The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)

MAfHSONVKU MtSSNOM SATURDAY. JANUARY 30, I960 WOMANS PACE. HyMs Long WsMon, EdWor. Phong TA 1-7101 175 Call At Howard Open House A feeling pleasure and happiness was in the air Sunday afternoon, January 24, when open bouse was held In observance of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.

Lambert S. Howard, in the home of their daughter. Mrs. James F. Crumbaker, 456 Hall street.

Approximately 175 friends and relatives called to extend congratulations to the honorees, bein upon arrival by another daughter. Mrs. Fran of Owensboro, and Mrs. Crumbaker. Many gifts; telegrams and flowers were sent by those unable to attend the event, which were added to the lovely gifts brought by the guests.

The center of conversation was a large poster made by a granddaughter, Janet Crumbaker, using pictures of Cora and Lambert in their younger days, bringing many stories of happy occasions, before they became known far and wide by the affectionate titles Grandma and Grandpa Howard. Artistically arranged artificial flowers sprayed in gold, and placed in a golden cupid, adorned the table holding the guest register which was kept by Mrs. Beverly Howard, Evansville, Mrs. James A. Howard and Mrs.

Thomas L. Howard, of Madi-sonville, daughters-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Golden roses and baby chrysanthemums, numbered among ffhe gifts, were placed in vantage spots throughout the house, and the refreshment table in the dining room held the tiered wedding cake, gar landed in gold and white, which was served with sherbet punch.

Those assisting in serving were Mesdames Ethel annoy, Casner Carlisle, Fannie Wilkins Myrtle Anderson, Charles Blakemore, L. F. DePoister, and James R. Crumbaker. Others assisting in various ways were Mesdames Joe Parker, James A.

Bryant, Roelan Ledbetter, Foster Hammers, Marshall Pennington, Henchel Wilson and Emerson Lutz 15 Grandchildren Present Other children of Mr. and Mrs. Howard attending were Mr. Beverly Howard of Evansville and Messrs. James and Thomas Howard.

Fifteen of their twenty-six grandchildren were present, including Linda and Bud Howard of Evansville; Mike, Shirley, Jerry, Larry and David Dan Leeper of Owensboro; the youngest grandchildren the twin sons of the Thomas Howards, Stan and Steve; Judy, Janet. Jamie and Jim Crumbaker, and Mrs. Wayne Baker of Elizabethtown, Ky. Little Miss Carol Baker, of Elizabethtown, was one of their two great-grandchildren to attend. The Howard's other two children, Mrs.

Milton Thompson, Brunswick, and Mr. William R. Howard, Cincinnati, Ohio, were unable to attend. Others from out of town were Mrs. Howards sister, Mrs.

A. J. Woodruff, and Mr. Woodruff, Mrs. R.

L. Davis, and Mrs. Charles Phelps, all of St. Charles; Mrs. E.

M. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Cor-nelious of Crofton, Mr. Frank Leeper of Owensboro adn Mr.

Wayne Baker of Elizabethtown. MW I Fortnightly Club Meets Wednesday The Fortnightly dub met last Wednesday afternoon In the home of Mrs. William E. Moore, 336 Hall street, when she served delicious nut bread and coffee before the program. Mrs.

J. Wallace Brown reviewed "Living In State, written by Beatrice Russell, wife of Earl Russell an officer in the foreign service. Mrs. Brown related the author's spirited and witty descriptions of life in the U. S.

foreign service, as seen by the wife of an officer remarking that the families of those officers do not live a life of ease with hoards of servants at their command, where they spend their time pushing cookies and sipping tea in an Alice-in-Wonder-land world. Mrs. Russell admitted that life was an adventure and full of sudden changes, for the diplomatic service is one of the few career -that is principally dedicated to maintaining international peace. Mrs. Russell said that she had pushed a lot of cookies, gagged down some raw meat, sheeps eyes and warm goats milk, all in the name of social duty in her own career as a foreign service wife.

