The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)


Mrs. A. S. Edwards, custodian of the tomb. of General Lee.

and Miss Nettle Curtis Stuart, Lee as chapter delegate of of the Mary. C. attended the annual convention of the Daughters in "Roanoke, Dr. Churchill Gibson is representing the Episcopal diocese of Southwestern Virginia triennial council of the Prottstant Episcopal church at New Orleans. The Rev.

L. B. Tate. Presbyterian missionary to Korea, at home on a furlough, addressed Presbyterian congregation Sunday evening -His subject was missions in Korea. Mrs.

J. R. Howerton will spend the winter with her daughter. Mrs. W.

S. Tutwiler in Atlanta. Miss Julia Smith, on the campus, has as her guest. Miss Isabel Currell of Columbia, S. C.

Mrs. Bernard W. Switzer will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Lockwood, in New York. Mr.

and Mrs. Lewes L. Hotinger, announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen Teaford. to Ernest Franklin Nichols of Lexington, at Hagerstown, on Aug. 29 1925.

H. C. Lindfors and family BROUGHT RELIEF AFTER 2 YEARS SUFFERING "The makers of Tanlac will always have my warmest -thanks, for I don't consider it any exaggeration to say I owe my life and present good. health ent Tanlac," 1s the striking statement of Andrew Groeschner, fireman. simply can't express the misery I endured for 2 years from indigestion.

At times gas pains, would catch me around the heart and almose cut off my breathe These nwful pains would last two and three hours. My nerves were all unstrung. slept poorly and got An such a bad way that my days seemed to be shortening rapidly. "I tried everything, hut disappointment was my only reward until began taking Tanlae. have been taking Taniac off and on for a year now and feet so different that there's no room for comparison.

eat good and eleen god and feel that Tanlae has given me a new lease on Tantac is for sale by al good druggists, Accept no substitute. Tanine Vegetable Pills recommended by the manufacturers of Tanlac. TANLAC FOR YOUR HEALTH adv 10-15-1t-ebn have moved to Miami, where Mr. Linfors has an opening as an accountant. Mrs.

Charles H. Davidson is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas J. Thompson Mrs. Michael Milty has AR her guest, her granddaughter, Miss Virginia Miley of Portsmouth.

Rev. H. Snydenstricker, presiding elder. preached at Trinity Methodist church Sunday, evening. and Mre.

Paul M. Penick have their son, Allen Penick, form Bernalills, New Mexico, with Mrs. Churchill Gibson has as her guest, her mother, Mrs. Arthur S. Lloyd of New York.

Mrs. R. Reid, Agnor Reid, and Miss Marian Steel are visiting Mrs. Robert L. Jarrett in Richmond.

WARM SPRINGS Warm Springs, Oct. -J. D. noon home of his niece. Mrs.

Harris Hicks, at this place. Mr. Hamilton had been in 111 health for the past several months. He was past 78 years of age. He was well known in Bath county, having lived at Mt.

Grove before moving to Warm Springs. He held the office of justice in Warm Springs district for a number of years. The funeral services were conducted today by the Rev. J. T.

McCutchan, and interment was made in the cemetery at Mt. Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ricks, of, Charlottesville, motored to Warm Springs yesterday.

They were accompanied on their return by Mrs. Lillie LaRue, who will spend some time" with her daughter, Mrs. Ricks. Mr. and Mrs.

Dewey Cleek, of Washington, passed through town today, returning from a visit to Mr. Cleek's father at Star Chapel. Miss Virginia La Rue, of Washington, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. C.

D. Lam and daughter Virginia and Mrs. Byron Kidd, of Covington, were guests of Mrs. Alban Cleek Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Gochenour and son, of Clifton Forge, were weekend guests of Mrs. M. H. MeClintic.

MOFFATT'S CREEK Moffatts Creek, Oct. Lowman, a citizen of Newport. is, now in the Soldiers' home in Richmond. Mr. Lowman entered the Confederate as a member of Captain Marquis' company, which was locally known as boys' company.

He worked at the STRAND October Wednesday, Coming Friday 21-22-23. Next Thursday in "THE GOLD. RUSH a Dramatic Comedy Written and Directed by Charlie Chaplin Music By The Strand Orchestra; Director--Fritz Hauer. THEn The Chaplin Genius Switches the hardships and heartbreaks of humanity's every day life into hilarious fun and uproarious laughter. Yet there is the Chaplin the whole world laughs at Chaplin of the big shoes, trick derby, little cane, the baggy trousers and the funny, shuffling walk.

Continuous First Show 1:30 Showing Last Show 9:30 Lowest Prices Ever Charged On This PictureMatinee 25c and 40c Night 30c and 50c carpenter trade and was a useful! citizen. Dr. and Mrs. George and Miss Erle George visited a Mrs. Sidney Wilson in Lexington recently.

