The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

OCT 1 2 1973 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1973 PAGE TWO-A STN-DEMOCRAT. PADUCAH, KY. Frank McGary, Noted Educator, Dies At 67 Lightning Victory Predicted By Day an Sabotage Created Party Woe WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. Israeli Commander Voivs To Break Bones Of Adversaries By MARCUS ELIASON 'and Arabs during the British I When a civilian Libyan air-Associated Press Writer (mandate over Palestine in the liner accidentally entered Is-TEL AVIV (AP) The man 1940s. jraeli airspace last February, who commands Israeli forces in He has all the reputed char-' Elazar feared it might be a ter- BARLOW, 11 Frank McGary, 67, a noted educator of Barlow, died at 7 a.m.

today (Continued From Page One) were "locked in fierce tank bat- a and. artillery duels with the sons he said were killed in 's-jenemy." George McGovern's former po- the Middle East war is a short, of the Israeli mili- rorist plot. He did not hesitate litical director testified Thurs- nasal-voiced general who hasjtary man soft-spoken, terse, to order it fired on. The plane raeli air raids naa oeen kium DipIomatic efons tQ fmd a in Western Baptist Hospital, Pa-inursday. ht- f0ntinjckicah.

said Egyptian fighters inter-. remained.dent of Carlisle County Schools $Zl ZZ'1 in disagreement overifor eight years and the super-Egypt, shot nine of them down cease-fire terms. iintendent of Ballard County and forced some to drop their hh anrf ftp. snm of the Israel and U.S. officials in Schools for 18 years.

He was vowed "to break the bones" of, choosing words as if composing went down, killing 108 civilians. day that Nixon campaign dirty tricks contributed to the Democratic party's 1972 wounds. Egyptian and Syrian adver-'a war communique, passionate; and Elazar came under heavy saries. jfor detail and accuracy. criticism.

hnn.h Mi nn villages the com-1 Washington charged that the, the unit supervisor and prima- "What was created by the sabotage effort was an unparalleled atmosphere of rancor and pal of the Pope County, 111., munique said. Casualties wereiS" Union was continuing licfpH 'airlifts to resupply Egypt and That kind of boast is typical) Elazar became an Israelii A month later he master-of Lt. Gen. David chief I her0 th 196t war as com- minded a midnight raid into of staff of the Israeli armed niander of the northern front. Beirut, Lebanon.

His command-forces He captured the Syrian Golan, ps killed three guerrilla lead- Heights the one way everyoneiers. elementary schools for four discord within the Democratic Israeli nlanes had attacked Svria witn arms t0 Pursue thelyears. He was principal of van Pnrt Said rwire since the war ar, tne fourth major Arab-Is-; ious high schools in Ballard 1a' I'll said it couldn't be done. He ad- Elazar inherited the lead- party," Frank Mankiewicz told the Senate Watergate committee. Republican witnesses have est round of Middle East fight began, but no Tel Aviv conflict since the birth of; County including Barlow-Kevil, ing, the 48-year-old Elazar vanced straight up the moun-iership of the army from Haim tains and blasted the Syrians Bar-Lev 22 months ago.

He ri tt nt tKni- KnnlAM I i- ma DaloctinA in I QA( onH faces a challenge that contrasts claimed that the anti-Demo with his often-quoted, n'linnDA th Paimarh nHpr. communiques Thursday men-;" Jewisn state isms. 'Bandana and Ballard Memorial, tioned attacks on Egyptian tar-! Moscow refrained from pub-1 He also taught school for five gets. lie reply. But its official news, years early in his career.

