The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)

D-ft THE RECORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1986 Public Notices Public Noticei Public Notice Public Notices Public Notice It curtains for Playhouse on the Mall successors tried in vain to meet the challenges posed when increases in ticket prices began lagging far behind rises in costs. Three producers came and went in a littie more than six years. George Brown was gone after 18 months; Mary Ellyn Devery lasted seven. Perry Bruskin, who is now a successful New York producer, was able to continue for three years and eight months. All had attempted and Ultimately couldn't hew to the Ludlum star policy.

In 1976, Allied leased the playhouse for the first time to an outside producer, Mike Iannuccl, the husband of burlesque queen Ann "When we had hits, we couldn't accommodate all the people who wanted tickets; on the other side, there were times when there were plenty of empty seats." Robert Ludlum FROM PAGE D-l U.S. shopping center, probably was doomed from the start. "The original concept called for a theater with a balcony and seating capacity comparable to a Broadway house," Ludlum said. "I felt you had to be able to expand as yqur box office increased and to keep up with inflation, but I was voted down by the people at Allied. "When we had hits, we couldn't accommodate all the people who wanted tickets; on the other side, there were times when there were plenty of empty seats.

"But all of us in the theater business were sure that making the playhouse only 635 seats was going to cause problems. It can be very hard to convince people outside the business that you know what you're talking about." Ludlum's eight years at the mall were the playhouse's golden era. The theater was a major stop on the Broadway tryout route, and Ludlum himself produced revivals with outstanding casts. The theater opened in September 1962 with Frank Lovejoy and Shepperd Strudwick in Gore Vidal's "The Best Man." That was followed by Pat O'Brien in "Father of the Bride," Stephen Douglas and Helen Merritt in "Carousel," Linda Darnell and Philip Bosco in "Critic's Choice," and Celeste Holm and James Far-entino in "Invitation to a March." January 1963 brought the world premiere of a double bill by Murray Schisgal, "The Typists" and "The Tiger," which then moved to Broadway and played 200 performances. The following year brought three more shows that moved to New York, most notably Milton Manhoff's "The Owl and the puss*cat," which moved to the ANTA Theatre, played 421 performances, and featured two rising stars, Alan Alda and Diana Sands.

But even the indefatigable Ludlum couldn't keep up the pace he had set during the first few years of his tenure, especially as the ranks of the oldtime stage and screen stars that he used as headliners began to thin. Pay too little for TV stars The playhouse needed stars to compete against movies, television, and New York theater, but as the Sixties waned, television personalities were becoming the rage, and that proved a problem. Ludlum had paid his stars $2,000 to $2,500 a week; the TV stars wanted two and three times that sum plus expenses. After Ludium hit in 1970, his Corio, whose "This Was Burlesque" had been a perennial favorite with mall audiences for more than a decade. Iannucci brought In variety shows and tour packages, but his operation folded by September -1978.

The playhouse was dark until April 1980, when the Center Stage Company took a lease and opened a revival of Thornton Wilder's "The Skin of Our Teeth." Unusual experiment The company, headed by Charlz Herf urth of Bogota, represented an interesting experiment: It was I made up of Bergen County resi- dents, mostly young professionals, all out of work. Their salaries were paid by the federal government under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA). Center Stage's high spots includ- ed the world premiere of a new musical, "Love Games," with score by Joseph Turrin of Leonia, and re- vivals of "A Lion in Winter," "Chapter Two," and "Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris." The dwindling of funds for -CETA, combined with a lack of at tendance, forced the company to I fold after 22 months at the mall. The theater had been leased to a -number of producers after Center Stage left, but departed after a few months. it nerePy given that an Application has been filed with the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Rldgefietd, Bergen-Countv, New Jersey, by MOBIL OIL CORPORATION by Its Agent and Attorney, Henry Ramer, P.

to demolish exiting closed service station and construct new modern sietion Including new canopy, new pumps and islands, new convenience store, new storage and trash enclosure erea, new signage, lighting, curbing, fencing, new underground motor fuel storage tanks, at a service station located on B'ock 159, Lots 41, 42 end 43. eiso known Brood Avenue South and Shaler ouleverd, Ridgefiekl, N.J. and for site plan approval and for vari ances from Ordnance sections C(4), C'5), C(6), CIS) and 1 13-704. A oublic hearing has been tor Thursday, March 6, 986, at 8 00 P.M. In the Borough Hall, at 604 Broad Avenue, Ridge-fleld, New Jersey.

Any Person(s) affected by this application may have an opportunity to be heard at said public hearing. All documents relating to this application may be Inspected by the public during usual business hours at the Office of the Board of Adjustment In the Borough Hall. HENRY RAMER, P. A. Agent and Attorney for Applicant Mobil Oil Corporation 245 Diemond Bridge Avenue Hawthorne, NJ07506-1998 (50D45.1-514.1 226.

Fee: S35.26 (43) NOTICE fOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN HAT PURSUANT TO REGULA- ION OF THE BOARD OF tOVERNORS OF THE FED-RAL RESERVE SYSTEM THE MORTGAGE LOAN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OF FIRST FIDELITY BANK, National Association, County FOR THE reporting period ended december 31. 1985, will be available f6r inspection by interested parties during Formal business hours at the following OFFICES: OFFICE: OF THE MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT FIRST FIDELITY BANK, National 239 Main Strnet Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 AND FIRST FIDELITY BANK, National Association, Counly 1 West Railroad Avenue Tenafly, New Jersey 07670 Feb24 25-26 27-28 (31) Notice of Availability of Annual Report ol The John P. Petersn Foundation TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that the anual report of Ihe John P. Petersn Foun-dallon for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1985 required by section 6056 of the Internal Revenue Code Is available for Inspection at lha Principal Office of the John P. Petersn Foundstion at 1029 Abbott Blvd, Palisade, New Jersey 07064 during regular business hours by any cltiien who requests It within 180 davs after the publication of this notice of Its availability.

Requests to Inspect the said Annual Report should be made to Ihe John P. Peterson Foundation at its office at abovestated. John P. Peterson 226, Fee: 1 18 86 (23) NOTICE TO BIDDERS for furnishing and delivery 11 AMBULATORY VAN PE VEHICLE FOR BERGEN UNTY SPECIAL TRANSPOR-TION SERVICES PURSUANT RE ADVERTISED BID PROPOSAL Bids will be opened In the Public Meeting Room 107 on the First Floor of Ihe Counly Administrative Building. Hackensack.

