The Clinton Eye from Clinton, Missouri (2024)

Christmas Is A Giving Experience! ClinlOn (Mo.) EYE Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1960 By Carl J. Hamilton, D. ftx I XjSk THE CHANGING JCENE pas (CT THIS HCUSE ft LIKE AkA )r VSy- KTE BOX! -KEEP VOUO. if 1 I COATS ON 'TILL I GET l-Yi LADIES COATS $29 95 Coats NOW $23.95 $39.95 Coats fQW $32.95 NOW $39.95 GIRLS COATS PRE-TEEN COATS $17.95 NOW $14.95 Nice Selection Now Now $24-95 MO0FRN HOMfS BEYOND THE CAS MAINS HAVE AUTOMATIC LP-OAS HFATING-AlR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS.

5 FT TmB TMERM05TAT AN0 FOKOET IT. Pre-Teen Dresses Vi Price One Larg9 Group Ladies' LADIES DRESSES flR C0ATS Reduced up to Price 1 In a world whose major philosophy seems to be "getting to live," it is refreshing to approach a season wh'. places an empviasls on "GIVING to live." At this time of year the air is electrified with "peace on eai gllUU Will l(IWll men." Our heartt vibrate with a closer walk with all humanity. We criticize less, love more. Giv-f Ing becomes more of a Joy, than receiving.

The Golden Rale becomes more part of our Soul than just memorized lines. It Is significant the first Christmas gift was not "to a Hie," God expressed His love for the world He created by "giving His Son" to give us His way of life and the dawn of a new age was ushered in with the birth of Christ. Hia message gave birth to a new philosophy of life which was, indeed, destined to end an era of chaos. Giving and love go hand in hand. Because of love, Jesus gave Himself for iu.

Hcne, we cannot do less than sivo t. ourselves when we seek to cxpi.Ti c.jr love and gratitude to and to others. To catch thu in 211 South Washington our Next Article Thursdays until the civj of the Contest. Whilcman (Contlnni-it from Front Pn-rc) way to stop the train, Kxtra No. 1319 wesC, which traveled! 13-car lengths past the crossing before it strnped.

Persons driving from the Clinton area to the WhMeman Air Force Base or the Knob Noster Suite Park are familiar. with thatt tragic grade crossing. It is located on Route (whioh makes a junction with No. 2 west of Windsor), just 300 yards inside Johnson County from the Henry Cour.i.v line. Tlu t-adly mangled body was i-envivc by Whiteman Air Force linie an Cxilance and was taken to the Biauninger Funeral Home In Wan ensburg.

Lt Tolnr was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tolar, Pulaaki, 111., and the body was sent on to that Illinois town for last rites. Bom Dec. 23.

1929 at Pulaski, the deceased (planned to resign her cjOTimiHslon so she could be married at. Christmas time. Her permanent address was Belleville, HI. Bob Johnson (Continuoil from Front as Mr. Johnson plana 'to commute to Clinton.

The Johnson family is of the Methodist faith. Clinton's newest businessman is the president of the Harrisonville Civic Association and Second Vice-Commander tof the Harrisonville American Le gion Post No; 42. Another activity includes being a member of that town's volunteer fire department, whltth, according to Johnson, has the same overhead today as it did when the volunteer department was organized In 1928. Mr. Johnson is a veteran of World War, II, serving 18 months ax ii McCune's READY-TO-WEAR East Side Square $75 DAMAGES MONDAY IN A TRAFFIC MISHAP ON CLINTON SQUARE No apparent injury and $75 in property damages ware irjjorteJ as the reseult of a 4:40 p.

Nov. 28, accident on the south mile of the Clinton square. City Marshal Stanley Makm Alcntifieit the involved dws "and drivers to be: A 1957 Chevrolet coacd, driven east by Floyd Cecil Gray, 17, Route 2, Chilhowee and a 1957 Birick sedan, driven east by Gordon Earl Taylor, 28, 109 East Severvtih Clinton. The Gray coach damaged an estimated $75 to a rear ifender and bumper with only burner contact being made by the Taylor sedan. PURCHASES GIFT The drivers' statements were: Gray "1 stopped for a car in front cf me and he bit me;" Taylor "He aril I tried to rtop nnd my brakes didn't work." Boih were released to the operators witl.T the Taylor car begin towed away das to the bralte defect.