In Washington. Pentagon organs published a report by; Mr. McGary served one term sources said Soviet resupply of the Norfolk (Va.) Ledger-Star as fjrst district representative in I i i to attack a kibbutz andiground as a teen-ager. He twice tian forces have the faintest fled before falling into an am-i commanded Israeli forces that Svrian and Egyptian forces mat l.y Maewinaer ana Kentucky General Assembly, bush because a watchman fired captured the Gaza Strip from chance of winning a battle." Elazar made that statement in April, when war with Egypt air missiles were continues, and that the United row air to as the Dresident ot one term Egypt, in 1948 and 1956. too soon, Elazar berated the el to Israel to Israel FRANK McGARY States was preparing to russ reing shipped irom the FirsJ DjStrict Educational A swimmer, skier and tennis deriy guard in public, saying and Syria did not seem to be in Ul" i has tons of artillery stens arc arm- ono.K.

'Association and two terms on, 7" ttT "Never fire until they are so lover, he is married and tank ammunition to Israel. The United States also was'g State Educational Legisla-i Mr. McGary is survived by tne omn6- " close vou could use a knife." i two sons and a daughter. The sources said at leas: reported in Washington to be tiv.0 rmmicmn his wife. Mrs.

Modelle McGarv: are several nines msioe tne; cratic sabotage added little to President Nixon's landslide victory over McGovern. But Mankiewicz said Sen. Edmund S. Muskie's backers told him they blamed McGovern for anti-Muskie sabotage In the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary. He 'said false leaflets were distributed during the crucial California primary, leading McGovern and Sen.

Hubert, H. Humphrey to suspect each other of a "vicious campaign of Cui Ppard to hurry artillery and Funera, xMces are forja brother, Ernest 0. McGary of planes loaded with surface-to- arntank ammunition to Israel 2 Saturdav at the Jones! Hartford, a sister, b5 Trl'c s. air missiles, antitank rockets -nipnih Tc! Aviv's taxed faiuroay 31 Fighting Arabs is nothing County Tax Rate Home, banow wimw; to Elazar. The Yugoslav- reached Svria within the past The fel Aviv command gave atrngr-- -ffilinr--tast dav no indication how far it ln Cunmng- Fnends may cal! at the the "Palmach generaUon," ftoruinns nn rpniariru inr0 thp inlham Memorial Gardens, in Car-neral home after 10 a.m.

Fri- members of the Jewish under- Is Cut Two Cents Aground who fought the British day. rael's sisnificant aircraft and miles of rolline nlains seoara- county- down into a levy of 43.5 cents for i the school's general fund hatvet 13.6 cents from the voted ing fund tax. Palmer dleSates won Commission Says Long-Range State Corrections Plan Needed The McCracken Fiscal Court voted Thursday to lower the county general fund tax rate by two cents per $100 assessed property value. Judge Andrew Palmer told the court he had been informed by tank losses were discussed byting Damascus from the Golan the White House, State and De-jHeights, a fense Departments, officials: area in northeast Israel that said. I was seized from Syria in 1967.

According to latest U.S. in-: Premier Golda Meir defined telligence, Israel lost close to i a 1 general strategy 600 tanks and nearly 75 fighter Wednesday night as an attempt planes in the first five days of to shove the Syrians and Egyp- the court had no legal way toj0 cuovern He said a fake, insulting tele vote "no" on the school tax measure. He said the court only can vote "yes" under an option handed down by the Kentucky Court of Appeals on a test case phone call to AFL-CIO President George Meany may have contributed to Meany' decision to withhold the giant labor or Property Valuation Administrator W. J. Helm that growth in By WILLIAM BRADFORD penitentiary a Eddyvillevestigate apparent pollution associated Press Writer jshould be torn down if the pris-1 problems in Fishtrap and De-FRANKFORT, Ky.

(AP) A on is used through the 1970s, wey lakes and the Cumberland the war about one-third ofjtians beyond the six-year-old: the tanks and about one-fourth icease-fire lines but she did not McCracken County plus assess- backing from of the jet fighters Israel ownedjsay whether the' Jewish state legislative commission declaredNew housing and treatment The commission would ment increases would permit the! filed several years ago after i- IllMrraxlan fic-ol fnnrt ntoH I IVICUUVem ganization's cilities also should be built injbe appointed by the LRC in tax raie id De aruDDeu lrum vmwi Mankiewicz said the purpose conjunction with the governor's! before the fighting erupted. wants to capture more territory Thursday that a long-range Pentagon intelligence said, rom the Arabs. state corretcions plan was Svria has lost 650 tanks, about; The Israelis said they also hit a ancj consideration 'no" on the school tax ratei that event, it said. The commission said it was office cents to 12.9 cents per $100 assessed property value and still proposed by the county saboge seemed to be xuitnifl tno Tipmnrratir To see if the state parks half the country's pre-war ar-yria's Mediterranean port of i should be given to abandoning! "firmly convinced" that small board. I mor.

