The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (2024)




Elizabeth Larkin

Elizabeth Larkin

Elizabeth Larkin is a professional organizer with a strong interest in productivity, time management, and process refinement. She used her organizational skills and effectiveness to pen articles with helpful information on cleaning, organizingliving spaces, and decluttering.

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Updated on 04/11/24

Reviewed by

Katherine Picott

The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (1)

Reviewed byKatherine Picott

Katherine is a professional home organizer and certified KonMari consultant with over 5 years of experience helping clients get their homes in order. She launched her own professional organizing business, Tidy Milso, in the summer of 2020, to help reorient those feeling overwhelmed with both clutter and disorganization in their homes. To date, she has logged over 500 hours of organizing with her clients using Marie Kondo’s KonMari method.

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The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (2)

You may think that the clutter in your home is not clutter at all. But in actuality, clutter comes in all different shapes and sizes. Some clutter needs to be purged, thrown out, donated, or sold. Other clutter simply can be kept, cleaned up, and stored. But it can be difficult to determine which items in your home are considered "clutter," and how to manage them.

Here are 10 types of home clutter with tips on what to toss or keep.

  • 01 of 10

    Clutter Without a Place

    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (3)

    Some of your clutter is stuff you do want to keep without a doubt but the items don't yet have a place to call their own. You may have unopened items or things that simply need a sliver of storage space. The best way to handle items that you know you'll use is to store them neatly in labeled, clear plastic containers. Some items that fall into this category could include:

    • New books you haven't opened or read
    • Seasonal items you bought on sale
    • Items you purchased for gift-giving in the near future

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  • 02 of 10

    Trash Masquerading as Clutter

    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (4)

    What is considered clutter and what is considered trash? It’s important to know the difference so you can establish strict rules for yourself on how long you'll keep an item before tossing it out.

    Items such as old newspapers or junk mail have value for a certain period of time but are clear to get rid of after a week or so. Consider tossing out a newspaper after three days, a magazine after one month, and items that need repair after one month.

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  • 03 of 10

    Bargain Items You Never Needed

    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (5)

    Who can resist a good store sale, yard sale, goody bag, or a promotional gift with purchase? Bargains and promotional swag bags full of products from the mall or business conferences can easily turn into clutter. The same goes for those travel-size shampoo bottles you tend to take home on vacation. Just because it's a good deal doesn't mean you have to buy it.

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  • 04 of 10

    Buying Too Many Groceries in Bulk

    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (6)

    Buying items in bulk because you think you may run out may result in large amounts of products that go unused. It's called "abundance clutter" because having many products makes you feel secure.

    Stocking up and buying in bulk is not always bad. If you have a large freezer why not take advantage of deals on meats and frozen foods you know you'll eat?

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  • 05 of 10

    Aspirational Clutter for the Future

    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (7)

    Aspirational clutter is the stuff you accumulate to help you change, develop a skill, or appear differently to others. For example, if you've ever purchased a glamorous "coffee table" book to keep on display, but never actually read it, you may have fallen victim to aspirational clutter. Or, you may have purchased a set of golf clubs in anticipation of taking up the sport but realized you didn't like the game after the first lesson.

    The best way to banish this type of clutter is to have a conversation with yourself before purchasing the item. What about if you are determined to change your entire home's style of decor? Before you start selecting new home furniture and decor, first ask yourself these questions to get clear on your intentions:

    • Why do you truly want to change your style of decor?
    • What attracts you to the style?
    • Where are you going to put your current furniture?


    You could also try renting a furniture piece before you purchase it. This allows you to "try before you buy" and be able to see the piece in your space before committing to it permanently.

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  • 06 of 10

    Sentimental Clutter

    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (8)

    If you hesitate to get rid of your baby blanket or your mother's formal dinner set that you never use, you're holding on to items that have nostalgic meaning. You may look at letting go of this type of clutter as an act of betrayal towards a loved one. Or, you may think you're turning your back on a fond memory or meaningful time in your life. Sentimental clutter can be among the hardest clutter to eliminate. One way to eliminate this clutter is to repurpose it, if possible, to give it a new meaning.

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  • 07 of 10

    Gift Clutter

    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (9)

    This type of clutter is accumulated over the years when souvenirs, housewarming gifts, favors, and other items are gifted to you, but they don't serve a purpose in your home. Perhaps you are too polite to put them away. If that is the case, and you desperately need to declutter, say thank you, leave the item out until the person who gifted it to you sees it, and then donate the item.

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  • 08 of 10

    Never-worn Clothes

    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (10)

    We all have certain items in our closets that are reserved for the future when our size may change or that one outfit that was an impulse buy. Maybe you have a pair of trousers that need hemming, but you haven't brought the pair of pants to the tailor for more than a month. If you don't want or need these clothing items anymore, or honestly have no intention of wearing them, it's okay to donate them. There is no room for closet clutter, especially when storage is prime real estate for most people.

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  • 09 of 10

    Hidden Clutter

    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (11)

    Just because clutter can't be seen in plain sight doesn't mean it isn't there. Consider what is lurking in the backs of cabinets and junk drawers, at the bottom of linen closets, and under the bed. Out of sight meant out of mind until now, so free up that space and purge items you don't need or use.

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  • 10 of 10


    The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (12)

    Paper is the most common culprit when it comes to cluttered counters, tables, and office spaces. To prevent paper from piling up, go through your mail and toss what is trash, but file anything important away in a place that is clearly labeled. Then, decide what goes into each spot; bills, coupons, correspondence, etc. You should also have a place for important financial documents such as taxes, mortgage payments, and bank statements as well as medical information.


    Keep a small collection of the junk mail and promotional newsletters you receive over two weeks. Go through it and remove yourself from mailer lists to eliminate future clutter and unwanted mail that no longer serves you.