Mrs. Bonney Bradley, Old Hickory, was a guest, and other members attending were Mesdames Carl Blackwell, C. O. Bog-gess, Walter Boggess, L. L.

McGregor, W. K. Nickols, W. B. Pritchett, Vaughn Wiman and Miss Charlie Winstead.

Officers Of F-B-L-A Officers of the Fufure Business Leaders of America chapter at Madisonville High School are shewn here. Seated, from left, are Barbara Cron, treasurer, and Patricia Holeman, secretary. Standing, from left to right, are Patricia Lacy, second vice president; Clemmie Rickard, first vice president; Batbara Smith, assistant treasurer; Connie Thompson, president; Anna Lou Daniel, assistant secretary; Barbara Higgins, Charlotte Ferrell, assistant reporter. (Messenger photo) Around The Towll 1st Lt. and Mrs.

Glen Golden, 213 Cottonwood, Oceanside, are the parents of a son. weighing 5 pounds and 8 ounces when born at 4:30 Monday afternoon, January 25, in the naval hospital at Camp Pendleton, Calif. The bady, who has been named David Reese, is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Reese Golden, San Diego, and Mr.

and Mrs. Ver-nard Young, 796 Sunset Drive, Madi- sonville. Mrs. Eucelous Adams. 233 South Seminary, is a great-grandmother of the baby.

Riehard Husk, a third grade pupil at Waddill Avenue School, suffered a broken right wrist in an accident during recess Monday morning. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Husk, Earlwood Drive. Mrs.

K.M. Brown, Evansville, i came Tuesday for a brief visit I with Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Pollock, 222 Homewood Drive.

Mrs. Brown came to celebrate with her grandson, Sammy his sixth birthday on Wednesday, January 27. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Q.

Hopkins Jr. and son Roy, North Seminary, left on Friday morning for a weeks stay in Boca Raton, Fla. Mr. Hopkins won the all-expense paid trip when be qualified for the "Minion Dollar Club of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. They will stop for a brief visit with friends in Fort Benning, enroute home.

Mrs. Ralph Fuller, who bad been a patient in Hopkins County Hospital, returned Thursday to her borne in Nortonville. Mr. and Mrs. Barksdale Hight and daughter, Miss Phyllis Hight, returned Thursday from Denton, Texas, where Miss Hight was a freshman for the past semester at Texas Womans College.

She plans to enter Western State College, Bowling Green, on Monday, for the coming semester. Enroute home they stopped in Dexter, for a brief visit with Mrs. Mamie Hight. Mrs. Jesse Weldon, 123 East Broadway, is convalescing from major surgery in Hopkins County Hospital.

Her condition is much improved. Mrs. William Alt of Lexington, Mrs. J. W.

Casebeir and Mrs. H. B. Robinson, of Beaver Dam, were the guests of Mrs. J.

E. Denton, 333 Hall street, on Thursday and Mrs. J. H. E.

Collins, of Lexipg- Social Calendar MONDAY The Cotillion Club will meet in Hopkins County Courtroom at 7:30 p. m. Woodlawn Grove No. 102, Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle, will meet at 7:30 in W. 0.

W. hall. The Nebo Parent-Teacher Association will have a family supper at the school at 6:30 p. to be followed by the Founders Day program. All members and their families are urged to attend and bring a well-filled basket.

The Association for Childhood Education will meet in the West Broadway School at 7:30, when a bulletin board display will feature the program. The executive board will meet at 7 p. m. Group 2 of the CWF of the Earlington Christian church will meet in the home of Mrs. John Long, 301 Farren avenue, Earlington, at 7:30 p.

m. Mrs. B. C. Trover will present a program on Africa.

Hosts will be Mesdames Dewey Favors and Clara Harris. TUESDAY Cub Scout Pack 243, sponsored by the Pride Avenue Parent-Teacher Association, will have the Blue and Gold banquet at the school at 6 p. m. Wesleyan Service Guild No, 1 will meet at 6:30 in First Methodist church, with Mesdames Edith Sadler, James Buchanan, Harold Seibert and Miss Ethel Cox as hosts. Mrs.