Syria has lost 85 aircraft state facilities such as now in use at! could not be used more for Latakia and the Banias sea overhauling the bring in the same amount of property tax revenue the coun The court also voted to transfer party sucn a strong sense oi resentment among the candidates Frenchburg and at Blackburn, i educational purposes and to minal for a 400-mile oil pipeline penitentiary. ty received last year. an additional $25,000 to the Mc-ian, thBir fiwro tn make from Iraq. They claimed sink- near Lexmeton. were much i help make them more acces- In making the recommenda- However, Palmer requested County road fund toi mit9 of party impossible tion, the Legislative Correction sible to handicapped persons.

Among recommendations more successful in rehabilitating prisoners. But it said per that the rate be dropped a full ing two Syrian missile boats and said their attack boats all returned home safely. carry out two projects which theonce a nominee was selected." al Review Commission asserted manent facilities were needed made by a transporation re- court would like to see completed! two cents and the court con curred. that the present "piecemeal, Damascus claimed its shore fompntPH nnmarh tn rnrrr. at Frenchburg to replace theiview commission were propos this year.

Included were a drain- artillery and naval defenses mobile homes now used there. tional management" was total Palmer said the unprecedented age problem in the Woodlawn growth experienced last year pus work Bobo Road took on the Israelis in a two-hour sea battle, sinking eight It also called for a thorough study of the prison farm system, giving consideration to its efficiency, rehabilitative function and the value and possible TMiKli1 nfloH frtr tlio lanH in ly undesireabje." That report was among five submitted to the Legislative Research Commissioa by review commisisons the LRC als to: Accelerate completion of the interstate highway program in Kentucky, using state funds supplemented by construction bonds, if necessary, with that money to be paid back out of federal funds received later. Israeli boats. The Israelis sank a Greek cargo ship and damaged a Japanese vessel, the or about one-third of its strike force, the sources said. Egypt has lost 200 to 250 tanks out of a force of 2,000, the Pentagon intelligence sources said.

Egypt's aircraft losses were put at more than 80, but including only 47 fighters. Egypt started the war with more than 500 fighter planes, the Pentagon sources said. Secretary-general Kurt Wald-heim of the United Nations appealed to the Security Council on Thursday to stop the war. He said he was "deeply concerned at the wider threat to international peace and security which this situation may create." He said he had "no detailed solution to suggest." Cairo radio broadcast a statement by Egypt's commander-in-chief, war minister Gen. Ahmed Ismail, who said: Syrians charged.

The Iraqi Fidton Man Found Shot To Death FULTON, Oct. 11-James L. Walker, 41-year-old janitor at the First United Methodist Church here, was found shot to death this morning in a field off Ky. 307 one-fourth of a mile north of Fulton. Authorities said Walker, who Lieaieu earner mis year 10 news agency reported 12 oil storage tanks burst into flames uiiu ine uperuuun ui various Recommendations made by a Coordinate efforts with oth rtotn ii til ine Dairy And (Continued From Page One) butter to sell in December," he said.

Wunderle said supplies of chicken and other poultry products were generally ample to meet demand, but said turkey production was about 5 per cent when they were hit by the Is legislative commission on state It i.nt; lulian i urmll in. the county, tne assessment increases and funds derived from revenue sharing would permit the county to carry out all of its functions with the lower tax rate. He noted that the rate cut he believes will lower personal taxes "considerably" and called the vote "a pleasant one for me." The court also approved a proposed school tax rate of 57.1 cents per $100 assessed property value, up 0.1 cent from last year. The school tax rate is broken raelis at Banias. er states to link up toll facilities in the various states.