There was no arrest. No Serious (Contimiid from front pat) Franklin Clinton. Nat-tinger a minor bruise to the forehead but the only reported injuries to his three teenage passengen-s were blackberry briar scratches received when hearts, is to face the most marvelous Christmas ever. One never really lives until he stops trying to save himself and begins losing himself to something EIGGF.R than he is. It Is a law of spiritual compensation that if "we give to the world the best that we have, the best will come btck to us," and often In greater abundance.

Knowing that the greatest good comes from helping others, giving ryou this fooj for thought Instead of a case history -gives me great joy as I know it Oid to a ilriend of mine, who gave it to me and taught me hew to use it every day in our busy clinic. We cherish for each reader along with our many friends and patients the exhilarating experience of "giving himself away." You have something wonderful to give that someone else needs. Discover for yourself this that it is "Jar better to give than to receive." The Hamilton Clinic Staff joins me in saying May this Christian principle give you the true spirit of Christmas. May the joy of giving be reflected in God's rkCiest blessing of health and happiness for you and all your loveJi ones, and tiriy this Golden Rule and ita teachings bring you and yours a Golden New Year of prosperity. TUrner 5-3981 Next Tuesday.

"star-brigkt Christmas For the proudest, loveliest gift rhoose from our fine selection of Hamiltone the name thai rnean tha most in diamond watc hi-n. From H9.50. (illll'trnted) ENCHANTMENT 8 diamonds, UK White Cold Case, trlct IncMtl fdrot To TIME JEWELRY "A Year To Pay" of his two-ryears of duty with the infantry in the Smith Pacific Theatre of John Deere (ContInni-4 from front pK) ual demonstration of the John Deere farm machinery, all the way from -plows to diggers, etc. The pictures were enjoyed as thoroughly by the young people in attendance as by their parents. Prizes of the day in addition to the John Deere tractors won by the childi'cn were the four turkeys that went In order to Mrs.

Roy Austin, Clinton, Mra. Harry Matter, Garden City, Orlcy Riffle, Clinton, and Hairy Matter, Garden City. kfift 'NEMA 8TAN0ARO Model DW STB FRIGIDAIRE PAOOUCT aiNtltAL MttTOft 84 jj VO I DIAMOND WATCHtS i i 118 TMiiln Ht. TI! railroad crossing. They wore de-Scribed as txMng 15 and 16 years of age.

Henry County Sheriff iJiwrence Bai' in and theft victim Wilson promptly left for Appleton City where th; latter identified the car. He denied, however, ownership of the equipment, within tin? car, which was apparently Intended for use in stealing gasoline. Wilson drove his car back ito Clinton with Klrotiff Snrtin reluming the boys, who were turned over the next day to circuit juvenile officer, Jim Colin, of Butler. Abandoned Cnr Found on South Second St. Clinlon officer, James C.

radioed the police department at 11:15 p. the same Wednesday night, that a Qievrolet sedan had Wren ob-sctved parked on South Second nrnr the Wastell Service Station. Chicking with Troop A of Che Missouri State ilighway Piitrol at Lee's Summit, it was found that it belonged to Theodore F. Cornforth, i03 130th Obuit, Grandvlew, and had been stolen at 9:00 a. m.

that morning. There was a slight damage the right door. After being returned to boys admitted stealing the Cornforth Chevrolet, accor.ling to Clinton City Marshal Stanley Malone. liny Also Admitted Damaging Car Parked in Clinton The two Juveniles also ailmit-ted damaging the left front door of a 19.r3 s.dan, own-eed by Maynartl Smith, 309 N(h-th Grand, Lee's Summit, ac cording to Marshal Malone. The oar W'as parked approxi- 10 feet north of the driveway at 707 Sou Second when at 9:25 p.

m. the same night, according to a witness, a car doscribfd as the one stolen at Crandview, drove into the driveway across the street, then backed Into tWa Smith vehicle, which was pirkcd on tthe west side of the This nocl'tent was invefi iigatcd by Officer Donald King, however it wasn't known at the time that the responsible car was th'3 one stolen in Lee's Summit and driven by tha two juveniles. Girls Town (CONTINUED KPOM FRONT "ADO place of business that when the tree is first lighted there will be at least 500 to forth their assurance of help an Christ. rrns cheer to a cfvld, whose life Is hunger, rejection and the heart breaking knowledge that fhe Is not wanted and never loved. fiirls Town The Missouri Girls Town Foundation, at Mountain Grove, is a project of the Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs BMtiKted ty many other jrroups of people.