N.J. on 18, 1896 at 11:00 AM 226, Fee: $12.30 (15) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bids will be received by the Clerk of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, or his designated assistant, al 10:00 A.M., on Monday, March 10, 1986, In the Freeholders' meeting room 427, Counly Administrative Building, Main and Essex streets. Hackensack, mew jersey, lor: RECONSTRUCTION OF THE MAIN STREET BRIDGE OVER HIRSCHFELD tit ROOK. SOUGH OF NEW A MILFORD, JUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY. Job No.

38-11. Plans, specifications and bid proposal forms may be obtained In Ihe Office of the Department of Public Works. 29 Linden Street, during regular business hours by prequantieo Diaoers upon receipt of a non-refundable deposit of S30.00 no later than 3 days prior lo the due date of bids. All checks to be made payable to the Bergen County Treasurer. Bids must be submitted In a sealed envelope olainlv marked tn Indicate the name and address of the bidder and Ihe sublect ot the bid.

Bids may De mailed or delivered In person. Mailed bids will be held and opened at Ihe time of the bid. Bids received afler the time for opening bids will be returned unopened. Bidders are required to comply with P.L 1975. 127.

Dennis j. cuowa. Lnatrman PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Roberta Slern. Clerk BUANUOf CHUStNf REEHOLERS Feb. (46) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby alven that sealed Proposals will be received by Ihe Bergen Counly Utilities Authority for: i ime ot Description -8 PUKLHA.Ib Oh SMObS "cal" URCHASE OF ELECTRI-SUPPLIES and opened and read aloud al the Administration otnee ot tne tuthorlty, Foot of Mehrhof Road, line Ferry, NJ.

on Wednesday, March 12, 1986, Contract Documents for the proposed Purchases are available for Inspection at the -Authority's Administrative office between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 om on normal business days. froposats must pa maae on standard Proposal forms in the manner designated In Ihe Contract documents; must be enclosed In sealed envelopes bearing Ihe name and address of the Bidder, and the name of the Purchase on Ihe outside; addressed to Ihe Bergen County Utilities Authority, and Scceptable lo Ihe Authority, and a Id guarantee to the Authority for not less than ten percent (10) of the emount bid. except that Ihe bid guarantee need not exceed 120,000. The award of the Contrect for this purchase will not be made until Ihe necessery funds have been provided by Ihe Bergen County Utilities Authority In a lawful manner. The Authority reserves the right lo require a complete financial and experience statement from prospective Bidders showing thai Ihey have sallsfacforlly supplied material of the nature required before furnishing Proposel forms or Specifications, or before award ing tne contract.

The right Is also reserved to reiect any or all Bids, or to waive any informalities wnere sucn infor mality Is not detrimental to the best Interest of Ihe Authority, providing same do not constitute a substantial non-comollance with the Bid Speci fications. Bidders are required lo comply with Ihe reuulremtnts of P.L. 1975 127. Feb.26 Fee: $50.84 (62) ABSENTEE BALLOTS If vou ara In the military tarvlca or lha ftpouia or dependent of perton In military ervfee or art patient In a veteran hospital or a civilian attached to or serving wllh the Armed Forces of the Grilled Slatai without tht Slate of New Jer- anrfaccompanylno or residing wllh a civilian attached to or serving with tht Armtd Forces of the United States, and des re to vole, or If you art a relative or friend of any such parson who, you belleve.wlll vote me mun kal ON to be held on Tuesday, 19flA klndlv wrlta tn tha undersigned Borough Clerk al once making application for military service ballot to be voted In said election lo be forwarded to you, stating vour name, age, serial number If you art In military service, home address and Iht address at vhlep you art st a Honed or can bt 'ound, or If you desire the military lervlce ballot lor a relative or Irlend hen make an application under path for a military stvict ballot to be forwarded to him, slating In vour Tf illcatlon that ha is ovar tha age of years and Staling his name, leaf number If ht Is In military service, home address and tha address at which ha Is stationed or MtLITAR AIMING MILITAR mm Forms of application can bt obtained from Ihe underslonad JonnL.Barrecnini a Borough C'erK Municipal Building Feb24 Mai.JFet Hl2 lit) tiff retaken Br the terms of a detauied ron-Tarms ol sale will tie cash, reserves the rlghi to bid end lo cancel sola without further nXKonai. communiiy bank iVFaeiiH'M (14) VOTER mm jSfiJ MAY MIS: Jjf -THE cite SUCH On March 1.

1986 at 10 00 AM al 51 Broad Aye, Falrview, Nj Ihe National Community Bank of NJ I al Public Auction 192 Office For Rant 94 WESTWOOD-toatwl SuHlvin St. MO fl office sq ft of rnouH space wqverh door. Ayell March I. HJOO per All utllslnd. Cell 666-IMO.

WYCKOPF Executive offices Ind va, ipt, receptionist, conference room. etc MI-0042 for Rent 94A BERGEN CTY-Overhead dr, dry IV, Broad Avt 4 Rt 44 (Meet alto voiieote. tnteeKoayt w-evus FAIR LAWN-profl residential and commercial storaoa cubical! sacure short or long larm. 20 sq.ft. ano up.

catt y-3awor vm- 1 HACKENSACK. Appro 500 so ft. Deed tloraga only. 1100 mo. Larger apace aisq even.

HANSON MGMT. Broken NEILSAART 468-5WI NEED EXTRA STORAGE SPACE? SHcK It In BERGEN MINI STOR AGE. Safe, secure, and open 7 days weak. 20 River Rd (at Cross SI) ooota.N.J. Cell342-80lO RIDGEFIELD STORAGE SPACE n.

pius an office a. pern Inn. Reesonaole rant. S67-407'; t-5 RIDGEW0OO-500sqft, $200mo, tin 6-wtvuor 26 i-uyg THE STORAGE BINS Mint Storage, all Sues available. Located In alrvlew.

945-0400. WarahouM 94C LOOI 7,000 so It of excellent hl-ceil warehouse exec offices. 2nd floor welec conveyor, 1 block from Rt 4a. Parkins, alarm, AC S. heat.

Avail March T. 29O0mo. No fees. e-yvz6 after apm MIDLAND Sq Ft Industrial warehouse space. 14 14 ground level doors, call M4-MZ4.

MIDLAND PK Warehouse office. izv sq tt. Call iiavi-iiyyi 9 OR 444-3013 SO So Ft warehse offices Tor rem. oik Kt eu. Prkng.