  • What are the four types of clutter?

    There are four types of clutter that everyone should know: physical, digital, emotional, and spiritual. Some are easier to tackle than others, but the root concept of having difficulty letting go is at the root of all four types.

  • How do you start to declutter?

    As you begin to clean your home and the clutter you have accrued, follow these four steps for an easy, organized plan. First, clear out the area of everything you wish to put away. Next, separate everything into categories. Then, begin to eliminate the items (throw them away or donate). Finally, find a new home for the items you plan on saving post-clutter.

36 Cleaning and Organizing Hacks to Conquer Clutter

The 10 most common types of clutter in your home (2024)


The 10 most common types of clutter in your home? ›

Clutter and collecting may be confused with hoarding. Clutter: Possessions are disorganized and may accumulate around living areas. Collecting: Possessions are part of a larger set of items. Display does not impede active living areas in home.

What are some examples of clutter? ›

What are some examples of clutter?
  • Items that are broken or worn-out or outdated or expired or no longer usable.
  • Toxic relationships that are bringing you down.
  • Blurry, duplicate, or meaningless photos.
  • Clothes that no longer fit you, that are not your style, that you never wear, or that make you feel bad about yourself.
Jul 5, 2023

What is considered clutter in a house? ›

Clutter and collecting may be confused with hoarding. Clutter: Possessions are disorganized and may accumulate around living areas. Collecting: Possessions are part of a larger set of items. Display does not impede active living areas in home.

How cluttered is the average home? ›

The Average Amount of Clutter

Within the average American home lies a staggering 300,000 items, showcasing the extent to which possessions accumulate and contribute to a cluttered environment.

What are the 5 types of clutter? ›

Most people think of a clutter problem as too many messy piles of stuff. There are five types of basic clutter — Physical clutter, paper clutter, digital clutter, emotional clutter, and spiritual clutter. There is usually emotional clutter and spiritual clutter where there is physical, digital and paper clutter.

What are the three types of clutter? ›

There are a few different categories of clutter, according to Hemphill: Physical. Digital. Emotional.

What is the 333 method of decluttering? ›

If you want to take the Project 333 Challenge

Choose 33 items (or less) including clothes, shoes, jewelry and accessories. Pack up and hide everything else and then you don't have to think about shopping or what to wear for the next three months. For more details, here's a little guide.

What is the 90 90 rule for decluttering? ›

Have you used that item in the last 90 days? If you haven't, will you use it in the next 90? If not, then it's okay to let go,' write Joshua and Ryan on their blog. The 90/90 rule isn't limited to the wardrobe (in fact it's applicable to many areas of the home) but it's definitely a good place to start.

What is the 80 20 rule for clutter? ›

On the podcast Lipstick on the Rim with actress Molly Sims, the duo fervently recommend applying it to homes large and small, explaining that it's all about filling your space 80% at most and leaving the remaining 20% empty to “take a break.” This free space provides plenty of visual relief and allows new objects to ...

What makes a house look trashy? ›

When you have either too much furniture in a space or furniture that is too large for the room it can make your home look cluttered. Don't fill every inch of the rooms in your home with furniture. Remove pieces that you aren't using or that are crowding the space.

What is toxic clutter? ›

I define Toxic Clutter as items in your home that you. are not using and that make you feel really bad about. yourself.

What is the root cause of clutter? ›

Clutter may have one of several root causes. Read on to discover six of these causes as well as how to address them. A change in life circ*mstances — a new baby or job, a move to a new home, an illness or injury — can be stressful and lead to a typically tidy home becoming cluttered.

Where do I start when my whole house is cluttered? ›

7 Tips on Organizing a Messy House
  • Start Small. If you start to think about organizing every room, closet, and cupboard in your home, it's likely to feel overwhelming. ...
  • Go Through Everything. ...
  • Toss It in the Trash. ...
  • Donate. ...
  • Invest in Good Storage Solutions. ...
  • Find a Place For Everything. ...
  • Stay Consistent.
Apr 29, 2021

What is considered a messy home? ›

What's considered messy? A messy house refers to disorganized clutter that isn't damaging to someone's health. For example, if you have empty water cups, papers scattered, toys out and laundry in the lounge then it's a bit of a mess. But, if there are stains, mould, or bad odours in the house then it is dirty.

How do you simplify house clutter? ›

  1. Out with the old and in with the new. Each time you bring home a new item, get rid of a similar older one. ...
  2. Buy items with multiple functions. ...
  3. Don't buy things you'll only use once. ...
  4. Say goodbye to dust collectors. ...
  5. Reduce visual clutter.

What is an example of emotional clutter? ›

Emotional clutter can be the negative patterns and beliefs you don't even realize that you're carrying around. It can be all those “I can statements that run through your head like “I can't lose weight” or “I can't quit my job and own my own business”.

What are possible sources of clutter? ›

6 Common Causes of Clutter and Their Cures
  • Your Life Circ*mstances Have Changed. ...
  • You Lack Habits for Keeping Your Home Tidy. ...
  • You Lack Systems for Handling Your Stuff. ...
  • You Own Too Many Items Used for the Same Purpose. ...
  • You Avoid Making Decisions About Your Things. ...
  • Your Health Gets in the Way.

What is an example of a clutter in writing? ›

For example, imagine a memo that reads, “We're in the process of renovating our offices.” This sentence could be revised to, “We're renovating our offices.” Readers understand that renovations are a process, so “in the process of” is clutter and can be omitted without losing information.

What is clutter a symptom of? ›

Behavioral/psychological: Clutter caused by depression, attention deficit disorder, low self-esteem or lack of personal boundaries.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.