It war established to provide a norm beal'hv, home enviroment for young girh. The Home is located on forty acres of ground, in a large and pleasant residence near Mountain Grove. It is an (flice for the rehabilitation and hcilthful development of neglected ami dependent girls. Any git1 between the ages of 10 and 15 t. eligible for Girls Town upon referral by an appropriate agency.

The Missouri Federation of Wo men's Clubs knew the vital need SO YEAR? AGO A COUPLE DAVf QP VACA1I0M AT GRANDMA'S MEANT NO FIRE ANP A (XHD HOUSE ON OUR RETURN. 5-5251 tiintcni, Mo. for such a place and it has been actively sponsored by the Federated Club3 in Clinton consisting of: the Twentieth Century Club; Junior Progressive Cljb; Mary de la Vergne; Clinton Study Club; Cosmos Stu'ly Club; and Loma Kemper Study Club. The goal Is 1000 Lights The goal of a thouannd lights for the tree, can be reached with the ihelp every one. On Dec.

10, the members of the various clubs will be selling little red felt trees in the stores and banks. So wear a little red folt tree on your lapel or in your hat band, give generously nnd help a girl. In this way, the Christmas Tree will shine for us nnd for these young girls too. Merchants (Continued from Front PiiciO Chaney the unclaimed gifts from the previous drawings an infant utility bag, a necktie, and a billfold; Hobson and Son Furnlture-30 by 50-inch throw rug; Hoey (Furniture Company 27 by 54-inch broadloom rug; Home Furniture Company a picture having a religious t'heme; JaK-k ami Jill Shop $3 gift certificate; McCune's Lady's slip; McDowell and Johns Blectrlc Company three-bulb bedroom light fixture; Fenny GroceryArmour's Star eannel picnic ham; Price-Rite Super Market turkey; Sherwin-Williams Paint Company $3 certificate for wall paper; Singer Sewing Machine Company Button-hole scimors; Stewart's Shoe Store three pairs of nylon hose; Stayton Chevorlet, Inc. One year's free lubrication, besides driving tihe winner around, free of charge, to pick up her gifts; Vincent's Shoe Store $3 gift certificate; Walker Motor CompanyCar care pack, including wax cleaner and polish; Wiley's Fine Foods $3 dinner certificate.

Mrs. Chaney, thrilled and excited at her good fortune, waid that she was never lucky In contests until she moved to Clinton seven years aeo. Formerly of Deepws-ter and Hiimansvllle, she has won $10 bttI $5 In other contests sponsored by Clinton merchants. This was the first of the Show-er-of-Oifts drawings Mrs. Chaney had particlpoted in registering at Price-Rite Super Market, Clinton I Plaza Super Market, P.

N. Jflrwh and Company, Jack and Jill Shop, and Home Furniture Company, and she said she was most grateful to Clinton merchant for making her winning possible. Winners of previous- Shower-of-Gifts contests were A. C. Teague O.

V. Parker, and Mrs. D. E. Mc-Millian, who were each awarded a $25 consolation prize Inasmuch as they were not present In any of Kie participjting stores at the time of the drawings.

The first drawing In the contest, which is to run for eight weeks, wa made Nov. 10; the drawings will continue weekly on NOTICE 1961 TRUCK LICENSES Start Selling Dee. 1st Yon may purchase your 1981 truck and licenses now, hut are not to be displayed until January 1, 1961. Take renewal notice card and yonr 1930 personal property fax ren-clpt to Mote Vehicle Kcglstratlon office In basem*nt of Henry County Court House, tlinton, Missouri. Office flour 8:30 a.m., to noon.

Then fnrm 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Mused Monday of esich we-k. Edwin R. Potter, Agent Motor Vehicle Registration I DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS The Ford pickup, damaged an estimated to Uie right side and front, was removed by the erguson Chevrolet wrecker, Workman was Riven a summons for careless and reckless driving wntle drinking. Two teen-age girls received bruises to their heads in a rear ram accident at 7:10 tp.

m.t. Sun uay, xnree miies east, or urich on Highway 7. The two Involved cars were; A 1953 Ford pickup driven west by Paul Sylvester Mallett, 40, Raytown, and a 1959 Bulek sedan, driven in the same direc tion by Paul Leonard Curley, 62, Liberty. Mo. The two teen-age girls, who reportedly received bruises to their heads when th'ty struck the windshield, said they would secik their own treatment.