Require county govern a- a mr- Va 'parks and recreational facilities HirafoH A I Df urruiM ant v.u included: upon me recommenaations in the studies, based on further ments to hold public hearings on recommended municipal aid President To establish a state recreation authority that would be able to zone land around state parks. To have a commission be study to be given them, at its December meeting. below last year. He said every highways for unincorporated urban areas before agreements on them are negotiated, with the one who wants a turkey mt 9 Pm- The corrections report, given appointed immediately to in-1 state. by commission ChairmanRep.

Terry McBrayer, D-Greenup, Wednesday, naa Deen snot twice with a .32 automatic pistol. He was struck in the side and abdo- Thanksgiving will be able to get one, but added that prices will remain about 35 cents a said that the cell blocks in the "Our heroic soldiers, you are reviving Egypt's honor and dig (Continued From Page One) publican in May is the only man Nixon has twice lauded publicly as eminently qualified to be president. Nixon, in finding a replacement for Agnew, had called on Republican members of Congress, governors and state party officials to submit suggested names by the end of the day. pound more than last year, an men. increase of 100 per cent.

Coroner Harold Everett said Mead, whose Dallas-based, the shot in the side possibly pene- Guerrillas Claim Their Forces Fighting Behind Israeli Lines nity. Your great achievement in battle marks a big step on the road to victory. We are con icompany has 59 subsidiaries trated Walker's heart. Death Compassion (Continued From Page One) charges against Agnew were so! serious that the attorney gener-i al must be told. fident your advances will con operating 75 plants throughout, was almost instantaneous, Eve-the United States, said sai(ii although Walker man-over-all price increase in bak-aged open the door on the erv products this year will tinue with the same zest ana efficiency as before." By FRANK N.

HAWKINS JR. jGolan Heights. The Saiqa units, action against Israel. He told a BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) the best equipped of the guer-' group of reporters "it was Lists of potential candidates With his voice reflecting emo Later that month, Richardson Palestinian guerrillas claimedlrilla forces, have jeeps, anti-Saiqa forces who carried out about 20 Der cent. About 5 reri.

i were being coordinated by Nixon's assistant, Rose Mary ha r.t T1 I i fVio Vienna nneratinn I am on. -i i IOUnO OeSlQe tne aUlOmODlle in aanj iciaicu we auuaiauic ui un luuiauay uicu iuilco aici.aiii guicr, umwiku, inui ion, u. wpviumiji. iceni 01 ine increase, nc SalU, the charges to White House lighting behind Israeli lines and! and small surface to air mis-lnouncing this now because the chief of staff Alexander M. on four other fronts as part of siles.

i precautions for not doing so Woods. At the Justice Department a narrow lane that led into a cornfield near the West Kentucky Parkway. will come in the last three months of the year. All of the experts blamed government controls, export tion, Ismail said the mission of Egyptian troops was to liberate "every grain of sand polluted by enemy feet." Israel seized the 125-mile-wide peninsula from Egypt in the 1967 war. Cairo radio has claimed Egyptian forces have advanced as far as 10 miles Atty.

Gen. Elliot L. Richardson I naig ana in early August to Middle East war. i Guerrilla communiques is-ave ended. The Arabs, for the Authorities said robbery ap- told a televised news Their over-all role in the sued from their war headquar-lIirst tirr.

are waging a real ence'the White House played saia neuner ine fighting has been described as iters in Damascus and from war against the enemy." the policies and rising 'feed and I Pf. was not tiv of grain prices for the hikes at the the kllling- since Walker had imnnrtant mip in thp nAontifl-. wnite House "or anyone else "mnHpst" hv nhsprvpr here. ctro The Vienna operation was a tirms that led to Aenew's resie- the But for the euerrillas. lonely aprriiia nnprafinn inside I reference to last month's take-! retail levels.