2 OH doors. Ownr 343-4812. SUFFERNRockland Co LeaseSale 27,000 soft Brick 3 story mfg warehouse. Prima loc. waccess to maior roaos.

t-or turtner aetans, rail Cathv- G.HIRSCH 914-357-14W WEST NYACK ROUTE 303 SOUTH of 59 14,000 so ft J4.25 per soft Available Immediately CALL RICHARD AVIRETT (914) 561-6767 or (201)445-4520 WEST PATERSON 1 blkfrom Rt. 4a. 2500 sq commercialIndustrial space. 11250mo. Call 256-0800, aam-apm weeaoavs omy.

WESTWOOD For lease. Retail officewarehouse. Red hot whse section of Westwood. Has I rms, 1 garage loading dock, 70 car park- Inn fillTlu rn mtmn ha i.h-lal High traffic volume. Wide range of use.

ask tor Marx. COMMERCIAL DIVISION MANAGEMENT REALTY 843-3388 Comm. Und 95 BERGEN CTY Hi-Rise Site Zoned 12 story bldg. Call 694-0888 HAWTHORNE Industrial corner ftptv. txcet ioc i dik rr ki zuo.

1 ake back mlg. Slave, 427-4676 MAHWAH VIC RT. 17 LAST IND PARK AVAIL BUY 16, 8. 4. 2 AC SITES BUILD TO SUIT OR LEASE TO C.B SNYDER, ExclBkr 38-1200 NORTHERN BERGEN CTY LAND APPROX 360X185 Cleared, level landgd location GABRIEL REALTY Licenced Brokers 2(2-5300 WantedBuy or Lease 96 DEVELOPER Seeking any slie parcel in Dergen cpunty Tor oevei-gpmenl, commercial or residential pays 646-0844 or Eves 666-1 128 Ask for Mr, Dania.

WE iH AVE QUALIFIED BUYERS Begging for all types of property. If you are thinking of selling, now' the timet We need apt complexes, snopptng metis, nomas, offices a. store fronts. Our investors must ouy now. v-aii tvtanogemeni Keany.

843-3388 70 Market St Saddle Brook, NJ Public Notices On March 1, A.M. at 51 Broad Avenue, Falrview, New Jersey, the National Community Bank of New Jersey will sell at Public Auction a 1985 AMC Sliver Eagle Wagon, Serial 2CCCK3859FB700278, retaken under terms of a defaulted contract. Terms of sale will be cesh. Bank reserves the right to bid and to cancel ele without further notice. NATIONAL COMMUNITY BANK OF NEW JERSEY J24, Pea: 1 1.48 (14) Orch 10, 1986, 10:00 A.M.

at oute 17, Hasbrouck 1,1 The Midland Bank will sail at public auction a 1983 Chevrolet 5 Car Carrier, VIN: 1GBHC34M4DY115576, seized and repossessed from DlnoArtles Auto Trans, for default of Security Agreement. Bank reserves right to id and postpone sale. Jj, Fee: 19.02 (11) 9030 Slide a straight, slimming jacket over pants with a pleated front and elastic back. Half Sizes 10 to Misses Sizes 8 to 20. $3.25 for each pattern.

Add 750 each pattern for postago, handling. Sent) to: Marian Martin Pattern Dept. 58 Tha Record 6M0 North 1 Woodsld, H1 11177. Prtrt Name, Addftti, Zip, SU, Pitltrn Number, Fresh fashions In SPRING SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG. Free pattern offer.

Send $2 1- 756 postage. Books $2.05 75C 121-ltHcr) 'fl' Pilch Oullll HWtoww Crochet (, i MAV1 ill SuPES.OR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION BERGENHUDSON COUNTY LWJ- Between Ptaintll DOCKET NO. F-4707-85 een KATHLEEN F. FIERRO, intlff and A. JOY SCANT- LAND; EDSON WILEY, AND C.l.T FINANCIAL SERVICES, Defendants.

Ova Action-Execution. TUTTLE AND ZISGEN, E5QS.ATTORNEYS 109 Miller Roed Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 Bv virtue of me abovt stated writ to me directed ano delivered, I have levied upon and will expose for saie at public vendue at tht Sberiff Office in tht City of Hackensack, on Wednesday, March 26, 1986 at two o'clock In the afternoon, prevailing tima: The land referred to herein Is described as follows: THE property consists ot tht lend and all the buildings and structures on the land in the Township of Mahwah, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey. The legal description BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the herein described tract at a point In the center line of Forest Avenue, said point being elso the southeasterly corner of lands of William L. Willis and running thence 1. Along lands of the said William L.

Willis and lands of Edward Thomas, North 46 degrees 32 minutes East 298.50 feet; thence 2. Along lands of Edward Thomas, South 44 degrees 78 minutes East 60 feel; thence 3. Along lands of Harold J. Vanderbeck, South 46 degree. 32 minutes West 297.54 feet fo the center line of Forest Avenue; thence 4.

Along the same, Norm 45 degrees 23 minutes West, 60 feel to the point or piece of BEGINNING. Togelher with all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining and the reversion and remainders, rents. Issues and prof-Its thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, Interest, use, property, claim and demand of Iht said defendants of In, to and out of Ihe same, be sold to pay and satisfy In the first place unto tht said plaintiff Ihe sum of $24,883.40, wllh lawful Interest thereon from the 23rd day of September, 1985, until Ihe same be paid and satisfied, and also the costs of the said plaintiff which have been duly taxed at Iht sum of 10 of tht purchase price In the form of Certified Check or Cash Is required at time of sale. The property shall be sold subiect lo all liens and encumbrances of record and tha Sheriff makes no representations expressed or Implied, es to the existence, amount, or validity ol any Hens and encumbrances on the property wnicn is tne suDiect matter of this sale. This notice Is further subiect to Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff of Bergen Counly.

The Sheriff reserves the right to adiourn this sale from time to time as provided by law. WILLIAM D.MC DOWELL SHERIFF SBF25873 The Record-Rldgewood Herald Feb.26 Mar.3-5-l2-Fee:$314.8B (96) IIHTMFNT NOTICE OF DECISION February 18, 1986 Meeting I. case fB46A micnaei a. rray- see A decision of Ihe Village construction official, requiring a use variance to permit storage and sale of children's clothing from premises currently conducting sales of bicycles and accessories located In a C-l lone, ai Block 88, Lots 5 8, 7, ke 184-6 Main Street, was upheld. 2.

case f046B micnaei a. rray-An application for a use vari ance to store and sell children's clothing from premises currently conducting sales of bicycles and accessories located In a C-1 zone, at Block 88. Lois 5 ka Main Street was approved sublect to conditions as outlined in resolution. 3. case nn ouiioers, inc.