Bill Williams will entertain the Nortonville Womans Club at 7:30. The Sweet Adelines will meet in the Elks Club at 6 p. m. WEDNESDAY Mrs. John Henry Cox will entertain the Prosody Club in her home, 54 South Harrig, at 3 p.

m. Mrs. Carl Blackwell. 45 South Harrig, will be host to the Fortnightly Club at 2 p. m.

Shower For Mrs. Howard Mrs. Carlos McGregor and Mrs. Mildred Ray were hosts Monday evening in the latters attractive home at 32 North Scott, entertaining with a delightful stork shower for Mrs. Eugene Howard.

The gift table was centered with fen arrangement of pink carnations and baby blue iris flanked by pink and blue candles in crystal candelabra, while a large Dr. Stork held watch over the scene. A delicious cake iced in pink and blue and edged with wee baby faces and booties, and centered with a stork, was served with coffee. Mesdames J. B.

Thomas, Ned Trent and -William Walls were winners of flie contest awards, and Mrs. Wallace Kittinger won the door prize. Others attending Were Mesdames Earl Mosley, Buddy Morris, Victor Simon, Freman Qualls, W. L. Finley, Harold Seibert, J.

C. Cary, Paul Hoot and Miss Lena Hayes. Others who could not attend, dainty gifts. sen VFW Auxiliary Meets At Post The Ladies Auxiliary to Bailey Pride Jr. Post 5480, V.

F. held the January dinner meeting on Tuesday evening at the post home, McLeod Lane, with Mesdames Veon Hunt and Roy Schmetzer as hosts. Game awards were won by Mesdames George Kesterson, Oscar Lovelace, R. B. Carrithers, Roy Schmetzer, William E.

Arnold, Garth Bingham and Marlin Myers. Others attending included Mesdames Roy S. Allen, Herman Daniels, Percy Stevens, Delbert Russell, Johnnie Dockray, Linnie Cates, Earl Mitchell, Clovis Nutt, Jimmy Arnold, -Barney Guard, L. G. Hayes, J.

P. Edwards, E. A. Nelson and James Patterson. Broadway PTA Meets The Dental Auxiliary presented the program at the regular meeting of the West Broadway Parent-Teacher Association last Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Joe Parker led the group in singing, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Melvin Robinson. Mrs. Hubert Wells gave the devotional based on the 23rd chapter of Proverbs.

Mrs. Tom Turner was introduced to the group as file new fourth grade teacher. The first grade, taught by Mrs. James May, was winner of the attendance award. Mrs.

John Fable, president of the Dental Auxiliary, introduced Dr. Eugene Baldwin, who was in charge of the program. A film, Dental Health How and Why, was shown by Dr. C. D.

Draper, and Dr. Baldwin talked on Dental Health. A question and answer period was held, directed by the dentists who attended, including Doctors Baldwin, Draper, J. R. Jennison and N.

R. Layson. The room mothers of the Ihird grades, taught by Mesdames L. J. McGinley.

Thurmond Jessup and Miss Wanda Webster, were hosts for the social hour, serving cookies and cold drinks. Following adjournment, the parents visited the various rooms to inspect work done by the children. Nortonville PTA Hears alk By. State rooper The Nortonville Parent-Teacher attitudes toward driving as a pay- THURSDAY The Womans Auxiliary to Hopkins County Medical Society will meet in the Parish home at 2 p. m.

with Mesdames Charles Bartley, E. P. Claytor, Eugene Castle and A. F. Finley as hosts.

Mr. Dean Dowdy First Methodist church, meeting a Mesdames Ivan Hall and Jimmy week Mrs. Pritchett f-fiost To Club Miss Clark Host Tit Girls Guild The Concord Guild Girls met in the home of Miss Judy Clark, at Manitou last Friday evening, the program opening with group singing, followed by prayer by Miss Zadie Nance. Miss Ronda Lutz was piano accompanist for a trio sung by Misses Judy Clark, Carolyn Duncan and Dorothy Parish. Misses Zafie Nance and Brenda Duncan led the devotional, and Miss Ronda Lutz gave the study.