None offered $106 in bills on his person in ad- into the Sinai desert nation and his acceptance of a frustrated by restrictions oniisrael. TThev have said of a train near iVenna by much hope of any change in thejditon to a watch and diamond fnliv infnrmpn at all timpc immediate future. ring. i actions by Arab govern-labout reeular military oper-llwo raos wno saw uiey De- ine israeii i tax evasion charge, madp rnmmando raids on the jments and by superior Israeli ations on the Golan Heights. iiongea to tne tagies ot tne i.

rnai Kicnarason oistiosea annrmw( p.rh nf Richardson disclosed n. Mead said that although this! sheriff N- D. (Corky) Hill is year's wheat crop was a conducting an investigation into The guerrillas claim some 500aiestinian evolution. ine to harass Eevfitian reinforcing P'3' white House counsel ijor steps that were taken in battle marks a satis' tO naraSS tgypuau tho aL rotnm tn miinr artinn FrpH Rii7harHt was the first to ulfvinp rpfnrn tn mainr record, increased demand, par- tne snooting. artinnVnmmarvlnc nnpratino hphinrf I Operation resulted in Austrian approach him about possible did not participate in the nego-iagainst the Jewish state.

'Israeli lines have rocketed and I authorities announcing theyjticularly overseas, will leave. The body was removed to Van-nio in tnp -acp 6 Fvnorion Kcrvrc pti.Li,ii closinB transit facilities 'little grain in storage. Unless derford Funeral Home in South operations in the Sinai. I hey said their artililery and war-planes were punishing the Fmmtian? a 1 v. containing for Soviet Jews emieratine toi't rains just right, unless we i Fulton.

mc aiiuintjr tv-uviBi jci iiu iiiiiua vii 111c iiion. uii, cuvujiiwj -jaMU civilian nisiaiiaiiuiio aiiM ISraef a uuiiii 11 gor them alone a line three or four Buzhardt, however, "did not in-(bargaining, Richardson added, jthrown some 15,000 commandos facilities ing to be out of wheat this miles beyond the Suez Canal Idicate that he was acting at the ibut the President "was, of into the fighting under the uni- A comment by Zoheir Moh- hokoct" anA fVi-i, hp mursp rnnrpmM President's behest" and that concerned hejeourse, as all of usified leadership of Yasir Arafat, 'sen, the Saiqa commando lead- Drive For (Continued From Page One) Markets defenses abandoned by Israel country," he said, looking ahead to next year. Lyng provided the single note had played a role as a go-bey were with the potential con- head of the Al Fatah guerrilla ier, underscored the exuberance tween for Agnew's lawyers and of a prolonged andjgr0Up, a Beirut newspaper re-! apparently felt by the com- FEDERAL -STATE MARKET of optimism. Echoing other in- earlier. But the air and ground fighting that began Saturday was raeine beyond the six days Is I the bishop said the church often the Justice Department.

idgumng mai ui mese lues that some 26,000 com mandos in finally returning to NEWS SERVICE, Paducah Live- Thic Ipft nnpn thp mixtion nf 01 Hvp ioirwd thp hflttle. stock-Compared to last week, 'supplies are up and prices are mc auuiney gene.d. sa.u inejbut observers here caileJ the rael took to win its celebrated originated the idea of an seems overly concerned "about its own life and not enough about the life of the society" in which it is to work. Elmer Mans field, sifter cows and buiis, $3 low down. He predicted beef and pork would remain at or below victory.

That fact itsearrangement under which bargaining wm In mo-; figure exaggerated tion 1967 House counsel Some 7,000 of the commandos; Named S. FultOll freeze levels through the next was treated as something of ajMW would resign and accept 77W.f 1 i in enmp Arahi Fred Buzhardt moral victory in some Aran by White feeders, $1 to $2 lower, Slaughter cows, utility cutter, 27-30; canner, 24-27. ine cnurcn nas an even ho telephoned are said to be members of Ara- responsibility for a single -o month, then might rise slightly. obligation t0 invove it him in September to suggest nim in ueptemoer to suggest 1 T' i charge of misconduct as an al-ithat Richardson meet with Ag--fats A1 Fatah' Another baietX Director Slaughter yield grade Is Iself in the reordering of the of God's world," the capitals. The claim of an Israeli advance beyond the 1967 Golan Umm mniiU ronrocpnt news lawyers.