William Hite, of Dayton, and James Hite, of Rockbridge Baths, made a brief visit to old friends in this community recently. They visited the home of their maturity here, now the property of William E. Beard. Mesers. Hite are the sons of the late Captain Frank Hite.

This was the second visit home in 25 years for William Hite. J. C. Waybright has installed a in his residence. telephone, Lyle was in the village a few days ago attending to business.

Mr. Lyle is still unable to leave the house. On Tuesday the countryside was enlivened by the barking of the hounds, the hunters' horn, and the galloping huntsmen in search of Reynard. Miss Erle George is now in Midland with his sister, Mrs. John Pilcher.

SUMMERDEAN Summerdean, Oct. -There will be a rally day service on Sunday, Oct. 18, at 3 p. at Shemariah church. The service quartette of Staunton will furnish the music.

A cordial invitation is given to all to come and hear it. Fishburne Cole expects to visit his brother, F. Cole, this week. Mrs. Josie Nace, of Staunton, spent a few days last week with Mrs.

Harry Fix. Miss Myrtle Ellinger spent last Friday with the Misses Ellinger. Mrs. Warren Hill visited Mrs. Harry Fix last Friday.

William H. Ellinger and Mrs. E. D. Ellinger spent Monday here visiting friends.

LOFTON Lofton. Oct. school has started with a large enrollment. The teachers are Miss Madaline English, of Greenville. and Miss Frances Robertson, of Craigsville, as principal.

Mrs. Fannie Painter and little grandson, Beryl Harris, and her sister, Mrs. Ellen January, were guests of Mrs. C. K.

Rowe last week. Harry Painter has returned from Philadelphia to spend the winter with his mother, Mrs. Fannie Painter. Mrs. Walter Lawhorn and three daughters were visiting her sister, Mrs.

Willie Ramsey, Monday. C. L. Ramsey and two daughters, Alma and Hilda, motored to Montebello Sunday to visit Mr. Ramsey's father.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Melton Royle, Wednesday, Oct. 7. Mr.

and Mrs. Houston Campbell, Buford Peters, and Mrs. L. ter motored to Tyro to visit friends and relatives. Emmett Womeldorf returned to his home Monday after spending some time In, Cleveland, 0.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Ramsey's little son; Ellsworth. is still ill at his home near here. Finn Lawhorn was the guest of his daughter, Mrs.

Eugene Painter. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Painter and little daughter Thelma were shopping in Staunton Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Houston horn and little daughter Janie were guests of Mrs. Fannie Painter Saturday night. Charlie Painter, was a guest of his sister, John Allison, Sunday.

Davis Fitzgerald is spending al few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson, of Craigsville. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Jackson and two sons, Aubrey and Dennis, of Craigsville, motored to ville Sunday. Mrs. Jackson treatment from Dr. J. H.

Thomas. Dennis Jackson will spend this week with grandmother, Mrs. Ellen January, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fannie Painter. Mrs.

Lucy Moran and little son Leslie will spend a few days with her sisters, Mrs. Fannie Painter and Mrs. Ellen January. It is understood that C. Rowe will return home Oct.

25.1 after spending some time in Philadelphia. Mrs. Ruth Bartley is improved after her recent illness. GREENVILLE GREENVILLE Greenville, Oct. 15.

-The boys and girls of the Greenville High school will play their first game of basketball this season, at Waynesboro High school, on Friday Go Back To '49 With Charlie Chaplin. night, October 16. The Missionary society met with Mrs. Charlie McClure on afternoon. attendance was good, considering the weather.

Delightful refreshments were served by the hostess. FUNERAL OF N. K. EIDSON The funeral of N. K.

Eidson, who died Wednesday mrning, held yesterday at three p. m. from the home of A. E. Mt.

Sidney, followed by interment in the cemetery at Augusta (Old Stone) church, Ft. Defiance. The Rev. W. E.

Davis D. pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, this city, was the officiating minister. He was assisted in the service by the Rev. C. L.

PotIter, at Mt. Sidney, The funeral was largely attended. The following were active pallbearers: J. E. Johnson, A.

E. Johnson, Stuart Johnson, J. Harper Harman, Benjamin Sheets and Wise McAllister. Hoporary bearers were: Thos. Hogshead, Frank Fishburne, Ira Driver, Joe Click, Dr.

H. G. Middlekauff and Harvey Eakle. NORTH RIVER FOLK CONTINUE TO FIGHT CITY OF STAUNTON According to a press dispaten from Washington, riparian interests on North river continue to press their legal fight against Staunton's development of its. new water system.