An ano Icallon for a use vari ance to build a 23-unlt apartment building on premises located at Hllle Place, at Block 133, Lots, 4, 7, 9, 4. Case 848 James Carmecl An application for a var ance from one side yard set back requirement of the code for an R-2 tone lo permit enclosing a portion of an existing deck at Iht rear o' one-family residential dwelling located at 55 overpecx Avenus.j Block 109, lot 2, was granted subiect to conditions as outnneo in resoiu flnn 5. Case 849 Albert E. Knaub, An nnnliratlnn far a variance from lol area as required for an R-l zone, to permit construction ot an fnground ppol on premises located SI Block 20.02, Lot 3 ka 11 Barnes rive was granted sublect to conditions as outlined In resolution. Appeals from any final decision of the Board of Adjustment may be taken in accordance with the statutes of the Stale ol New Jersey and rules of the court.

All decisions on file in the office nt the Riillrilna Off iclal Hurlna regu lar business hours, 234 Main Street, Kiogetietaparx, mj. Gerard M. Garofalow, Construction Official 226, Fee: $53.30 (65) UTILITIES AUTHORITY LITTLE FERRY, NEW JERSEY Sealed bids will be received by the Bergen Counly Utilities Authority (htrelnaller called the at Ihe Admlnlslretlon Building, Fool of Mehrhof Roed, In Little Ferry. New Jersey 07643, until 2:00 P.M., on March 12,1986, and at same time and piece will be opened and read aloud publicly for the construction of: LANUt-ILL MAIN CNAMCe. BUILDING FOR KINGSLAND PARK SANITARY LANDFILL EXPANSION CONTRACT 86-3 (Rebld) Any bids received afler the abovt mentioned date and lime will nol be considered.

The work to be performed under Contract 86-3 consists of all equipment, materials and work necessary for the construct on of it Ma ntenance bu na. ncluding: furnishing and Installing a pre-englneered melal building; reinforced concrete foundation: methane control system; and all other eppurtenant work; for the Kingsland Park Sanllary Landfill xoans on tne ownsn pt Lyndhurst and int Borough ot Norin Arlington, New jersey. Eech bid must be accompanied hv cashier's check or certified check payablt to tht Owner and issuea dv a racogntzea panx or trust company, or by Bid Bond equal to that attached to the proposal, duly executed bv the bidder as principal and having as surety tnereon a surety company approved by the Owner In an amount not less than ten percent iuj or tne amount ot tne oio, put In no case in excess of $20,000. Tha Owner Inlands In make award of the Contract within 60 days. However, It for any reason, Ihe Owner Is unable to make eft award within sucn 60 day period, the Owner and each of Ihe three apparent lowest responsible bidders and their proposed sureties, may agree on an extension, nol exceeding an additional 30 days, lor the making ol Ihe award.

The Owner reserves the right to reiect env or all bids or to select the bid. Ihe acceptance of which will. In Its ludgmenl best servt tht public Interest. All bids ara sublect to the requirements ol all laws and ordinances affecting same. A Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond to be In the lorm contained herein will be required of Iht successful Bidder.

In addition to furnishing tht required Perfot mance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond, the successful bidder shall furnish an executed Environment! Maintenance Bond In the amount of $1,000. Copies of Ihe Contract Documents mey bt examined and oblalned al Ihe Aulhorlly's Admin istration Bulidlno. and al Ihe office of Clinton Bogerf Associates, 2125 center Avenue, i-orr Lee. New jer sev 07024, al the cost oj $25 00. Payments lor Ihe Contract Documents shall be madr.

by check end shall bt made payable to Ihe Owner. Upon return, In cottdlllon, of the Contract Documents wllhln 30 days afler receipt of bids, deposits will be refunded, Attention of bidders Is particularly called lo the requirements as lo conditions of employment lo be observed and mln mum wane ralel to be paid under the Contract Each prospective bidder will be required till be reoujred Imlneiion In to comply wnn n.j.s.a. es amenoeq pi Chapter 2.etfeciive regarding nondiscrimination ampiovmenf. By direction ot Iht Btrgtn Counly Ulllllles Authority. Louis Rafflattl, Secrelarv Feb.26 Fee: 1 14 It 12) Public Notice ihe Rldeelieid Park Construction oard of Appeels will hold a public netting pn nursoav, f- epruarv if, V86, at l.jg p.m., (n Ihe Mum ripal lulldlng.

254 Main Street, Rldge- field Park, NJ. 226, Fee: $6.56 (I) NOTICE TO BIDDERS for furnish-ng and delivery "rlikj AAATpatAi rot it rgIn PIN coy HOS 1 AL FOR 2 MONTH PdRIO POSAL 16 33 Bids will be opened In Ihe Public Stating Room ju7 on the First lonr of the County Administrative ') SuPEHiOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION FN COUNTY DOCKET NO F-Ilt-U Between BARBARA JO COLLINS, et ptaintms, anoKH. DRUKKER CONTRACTING, et Defendants, Civil Action-Execution. DRAESEL, SUNSHINE. ATKINS ANO NOVEMBER ATTORNEYS 5S5 Klnderkamack Road OraaeU.

NJ 07649 By virtue of me above stated writ to me directed and delivered, I have levied upon and win expose for saw at public vendue at the Sheriff Office in the City of Hack ensack, on 26, 1986 al two o'clock in lha afternoon, pre wailina lime: Alt that tract or parcel of land and premises, hereinafter particularly described, situated in the Township of Mahwah. In the County of Bergen, and Slate of New Jersey: BEGINNING a point In Ihe northerly line of Moffat Road (formerly Messenger Street), which point is formed by tne intersection of said northerly line with the division line of Lots 1 and 2 as shown on map entitled "Map of Lots of the Mortal Keaity corporation. Mahwah. New Jersav" (unfiled), which point Is also in lha southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of Mary Verkruien as described In Deed Book 1267, Page 379. which point is also distant 212.6 feet westerly trom a point formed bv tha prolongation easterly of the northerly Tine of Mortal Koaa wttn tne oio center line of Island Road and from thence running (T) north 4 degrees 30 minutes east along the easterly line of Lot 2, 236.5 feet to point In the southerly line of lands now or formerly of nn.