Buzhardt M'u SOUTH FULTON, Oct. and 2s, indicating ternative to possible grand iury, criminal trial and im- a il ij bishop said. not indicate that he was acting ami m): nElmer Mansfield was named 77-80 carcass bone per cent, 36-! at the President's behest," brigade, and another 3,000 from South Fulton.s public safetv di Richardson said. various other commando uJ: (Continued From Page One) ceae-i re ipeachment proceedings. Agnew a significant loss to Syria I Mjd plea They cited a "national attitude of hopelessness, dis- a SO COU1U SUCH uuuuii.

bargaining and Richardson said The bargaining stalled later groups such as the Popular 5043.50. sofUOO lLn. 1973' 28 10 1974 and couragement and indifference" Egypt if any Israeli iorces were freed to turn their fire ation of Pal- miv0, nnnA a r. Vems in iy'3- stemming partly from "abuse the negotiations did not origi-'in September because each side, Front for the Liberat "It is true that a vprv fpwinf oJCVlal lliCtliiig ji lilt -uiii ii.ivu gwu aiiu jw rw nate with the Justice Depart- refused to budge. Richardson mission here tonieht.

59-64: 400-500 55-59: 1 I uu Kuv power on the Sinai front. estine and the Maoist Popular Democratic Front. a -ri 'l i i Horl ino1 tn Hi er re a Kii 0 MCW jiam3 wcic given an auui- emment Mansfield, 0 previously, 500-6O 50-55; 30M00 tiona, 10 cents per hour for 1973. But the bishops added thev hpM thp samp nnsitinn. lj a 55-59: 400-500 50-55: Tkocs nintc' ho, nothing and claimed its forces i responded to questions about itsjhe and Beall suggested that the 6.

IrnlP in thp matter i.S. attorney and his assistants role in the matter. attorney ana nis assistants; guerrillas are believed to be 7- nw7. ik. F.

"irejoicea in "tne many signs in in operation a relatively snorvthe -response of people to the Richardson said Nixon fully! were homing out tor at least with the Syrians in the. Mrunn ume anu nave not naa ine aa- movement of nnri'! annmvM thp spttipmpnt nf Ap-ibnef prison sentence renewing ..0 i guard at the Lear-Siegler 62-56; 400-500 vantage of wage increas spirit in our time." i nounced the failure of iuuguw, in Obion City tor the past year. duu-ouu 4tMa; mixed good grantea plants ime waytieia aur-i Tne convention, hailing re- choice 300-400 49-52; ing past years. To grant thejeent theological' agreements tions and said he rtad author-j Former Tiardwell new's case, secretly decided upon Tuesday. But he said Nixon "never had more than a summary description" of the TT JUnrhofl lbs- -m aaaitionai iu cents per R0man Catholics, encour- 10 cents Resident, Dies ized Beall to turn over the Agnew allegations to the grand AXJR- oiwl -XPIXim Ihc ACLAQ- 43-46 BARDWELL, Oct.

11 (Auciiwai viiiiuiiai v-iioi gcai inry 43-46; 500-600 Bv Accident wouia piace iviayiiem in a poor'aged "covenant relationships competitive position. between local Catholic and "We estimate that, with oun Episcopal parishes, with occa-Dresent waee offer. Mavfield'cinnai 4nin against Agnew and had told the Fnnr Hav latpr a onpu Hoii. Clarence F.Douglas, former 40-43. Journal Editor, Murray Native, Relinquishes Post NEW YORK Lenore Hershey was named editor of Ladies Home Journal Wednesday, succeeding John Mack Carter.