The dismissal prayer was by Miss Lois Parish. Other attending were Mrs. Georgia Clark and Linda, guests for the evening, Misses Patsy Parish, Lawrence Harris, Judy Ma-brey, Joyce Morrow, and the sponsors, Mesdames Roy Ridendur and Jimmy Shoulders. Tempting refreshments were served during the social hour. The next meeting will be in the home of Mrs.

Shoulders at 7 p.m. on February 18, when the group will finish rolling bandages for the leper colony. Association met Monday evening with Mrs. James Welch presiding, when a period of special music 4 Conversation Sorority Topic Mrs. George Ligon gave the enjoyable program on the thought, How Is Your Conversation, at the regular meeting of Beta Sigma Phi sorority Monday evening in the Elks Club.

Mrs. James Armstrong, president presided, with plans being formed for the spring rush season, and a card party planned for February 18 at Waynes Fine Foods. At the next meeting on February 8, the members will visit Radio Station WFMW for a tour. Others attending were Mesdames Ivan Hall, Robert Offutt, Kenneth Hundley, Raymond Young, Dewey Johnson, Larry Badgley, Eugene Castle and John Johnson. ton will return home on Monday oUowed the pledge t0 the flag led following a week with Mr.

and nold in the classroom at 7:30. Dad frihe? 436 Nort1 1 FRIDA Y-The Ladies Auxiliary to Bailey Pride Jr. Post 5480. V. F.

W. Scott, was host to the January meet-1 vvill meet in the post home. McLeod Lane, at 7:30. mg of the Cardinal Garden Club on Mrs. R.

C. McReynolds Jr. will entertain the Womans Book Club in Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. the Parish home at 1 p. m.

James Gordon gave the interesting program, Introduction to Botany. The club made a contribution to the American Rose Society to help in- replacing plants in the rose bed at Freedom Hall in Louisville. Mrs. Pritchett served tempting refreshments upon arrival of her guests, Others attending were Mesdames Lyle Reinecke, Marshall Hicks, Eil-beck Barron, James Baker, John Casner, William West Robert Towe, F. F.

Ferguson, James Dollar and Otto Corum. Mr. Joe Sanders of Paducah, Henry-Tapp Engagement Announcement is being made today of the engagement of Miss Phyllis Ann Henry, daughter of Mrs. James Clark, 452 Browning street, and Mr. Ashiel B.

Henry, Taylor avenue, Evansville, The executive board of the Hall street Parent-Teacher Association met for the January meeting in the school office, with the president, Mrs. Berl Fowler, presiding. Mrs. Foster Hammers read the minutes, and Mrs. Tommy ing example for their children, and stressed three rules for safe driving, including courtesy, cau-: tion and common sense.

In conclusion he gave this startling fact-more people have been killed in road accidents than in all the wars. Miss Polleys fourth grade- won the attendance banner, and Mrs. Paul McGregor was winner of the door prize. The fourth grade room mothers served tempting refreshments in the lunchroom during the social hour. Mrs.

Denton. She plans to return to Madisonville in the near future to make her home. At noon on Thursday Mrs. Casebier had as luncheon guests Mrs. Alt, Mrs.

by Mitchell Barnes and Allen Pennington, fourth grade pupils. The two fourth grades, taught by Mrs. Gertie Clayton and Miss Polley, presented the enjoyable selections, which included piano solos by Debbie Welch, Douglas Hamblin, Alex Fox, Roseann Owens and Paula Sue McGregor. The two groups sang the "Indian Cradle Song, and the devotional was given by Karen Fuller and Acres, are Collins, Mrs. Denton, Corum and Mrs.

when she entertained Colonels Cafe. 5 FOR BETTM VALUES Satterfield, fifth grade THE SURCWAY Cartwright, treasurer, reported that the Christmas float won sixth place, the unit receiving the prize of $35. Recommendations made and carried, to be presented at the regular session were: Mrs. George Kesterson made the motion to give ran Rncciivilp a donation of $5.00 to the Save Our Schools project; Robinson, Mrs, Mrs. Ashby Roscoe Triplett, at the r- man.