In Washington Saturday before the District of Columbia court of appeals, counsel for the Chesapeake and railway, town of Bridgewater, and' the North River Electric company presented their appeal from the decision of Justice Stafford, and the court took the matter under advisem*nt. As' their first step in fighting Staunton, these riparian interests months ago sought, before Justice Stafford, to secure a restraining order. preventing the Secretary SPECIAL SALE OF A. C. SPARK PLUGS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 7-8 in.

regular, long, $1.00 plug 65c 1-2 in regular, $1.00 value 65c 1-2 in. metric, $1.00 value 65c Don't miss this if you are in need of plugs--Lead Pencil Free With Each Plug. BEVERLEY WRECKING CO. In our new home, Blackley Greenville Ave. NEW THEATRE NOW PLAYING FLAMING DRAMA When white man clashes with red man on the wild frontier to mould a nation.

Flaming drama--and one flaming love. The Scarlet West National Pictures A First National Picture MADE TO THRILL YOU! You will thrill to the battle cry as thousands of real Indians gallop over the plains- as frontiers-men whip to the saddle, gun in hand, clash in a furious charge to protect the ones they love. It's big-BIG! As big as the heart of the land where it was filmed. And sweetest of all is the love story of man and maid and the race barrier that sprang between. with Robert Frazer and Clara Bow 10c-School Children Special Price at Matinee Usual Prices Felix The Cat of Agriculture from ratifying a contract.

with this city for lease of the North river watershed, which is the property of the government, The Secretary filed a motion to dismiss the request and Justice I Stafford's decision was in favor of the government, which also meant a decision in favor of Staunton. It was from Mr. Stafford's verdiet that the North river folk Saturday presented their appeal before the higher court in the District. These same interests also sought in the Augusta county cuit court to block Staunton's water development program, but here, too, they lost, Judge James A. Moncure, of Richmond chancery court, hearing the argument.

PERFECTING ORGANIZATION WORKERS Col. Thomas H. Russell, president of the local Y. M. C.

has been very busy for the past few days perfecting the organization of 125 workers for the most important financial drive that has faced the association since the building was opened. The board has approved the dates and the plans for the campaign. The opening supper will be held in the Y. M. C.

A. Friday even-. BEWARE THE COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS ON Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and inhibits germ growth.

Of all known drugs, creosote is recognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for persistent coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of tory diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough or cold is not relieved after taking according to directions. your druggist.

Creomuision Company, Atlanta, Ga. (adv.) ing. Oct. 30, at 6:30 o'clock at which tine the workers will draw their prospect cards and get structions for their work. The first report meeting will be on the following Monday night, Nov.

2, and every night of that week except Saturday, with the final report on the Monday night, Nov. 9. President Russell is pleased with the way the organization is forming and announces that by this afternoon all the colonels will. have been secured. They are meet him at eight o'clock tonight for the purpose of selecting of their 25 captains.

General Secretary Reichard, in commenting on this effort, says that he feels greatly encouraged with the support the citizens are Wha the Missing enter See Kennedy Ellinger's Window giving the program and is confi dent that "when the public un derstands how sorely is the need of the association they com to its rescue in true Stauntoi One Thin Woman Gained 10 Pounds in 20 Days Skinny Men Can Do the Same That's going some- -but skinn men, women and children jus can't help putting on good healthy flesh when they take Me Coy's Cod Liver Oil Compoun Tablets. As chock full of vitamines a oil itself, these sugar-coated the nasty, fishy, tasting cod live tasteless tablets are as easy take as candy and won't upset th stomach. One woman gained ten pound in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets sixty cents and money back if no satisfied. Ask Willson Bros.

any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liv er Oil Compound Tablets. Dired tions and formula on each box. "Get McCoy's, the original an genuine Cod Liver Oil Tablet." Adv. 10-15-1t-ebp Autumn's Best Styles In FOOTWEAR You'll step out in the best of styles if you buy your shoes here, for we keep our stock right upto-date with Fash10n. The mode just now dictates pumps of velvet; satin and patent are good, and tan is more, popular than for some seasons.

In all of these are to be found many attractive patterns here, in high quality. WE SELL FOR CASH THEREFORE FOR LESS SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Boston Electric Shoe Hospital 106 W. Main Street. We're Stepping Out With REAL MUSIC VALUES Our Fall Sale of Pianos, Players, Organs, Phonographs, and Small Instruments and Supplies continues, and cur many customers have been amazed at the values offered. We've got to move a large amount of stock at this time, and our unusually (generous price concessions are doing it.

GET IN ON THIS SALE! NEW PIANOS AT USED PIANOS $250 J. C. Fischer, upright $225 N. Piano Co. upGRANDS AT right $185 $635 Steiff upright at $345 You Can Buy Any.

Style Brunswick Phonograph, Any Small Instrument, And Any Music Accessory During This Sale At A Big Saving. The Leaders In Radio We feature the radio leaders- sets and Brunswick radiolas. They are the best developmments to date, or we would secure other makes for our customers. If you're joining the ranks of radio fans, don't make the mistake of not investigating these instruments. CLINE MUSIC Inc.

126 W. Beverley Street Phone 1048.

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.