Mrs. Hershey, who has been executive editor of the Journal since last May, joined the Magazine in 1968. She will be the eighth editor of the 90-year-old Journal, and the second woman to hold the post. Justice Department he did a combative' attack on the Bardwell resident, died Tuesday One lane of U.S. 45 near Lone iemployes will earn 35 cents per ation in community projects." think it would be appropriate for him to get into the details of the case.

nour more tnan tnose worKing: fne convention also pave an- Roy B. Joyce Rites Scheduled Justice Department and de- 'n a Detroit hospital. He was Oak was blocked for a time dared he would not resign evem 71. Thursday afternoon when a if indicted. Douglas, a resident of; truck being towed by another Richardson said bargaining Ecourse.

leaves his wife, truck became disconnected and tat the nearest new plant of Agnew went off the public MARION, Oct. 41- -Roy died payroll at the hour of his resig-; resumed last Saturday and Lillian; two daughters, Mrs. jack-knifed in the middle of the! B. Joyce, Marion Rt. 1, proval to continued participation in merger talks among nine major Protestant denominations.

However, doubt that (he tufts soon would produce a unified church was expressed by Mis nation Wednesday but Press sped to agreement luesday. Lela Todd, Ecourse, and Mrs.lhighway. 11:30 p.m. Wednesday at his Secretary Ronald L. Zieglerj As for the personal impact of; Dorothy Phelps, Morgantown.j The driver, Hugh Doyle, Lex-home.

He was 82. our competition. "Our plant is a good place to work. We have the best hospitalization, vacation, insurance and holiday programs of any plant in the area, and the best retirement program in the rub- said he would continue to have ine case, Kicnarason said he and two sons, Carlos and ington. walked away un- His wife, Mrs.

Arrie Joyce, not accept the nomi Thp mner was me I rsi euuui. c. i WrPt Sprvire nrotprtion Kusseii uougias, ooi oi nun. survives. sissippi Bishop John Allin, Louisa Knapp Curtis, the wife ofj of his ofjce next door for vice president Hz-url tnM stata nnliA hp fptt' C.M.Af Kpr inrlimtru If u.p a rt tn mflpt i Nixon offer it because "it, .2 v.

I-U to the White House, for a "rea- runerai services win uc v.uir me iuw jwaj scveiai iimea ue-jaucieo ai i p.m. jaiuruay ai would be highly the founder, Cyrus H.K. Curtis Carter, a native of Murray, became editor-in-chief and board chairman last August of Downe Communications, which publishes the Journal, American Home, Family Weekly and Photoworld. He will continue In that post De we cnurcn new these obligations to our em-presiding bishop wnen Bishop ployes, then we must be com- nines steps down next sprine petitive with other tire manu-, Asked if he felt j6 of facturer (the participating denominations would be achieved in his 12 The word assassin comes vear term Bishop AUin said from an Arabic word meaning ifrom the standpoint of pa-one addicted to the drug hash- m-crr, that might be too ish. much to hope for." sonable and appropriate transi-ifor me aj ROvernment's ac at 2 p.m.

Saturday at fore it broke loose and jack-lHunt Funeral Chapel by the tion period." Warren said Ag-cuser of the vce presiden( jShiloh Baptist Church in Car-knifed. Doyle's cab wound up Rev. James Boone and the Rev. new would be "afforded everylbe for one momen( considered County Rev- Cecil in a ditch on the other side of(Wilbur Webb, with burial to fol-poseible courtesy and help inas a potential successor to KinK- Rev- Lester Willis and the highway. jlow in Shady Grove Cemetery, the transition." jhim." jRev.

Roy Green. Burial will fol-1 Sute Trooper Creston Ru- Masonic rites will be conduct- Richardson had been men-l'ow in Roselawn Cemetery. dolph directed traffic until thejed by Shady Grove Lodge No. Canada has 517,305 miles of tioned among several nomi-' Friends may call at Milner highway was cleared of at the funeral home Friday roadways. Inees.

Home. age and debris. evening at 7:30 p.m..

The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)
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