Trooper Henlev reports that afl anonvmoiuB driver ahead of the Mallett and Curley vehicles slowed to make a right turn. The trailing vehicles likewise slowed but Mallett was unable to stop on the wet and rammed the Curley car from the I'car. The driver of the toad car checked on the condition of the victims then departed without revealing his identity. The Mallett pickup, damaged about $300 to the right front end, was Immowkl by Jake's D-X Service Station wrecker to Urich where it was pi-k'cd up by a Kansas City wreker. Curley continued on his way in his Bfilck which was (damaged about $300 to the rear end.

Troper Henley noted an Inter esting parallel in this last wreck of the weekend with five Pauls bMng involved. the drivers bore the name of Pairt with three passengers in the Mallett pickup bearing the name, Paul, or in part Mallett's danghter, Paula 14, a son, Paul, 4, and a frtend. Paulette Wright, 14. 2 Juveniles (rontinrifd from From Ig) pleton City, had apprehend-d the two Kansas City Juveniles as they waite'J, in the stolen. Wilson car, for a train to clear the INCREDIBLE! the tig-set power-jewel-case styling Reduced up to Clinton, Mo.

WRAPPED FREE alighting from the panel. Trooper Henley reports the driver apparently lost control on the gravel road, the panel going Into the left ditch to come to rent upside down on the Ralph Lowe fence. The fcncfi was damaged an estimated $10 and the Willys panel about $50 to its top. The vehicle was removed by Jake's D- Service Station wrecker. Two Accident on Sunday Two Sunday accidents were investigated by Trooper Henley one in Windsor and the other eafit of Urich on Highway 7.

The first occurred at 1:45 a. m. in Windsor, just east of the Hock IslanLil Railroad tracks. It involved a single car a 1960 Ford pickup driven east by Jiar-old David Workman, 52, Independence, Mo. The driver was entered overnight in the Windsor for treatment of reported miner bruises.

He was taken there bv Haton ambulance. Trooper Henley repoits that Workman was being pursued toy Windsor Marshal Glen Davis and apparently lost control of his pickup when it oas.wd over the Rock Island Railroad tracks. The car wenc into the right ditch to strike the embankment then flipped "back onto the pavement, coming to lent on its. right side. Spectators bounced the car back onto its wheels to ftee the driver from inside the vehicle.

the scwTwrnTl I Slnt W3 Where THOUSANDS Have Saved MILLIONS for GENERATIONS ASSETS NOW MORE THAN $'4 BILLION CURRENT DIVIDEND 4 PER YEAR mam' i Li General Insurance Real Estate Hearing Aids and Accessories TOMMY HULL 70S West Ohio TT? ft-5415 Clinton, Mo. MIGHTY-8 HITACHI TRANSISTOR POCKET PORTABLE SMART SANTA gives his wife many extra hours a year with a NEW Brilliant tone from a slim, personal-sized radio only 4 x.l'J, Power plus with 8 transistors, 2 diodes and a varistor; dynamic speaker. Shatterproof cabinet in Black, Coral or Gray. Fully guaranteed. TII-862; with battery and 2 leather carrying cases for radio, earphone and long-range antenna.

GIFT BOXED WITH ACCESSORIES 5P FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE MOBILE DISHWASHER Flip-Back Top Rack makes loading easy Rolls anywhere you need it Holds 12 place settings 6-Cycle Dial and Selector Burtons let you choose cycle No installation take it along when you move Incredible! the sound, powtr Of th HITACHI TRANSISTOR 666 Smoerf full performer mode. Cabinet in choice of colors. Giii-bexed, with 2 2tt leather carrying cases for radio, earphone, long-range antenna. who but HITACHI could build thm! 169' for as little as ATTENTION "OLD TIME FIDDLERS" The M. F.

A. Oil Company is sponsoring an Old Time Fiddlers' Contest at our annual meeting on December (3, 1960 7:30 p.m. American Legion Clinton, Mo. Enter the contest by calling Everett Brown, Manager at TU 5-3001 before December 10, 1960. Winners will compete for state title.

CALL NOW! fiLINTMI. Mf). World-renowned leaders in advanced electronics Grand Prix Award Winners, for scientific equipment, at the Brussels World's Fair. See and hear Hitachi now 5 xy, mm W. R.

(Bill) PRICE Insurance 106 N. Main Clinton, Mo. TU 5-2261 Tf 5-2261 104 East Jeiferson 104 East Jefferson.

The Clinton Eye from Clinton, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.