East View of a son, born January in Hopkins weighed seven at birth. E. K. Coffman and Mr. and uur ac awns project; Mrs.

Ken- parents Joseph Quentin Cof-man. 23 at 5:30 a.m. County Hospital. He pounds, four ounces Grandparents are Mrs. Slaughters, Mrs.

C. E. McCIel- Sureway a rx rvi tx 04-E-N ALL DAY SUNDAY 9 AM. to 9 P.M. PRICES ffHCRVI SUNDAY THRU WEDNESDAY a landscape architect, wii bTguest 10 Mr- William Carroll Tapp, son lecturer for the meeting of the club 'of Mrs.

Ethel Tapp, 676 Gordon on February 18 in the home of Mrs. aVenue. Ferguson. Mr. Sanders will discuss The bride is a graduate of Landscape Design sonville High School and is em- VI ployed by Coles Office Equipment Baby Shower For Company.

Mr. Tapp is employed by Badgett Mine Stripping Com- Mrs. McLemore Mrs. Donald McLemore was guest of honor at a lovely baby shower on Thursday evening, given by Mrs. Curtis Melton and her mother, Mrs.

Bracie Joyner, in the latters attractive home on Reinecke Pike. Contest awards were won by Tdesdames James Walker, Ella Philpot and Vera McLemore and Dave Kirkwood of Providence. Later delicious angel food cake and strawberries were served with coffee. Others attending were Mesdames Evelyn Grant, Bernice Wilson and Charlie Blackwell, of Providence, Letha Mae Morrow, Dick Ham-mack, Larry Badgley and Leonard D. Fletcher.

Others who could VW attend, sent attractive gifts. fOOD mORKC Kathy pupils. Mrs. Russell Ferguson, secretary read the minutes, and Mrs. Robert Barnes, membership chairman, reported 132 members in the unit.

State Trooper Talks The January theme, Action for Safety in Home and School, was carried out in the factual and interesting talk given by State Trooper Moss, of Frankfort. In his talk, Trooper Moss, said that of the 40,000 people killed each year in automobiles, fifteen per Mrs. Dora Veazey Buchanan, i cent of the accidents were caused 657 East Center, observed her by bad roads and defective cars, eightieth birthday on Tuesday, I but 0f the accidents were eaus- January 19, when she was host to ed by the people themselves, often neth Markham made the motion Mrs. DUCrlOnan that an amount be set aside to be Sed for repair i set asiae to oe ii OA.i and operation of UOSerVeS oUttl tne popcorn machines, of which .1 ir Mr. Kesterson is committee chair- DirtnOtty Here West Moot Avenue Limit American Express Money Orders Now Sold at Sure way Field's WorHimore because of their bad attitudes, and of that five percent was the result of plain bad driving.

He urged parents to use good a delicious noon-day meal Those who were in attendance for the enjoyable occasion included Messrs, and Mesdames Scott Clayton, Ed Rhew, Billie Barton, Delbert Russell, and Mrs. Ernest Buchanan. Others who called dur- MrS. SlatOU Host ing the day to bring wishes for birthday happiness were Mr. and JO IxUth ClttSS Mrs.

J. T. Rhew and daughter, Sliced Bacon 19 Limit 2 Pounds With $3.00 or More Purchase man; and it was recommended that an amount be set aside so the finance committee can buy teaching aids and lunchroom needs for the school. It was announced that the last week in March, between the dates of March 24-31. will be "Teacher Appreciation Week.