vvriwni ano u. is3ici, thence (5) north 84 degrees 20 minutes west along said southerly line 332 feet to a point In the easterly line of lends now or formerly of Tremarco as described in ueea book 3786, Page 32; thence (3) south 10 degrees 12 minutes east and along said eesterly line 239.01 feet To a point in the northerly line or moTTeit kuou, wiiu.ii point Is distent 126 feel easterly from a point formed by the intersection or tne nortneriy Una at Mnffat Road with the easterly line of Route 17; thence (4) south 83 degrees 5 minutes east along said northerly line of Moffat Road 272.41 feel lo the point or place ol beginning. Being known as Lots 2-3-4-5-6 and part ol Lots 7-8 on of Lots of the Moffatt Realty Corporation, Mahwah, New Jersey" (untiled). Being Ihe $ame premises conveyed to the Mortgagor by Marie Recchla, his wile, by Deed dated April 2, 1973. Less that part of such lend as Is described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of Moffatt Road (formerly Messenger Street), which point Is formed by the Intersection ol said northerly line with the division line of Lot 1 and 2 as shown on map entitled "Map of Lots of the Moffatt Realty Corp.

Mahwah, N.J." (unfiled), which point Is also In the southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of Mary E. Verkruzen as described in deed book 1267, page 379. which point is also distant 212.6 feet westerly from a point formed by the prolon-gallon easterly of the northerly line of Moffotl Road wllh Ihe old center line of Island Road and running from thence (1) north 4 degrees 30 minutes east, 236.5 feet to a point In the southerly line-of lands now or formerly of m. vviiuim aiiu w. ivbmiii.

thence (2) north 84 degrees 20 minutes west, 65.00 feef; Ihence (3) south 6 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds west, 234.86 feet to the northerly line of Moffatt Road: thence (4) along said side line south 83 degrees minutes east, 75.00 feel to the point or place of beginning. BEING more particularly shown as Lot 4B In Block B68 on Ihe Township of Mahwah TaxAtlas. The last mentioned parcel Is also described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron pipe In the northerly sideline of Moffatt Road (formerly Messenger Avenue 33' wide) said point being distant partly along the same 222.24' on a course 86 00" from where the same Is Intersected by the centerline of Island Road and running; thence (1) along the said northerly line of Moffatt Road (33' wide) 83 01' 51" 75.00 to an iron pipe in tne easterly line of lands now or formerly Rhine and Linda Drukker; thence (2) ino tinaa uruxker; tn ilono the easterly line lOthe easterly line 6" 58' 234.86 to an Iron pipe, ice 131 84 16' 50" 6. 65 00 UV' thence (i to an Iron ploe; thence (4) 4 236.4V to an Iron pipe in the northerly sideline of Moffatt Road being the point or place of beginning. Containing 16,492,2 square feel.

Being in accordance with survey made by William A. Easterbrook Asf-oclates Su eyors' Engineers, NJ. da led July 24, 1973. Said premises are also known as Lot 4B and a portion of Lot 4C as shown and land one on a map entitled Minor ubdlvlslon. block 68 lots 4-B, -C, 4-D, 4-G, property of Wm.

Carl Wrather. Township o( I Amimti tonlam. ber 26, 1960 prepared bv John BrumDaugn ano Associates. Civil Engineers, which minor subdivision was approved by Ihe Mahwah Planning Board on September 27, I960, Also known as Block 68, Lots 4C and 4D, 113 Moffat Road, Township of Mahwah, New Jersey. Together with all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining and the reversion and remainders, rents, Issues and prof-Its thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, Interest, use.

property, claim and demand of the said defendants of. In, to and out of the same, be sold to pay and satisfy In the first place unto the said plaintiff he sum ot $134,321.66, with lawful Interest thereon from Ihe 1st day of February, 1984, until Ihe seme be paid and satisfied, and also the costs of the said pialnilff which have been duly taxed al tht sum of 10 of the purchase price In the form of Certified Check or Cash Is required al time ol sale. The property shall be sold subiect lo all Hens and encumbrances of record and the Sheriff makes no representations expressed or Implied, as to the existence, amount, or valldlly ol any Hens end encumbrances on the firoperty which Is Ihe sublect meter of this sole. This nollce is lurlher sub ed lo Conditions of Sale as forth by lha Sheriff of Beruon County. The Sheriff reserves the right lo adiourn this sale trom time lo time as provided by law.

WILLIAM D. MC DOWELL SHERIFF SBF25871 Jhe Record-Rldgewood Herald eb.26 Mar.5-12-19 (193) SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW Jc LHANLEKT OtKOt NPfl Between INGS. Til ON. a New Jersey a n- IIH mri ODtMCC flAUIC. Jt Defendants.

Civil Action-ecullon. BECKER lALktKMANAI IUKNEYS IViSSpringtieid Avenut P.p. Box 307 Maolewood )d, N.J. UU4U By virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered, I have levied upon and will expose for sale ei public vendue at Iht Sheriffs Off lea In Ihe ol Hack ensack, on Wednesday, March 26, 1986 at two o'clock In Ihe afternoon, pre vailing lime: The proptr lo bt sold is located In Ihe Township ol Teanerk the County of gen, end Slote ot New Jersey, Commonly known as: 300 Wil low Street, Teaneck, New Jer sey. i ax loi mo, iv in bioi 3610.

Dimensions ol lock No. Lett: Approximately) 50 leet wide by 130 leet long. Nearest Cross street: Situated on tne nprtn- wet eny side ot willow siret, 213 feel from the northeasterly side of East Fort Lee Road Togelher with all and singular riohts. I bertlet. or vllt-'es.

Ihe rights, hereditaments end appurtennnens thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and Die reversion and remoinoeri, rents, niuf ano pi arts thernof. and alto all lha ailala. right, line, Interest, use, properly, claim and demand ol the said defendants In, to and out ot the lame, pa soio to pay ana satisfy in he first piece unto Ine said plaintiff the sum of $63,182.88, with lawful Interest thereon from the loth dav gt December, ivhs, until Ihe seme paid and satisfied, and also Iht costs ol Ihe said plaintiff which have been duly taxed al Iht sum of $1,183 47: 10. Ol the purchase Price In the form of Certified Check or Cash Is required et lime of sale. The properly shall be sold subiect lo ell Hans and encumbrances of record and he Sheriff makes no representa-ons expressed or Imp! ed.

as to tha existence, amount, or validity ol any Hens and encumbrances on the firoperly which Is the sublecl mater gt this sale, This nollr Is lurlher sub act lo conditions pt Saleas set forth by Iht Sheriff ol Bergen County. The Sheriff reserves Ihe right to adiourn this sale Irom time to tlmt as provided by law WILLIAM Ml iOWF HP? Tht Record-Press Journal Fab R5c i vision LUUN I Kit I NU.P-MVI-15 MK5T JERSEY 5AV- kND LOAN ASSOCIA- superior court of new jersey chancery division bergen hudson county docket no.f 6215-85 Between INTERCOUNTY MORTGAGEE a New York corporation, plaintiff and PALMER L. RICHARDSON, et. Defendants. Civil Action-Execution.

