toral area in Inner Mongolia.

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