Others attending were Mesdames T. D. Ashby, Ralph Talley, Hiram Bassett, Paul Hoot, Robert Turner, Harold Soder, Maurice Anderson and H. B. Howser.

Mrs. Wilson Is Guest Of Honor At Baby Shower Mrs. Reid Bacon and Miss Ruth Brown were hosts to a delightful baby shower on Thursday evening, given in the latters attractive home, 625 Hodge, honoring Mrs. David Wilson. Mesdames Kenneth Lacy, Bill Metcalfe.

Edgar Price and Tom Harshberger were winners of the contest awards before the dainty gifts were opened. Delicious hickory nut pie was HELP US CELEBRATE OUR 4TH ANNIVERSARY Small, Lean and Meaty SPARE RIBS Jennifer Lynn, Mr. Elmo Clayton, Mesdames Noah Tucker and Mary Dempsey. Mrs. Buchanan enjoys very good health and pursues her hobby of piecing quilt tops, most of them to be given away.

During the day a drawing was held for eight tops, distributed to her children. Mrs. Buchanan still enjoys the privilege of attending services at the Primitive Baptist Church on South Kentucky avenue. She received a number of lovely gifts, both locally and otherwise, including new clothes and flowers. Mrs.

Buchanan has eight living children, 23 grandchildren, 18 greatgrandchildren and one great-greatgrandchild, all of whom share her love and attention. Sureway SALAD DRESSING The Ruth class of First -Baptist church held its January meeting in the home of Mrs. Paul Slaton, when Mrs. Eva Vaughn was co-host. Mrs.

Kate Johnston led die opening prayer, and Mrs. Tom Ligon, presi dent, presided during the business period. Mrs. Herbert Barton gave the enjoyable Bible study for the evening, and Mrs. C.

C. Callender closed the meeting with prayer. A delicious strawberry dessert was served with coffee during the social hour. Other guests included Mesdames Elgie Adco*ck, Kate Monroe, Hobert Wilkins, Clarence Cobb, T. R.

Duncan. John A. Powell. Addle Troop and Fred Blakeley. Dinner For Club In Nortonville The Nortonville Sunshine Club met on Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs.

B. J. Davis, for an enjoyable pot-hick dinner at 6:30, when Mrs. Ira bell Stevens ami Miss Nellie Lap-trip were co-hosts. Mrs.

Stevens gave the invocation Mrs. Charlie Franklin led the devotional, reading Psalm and leading 4 DAYS ONLY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY BUY 3 HAMBURGERS Get the 4th or CHEESEBURGERS One Free BUY 3 SHAKES Get the 4th One Free Buy 3 TALL BOYS Get the 4th One Free ORDERS TO 60 PLEASE ON MONDAY ONLY REGULAR 40c BANANA SPLIT 29c ON TUESDAY OHLYJ REGULAR 20c (Choice of Flavors) SUNDAES 10c Berry's Best, Grade A Large II Cotillion Club Board Meeting Monday Night The executive board meeting ef the Cotillion Club was held Monday evening in the Ioia Lane home of Mrs. Donald Lyons, with the president, Mrs. William Cbenault Morton, prodding. The to be served with coffee during the social hour.

Others attending were Mesdames William Cbenault Morton. William R. Knight. Robert Traylor, Donald Lyons, Bill Duncan, Betty Thomson, James Ratliff, Richard Nannie, C. G.

Sher-rell, George Curneal, R. T. Over-ton, James Boban and Earl Brown. Mrs. Tate Host To Bridge Club Mrs.

Charles F. Tate served delicious pie with coffee upon arrival of her guests Wednesday evening, when she was -host to her bridge club in her attractive home in Woodlawn Drive. Mrs. Ted Jacobs was winner of the high score award, Mrs. C.

B. Waddle received the second award ent to Mrs. the ON WEDNESDAY ONLY REGULAR 45c FISH SANDWICH 29c THANKS TO EVERYONE for making the past four years so pleasant. We hope to eontinup serving you -MMy wore years. fs- TERRYS DRIVE-IN.

The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.