ZUCKE R.GOLDBERG, BECKER 4, ACKERMAN ATTORNEY 1955 Springfield Avenue P.O. Box 307 Mapfewood, N.J. 07040 By virtue of me above stated writ to me directed and delivered, I have tevied upon and win expose for sale at public vendue at tha Sheriffs Office in tha City ot Hack ensack, on Wednesday, March 26, ivw at two o'clock in tha afternoon, ore- vailing time: me property to oe sota is located In the City of Hackensack In the County of Bergen, and Slate of New Jersey. Commonly known as: 508 Kaplan Avenue. Hackensack.

New Jersey. Tax Lot Nos. 35 and 36 in Block No. 137. Dimensions of Lot: (Approximately) 50 feel wide by 100 feet long Nearest Cross Street: Situate on the northeasterly side of Kaplan Avenue, 100 feel from tha southeasterly side of Porter Avenue.

Tooether wllh all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, use, property, claim and demand of the said defendants of, tn, fo and out of the same, be sold lo pay and satisfy In the first place unto the said plaintiff Ihe sum of $87,808.89, with lawful interest thereon from the 13th day of December, 1985, until the same be paid and satisfied, and also the costs of the said plaintiff which have been duly taxed at the sum ol 10 of the purchase price In the form of Certified Check or Cash Is required at time of sale. The property shell be sold sublect lo ell liens and encumbrances of record and the Sheriff makes no representations expressed or Implied, as lo the existence, amount, or validity of any liens and encumbrances on the property which is the subject matter of this sale. This not ce further sublect lo Conditions of Sale as set forth by lha Sheriff of Bergen county. The Sheriff reserves the right to adiourn this sale from time to time as provided by law. WILLIAM D.MC DOWELL SHfcKII-l-SBF2587S The Record-Sun Bulletin Pah 96- Mar.3-5-12Fee:$262.40 (80) SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION BERGEN COUNTY DOCKET NO.

F-2845-85 Between INVESTORS AND LENDERS. Plaintiff And RICHARD SILVIA AND CHRISTINE SILVIA, husband and wife, Defendants. Civil Action-Execution. JAYP.OKUN ATTORNEY One Racetrack Road, P.O. Box East Brunswick, N.J.

08816 Bv virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered, I have levied upon and will expose for sale at public vendue at Ihe Sheriffs Office in the City of Hack ensack, on Wednesday, March 26, 1986 at two o'clock In the afternoon, pre vailinatlme: fKtnniats Lucxttu in THE BOROUGH OF BER-GENFIELD. COUNTY OF BERGEN AND STATE OF NEW JERSEY: PREMISES LOCATED AT: 268 Galvan Place, Bergen- Tieio.n.j. LOT: 19 BLOCK: 20 DIMENSIONS OF LOT: 40 100 APPKOXIMA I CLY, TELY1 NEAREST CROSS STREET: UNKNOWN Tooether with all and sinaular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anvw se appertaining and the reversion and rematnoers, rents, issues ana proT-lls thereof, and a so ali Ihe estate. right, title. Interest, use, property, claim and demand of tha said defendants of, in, to and out of Ihe same, be sold to pay and satisfy in Ihe first place unlo the said plaintiff tne sum or wnn tawtui Interest thereon from Ihe 7th day of August, 1985, until the same be paid and satisfied, and also thr costs of Ihe said plaintiff which have been duly taxed al the sum of 10 of the purchase price In Ihe lu, ill nueu ui vasn required at lime of sale.

The property shall be sold sublect to all Hens and encumbrances of record and Ihe Sheriff makes no representations expressed or Implied, as to Ihe existence, amount, or validity of any Hens and encumbrances on the property which Is Ihe sublect matter of Ihfs sale. This notice Is further sub ect to Conditions of Sale as set forth by the Sheriff of Bergen County. The Sheriff reserves Ihe right to adiourn this sale from lime to time as provided by taw. WILLIAM D.MC DOWELL SHERIFF SBF25870 The Record-Sunday Post Pch 76- Mar.3-5-12-Fee:$259.12 (79) SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION BERGEN PASSAIC COUNTY DOCKET NO F-33 56-85 Dnlu.nnn I A AA AA CC A ELECTRIC INCPIaintlff and SIDELL EIN- uiNutK.uetenoant. uvti Actlon-Execullon, PECKAR 8, ABRAMSON, F.C.

ATTORNS 223 Moore Slftel, Hackensack. NJ 07601 By virtue of the above stated writ to me airecteo ana aenverea, have levied upon and will expose for sale al public vendue al the Sheriffs Office In the City of Hack ensack, on Wednesday. March It, 1986 at two o'clock In the afternoon, prevailing lime: All the following tract or parcel of land in the premises hereinafter particularly described situate He and being in Ihe City of Hackensack, County of New lersey: Said premises or property Known as tai rtacxensack Avenue, Hackensack, New l.nkn.un I At. CC. 56 lo 60, Inclusive In Block 511 on tne tax Map.

Togelher wllh all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining and the reversion and remainders, rents, issues ana profits thereof, and a so all the estate. right, tide, interest, use, property, claim and demand of tha said defendants of, In, to and out of Ihe same, be sold lo pay and satisfy In the first place unlo the said plaintiff the sum of $40,812.95, with lawful Interest thereon from Ihe 11th dav of October 1985:, until the seme be paid and salisfled, and also the costs of the said plaintiff which have been duly taxed at Ihe sum of $772 52; 10 of the purchase price In the form ot lerntiea uneck or Lasn is required al lime of sale. The properly shall be sold subiect to all Hens and encumbrances of record and the Sheriff makes no representations expressed or Implied, as to tha existence, amount, or validity ot any Hens and encumbrances on the property which Is the subiect matter of this sale. This nollce Is further sub ect lo Conditions of Sale as set forth by Ihe Sheriff of Bergen Counly. The Sheriff reserves Ihe right lo adiourn this sale from lime lo time as orovldedbylew.

WILLIAM D.MC DOWELL SHERIFF SBF25872 The Record-Sun Bulletin Feb26- Mar.3-S-12-Fee:$249.28 (76) ADVERTIsem*nT THE PORT AUTHORITY OF NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY PROPOSAL 4764 Seled proposals for GUN-LOCKE FURNISHING FOR New ark International Airport will be received at the Office of the Manager, Purchase Supply Services The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, one world Tradr Center, Room 82 South, New York. New York MOi. unit 1-00 A.M. on MARCH 4, 1986. at which lima and place said proposals will be opened and read Contract documents mav ne oblalned al the Office of the Man- request, contocl N.

(2)2) 466-8208 or (201) aue. $41.00 (25) )n March 1, 1986 at al 51 Iroad Avenue, Falrview, New ersev, the Netlonal Community mf, or mew jersey will Sell at uhl Cadillac serial 6869T99700: retaken under lite terms of a defaulted con' trail, Terms of sale will be cash, pnitx reserves tno right to bid right lo bid at no lo cancel sale without further no i NATIONAL COMMUNITY UAUir OF NEW JERSEY (14) Surrogate's Notice Creditors ol Florence ft. Arrlgo their debts, demands and claims gainst her estate under oalh, wllhln six months from above dale. Slen in Anthony Arrlgo Apt SB, I lOfipomery ye, Bnla( vnwvnd Pa Kaltierltta Lpulie Arrlgo I jln ie Arrlgo I jln irkamack Rd. tod.

N.J 0765 kxeculors 4BKinoei fhtimei Aulh.Esu. Clinton Ave, Hinsdale, N.J. 07642 (23) ana norance wowe Arrigo, deceased, are by order of GILL C. JOB, Surrogate of Beroen County, deled Feb. (I, lv86upon application of lha siibtcrlher nnllflaif to brlno In borough of newmilford notice to bidders Municipality: Borough of New Milford Protect: Application of aluminum siding surface on all trim on the Borough Hall exterior as wad as the cupola.

Date of Receipt of Proposals: March is, iwa Tlmaof Bids: 11-00 AM Sealed proposals for the cap- Honed project will pa received by the Mayor and council of said Municipality at a meeting to be held at the Municipal Building, 930 River Uau. klU kl. prevailing time end data noted aoove, ai wntcn nme ano piece inev will be publicly opened and read eioua. Copies of the basic specifica tions are on file and open to public inspecTton ei saio municipal buho- ing and such documents may be obtained trom tne sorougn ciern'i Office. 930 River Road, New Mil- ford, New Jersey, during businss hntirs B-OA AM tn i-00 PM and until the close of business on March 12, two.

All bidder are cautioned to comply with the requirements of L. 1975, C.1J7, as amended and supplemented from time to time. In addition, bidders are notified that Ihey must pay the prevailing wage rata as determined by the "New Jersav Wage Act, Chapter 150, of me iaws or ivaj extension enec 1. 1Q14 The Mayor and Council of the Borough of New Milford reserves the rlghf to waive any Informalities or to reiect any and all bids as may appear to the best interest of the Municipanry. For The Borough of New Milford FRANK XKEHOE BOROUGH CLERK (51) LEGAL NOTICE THERE WILL BE A REGl ULAR SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE PALISADES PARK PLAN-uiua nnx on nu uucnuccniv MARCH 5, 198o AT 1:00 P.M.

IN THE BOROUGH HALL, 275 BROAD AVENUE. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. AGENDA To memorlallie resolutions from lsea meeting cases: B6-SP2 Paul Han 86-SD 1 Fred Santaite RA-nlRnhArt A Whita Case 86-Sol-Vl Alfred after 230 Commercial Avenue Block 500, lot 61 (rescheduled from 2586) Case 84 JP4 US. P.M.K. Industries, inc.

tsroaa Avenue oiock ize.iots is. ii. iy Case 86-SD2 Gotham Fuel Corporation 321 Commercial Avenue block 61, lots 2,4 Case 86-SP5 Gotham Fuel Cor poration Depot Place Fool of Wast Central Boulevard Dennis Petersen Planning Board Secretary Feb.26 (30) NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OFPU13LIC SALE The New Jersey Department of Transudation will sell vacant land at public auction on March 12, 1986 starting al 10:30 a.m. The parcels of land are located on Route 80, Sec tion Bergen county, new jersey. Parcels x78b.X79B,X80B X104.X118 ROUTE 80.

SECTION 5 An Irreoular shaped parcel of vacant and ocateri between mar- State Route 80 and Essex Street and part of what was formerly known as me looi kbsi Area containing approximately 48,970 square feet in the Borough of Lodi. The land Is landlocked In having no legal access to Interstate 80 or any other public road. THERE HAS BEEN ESTAB- A MINIMUM BID IN THE (MOUNT OF 1126.000 The State will Include a clause In the deed to prevent all future owners from using the property for the display or erection of commercial billboards, signs devices or advertising displays. i ne sate win pa netq at tne new Jersav Department of Transoorta- tlon, 1035 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey, telephone 609-984-2148. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF SALE The followtno snerial conditions would be required of any suc- essf ui Didder in obtaining this land: Relocate the existing chain link fence to the proposed right-of-way line ano no access line.

The ex si no andscao no not affected by the relocation of the fence or removal of Ihe pavement Shall not be disturbed. Remove pavement from Ihe entrance ramp and exit ramp to the rest area ano construct euro across theexlstlng opening. 4. Take adequate measures to assure that Ihe existing sanllary sewer easem*nt within Ihe rest area Is protected from damage, and rest Ihe existing manhole as may rje necessary. 5.

Provide adeauale soil erosion control while constructing within tne area or tne existing resi area. ne ets and are naoe system may be used for dralnaaa of the proposed area provided thai the drainage area tributary to ihe exls-ilnglnlets is not enlarged. rrovige a ptan to tne Regional Design Engineer's office, Identifying tne work to be performed and Ihe measures that will be taken to meet the above conditions. LUNU UNa Uh SALE The successful bidder will be required lo pay Iwenly-flve per cent (25) of the amount of the bid, or fifty dollars (150.00). whichever is greater, In cash or by certified check drawn lo Ihe order of Ihe Department of Transportation at ihe lime of the seie.

in seven it oavs or written notice of the acceptance of the bid by the Commissioner of Transportation the balance of the amount of the bid shall be paid by certified check to the order of the New Jersey Department of Transportation. Failure lo forwad Ihe balance due within the seven 171 dav oerlod shall causa the deposit to be forfeited lo tne state as liquidated damages and not as a penally. Title jo said land shall pass lo the successful bidder upon the execution of the contract by Ihe Commissioner of Transportation and the payment to the State of the full pur chase price. Said deed to exclude any right, title or interest in and lo any state nignway ao otntng saiq premises, and If the said parcel of no aouts a state rreeway or direct access thereon shell be den- en. I ha sa deed sna a so restrict Ihe use of said premises as a lunk yard, salvaged materials or used utomooiie tot, ano pronioit tne use waof for bll board or outdoor advertising unless It directly concerns a business conducted on Ihe same premises.

The State shall not be liable for any damages arising out ol Its failure to give possession lo the suc cessful bidder at any specific time, however, II Ihe Stale tails lo give possession wllhln ten (10) days gfter notification that lha bid has een accepted by the Commissioner of Transportation, the successful bidder may, at his option, notify the Slate In writing thai he desires to cancel the contract, and the Stale will return the purchase price and the performance deposit without penalty. tne Lpmmissoner or trans portation reserves the right lo relecl all bids and II In his opinion there eppears lo be any collusion between bidders, then he shall have Ihe right to refuse eny bid trom thet person, parsons, or corporollon for such time as he shall determine. If the bid Is relected Ihe deposit will be returned. ne successtu Dinner sna cer tify that the has bean Indeoen- dently arrived at without collusion wllh any other bidder or with any other bidder or wllh any competitor Or potential competitor. In Ihe event that Ihe successful bidder Is acting as an agent for a corporation It Is necessary thai a certified corporate resolution be supm ted as av aanca ot authority lo act on behelt of Ihe corporation.

The Stele reserves the right lo establish a minimum sterling bid on any or all lands. Further conditions of the sale, If any, will be announced al the lime of holding the sale, and Ihe right to wllhdrew any or all lands from he sale Is reserved, ALL Its ARF JBJLLr TO THE APPROVAL QF THE CQM- I55IONEH OF TRANSPORTA- eb.26 Fee 1135 30 (165) will be cash. Bank reserves iht right to bid end lo cancel sele with mil tnrlhar nAtlra I IUNAL LUMMUNI I BAN School Til Liberty Street orkthopMttetlna- Tuesday, Ma To Be Hei 1)0 Liberty Si March 11. 14 io in memorial etnooi llree Raaufar I. Budaet Tuesday Workihoo Mtna- Tutidiv, April it, mi RM(jprMfttn TuatriaW 19M In lh ivtnf of hi not! In thf miffing Khiul, uch cfno ha nnttavt amr.

Dub 1 1. 'UUMV1PO, ull' will ba pnilatj fn lha Mamo- lai hool und Iht Municipal Build Arthurft Hlriier rhnoBiiltiesAdmlnlslfaior On Match 7, 1986 at 10,00 A.M. at 242 Main sVeef, Loctl, Nl the National Commynlly Bank of retaken under the terms of a defaulted contrect Terms of seles I OF NJ 226, Fee: 9. (11) o'penpublTcmeetino NOTICEln accordance with Slate Stalule, Chanler 231, L. Wh The Open Public Meeting Act, the following Notice of Meetings for the Board or riutetlon of the Borough of Llllle Ferry, 6rge Counly.

New Jersey. All meetings will slerl ai JO P.M. To Be Ha In wash no on J. says auditor was not licensed FROM PAGE D-l wai the counfy auditor. Don said the complaint would seek to have Internoscia either complete the audits or return the fees he was paid for the work.

The freeholders last. September had threatened to sue Internoscia unless he completed the audits of 14 county agencies. One audit completed County Administrator Richard L. Nelson said yesterday that, since then, Internoscia had completed one audit, that of the county surro-' gate's office. Among the audits not completed, Nelson said, are those -of the probation department and the park commission, two of the, county's largest agencies, Internoscia had been paid more than $110,000 in each of the two; years to audit county departments.

Lost year, the county's new audit- lug firm, Main Hurdman, reported that It would cost more than; $50,000 to reconstruct the missing audits. Internoscia yesterday said that; his attorticy is trying lo reolve the is'iuc vlth the county. Nor'ilc Drmocr title Council-; man John S. Hogan, who opposed Internoscia's earlier appointment -as borough auditor, as well as hli appointment as acting borough ad-; mlnlstrator In Northvale, called the latest municipal appointment "obviously political. "I think ho a very bad track record, and ii we're going to start out with someone In a new position thud going to cost ui a lot of money, he should have a good track record and a good background," said Hogan.

"What we got hern la somcone'i friend who Is In trouble." In addition to being Dcrgan County'! former auditor, Internoi-cl-t hni bwi audl'or for noma 14 munlclpalltlm, 'O'U' fchool boardi, and other --'lea In throe counties, A Tobin said that Internoscia's professional accountant license was renewed Thursday and that he was given a 120-day provisional municipal accountant's license to complete work he started in 1982 and 1983 when he was the county auditor. After 120 days, Tobin said, In-ternoscia can apply for a renewal of his municipal license. The board did not address the Issue of Internoscia's being unlicensed while he served the three municipalities last year find early this year. Failure to apply was 'oversight' Internoscia did not say why he did not apply for renewal for 1985, but a board source said Internoscia had called it "an oversight." The 10-member board had declined to issue a licence last December on the advice of the state Division of Local Government Services, a spokesman for the board said yesterday, Three years ago, the division had temporarily held up the renewal of Internoscia license while he was the subjert of a federal grand jury Investigation into his finances. The 17-month investlgaton ended In October 1983 without comment by federal authorities.

Internoscia laid the federal probe had been prompted by former Elmwood Park Treasurer John Cecotti, who told the Internal Revenue Service that tho borough issued payments to Inlernoicla personally rather than to his Hack ensack accounting firm and that the payments were not reported to the Internal Revenue Service. Meanwhile, Bergen County Counsel Berck P. Don said ycRterdny that he was authorized lust week by the counly Board of Freeholder! to 'ill- a luwiult against Inter (or falling to file audits IV county ugfticlos In 1,982 and IPB'hlle ha.

The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)
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